28 March 2013
Lowongan menjadi Editor Buku Anak-Remaja
Penerbit Salamadani di Bandung membuka lowongan untuk bekerja sebagai Editor Buku Anak-Remaja, dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut.
- Pendidikan S-1 (jurusan apa pun, terbuka bagi fresh graduate)
- muslim, usia maksimal 30 tahun
- suka membaca, dan tertarik pada buku-buku anak/remaja
- suka menulis
- lebih disukai jika menguasai bahasa Inggris
- jika punya, dipersilakan melampirkan contoh tulisan (yang pernah dipublikasikan di media massa ataupun belum)
kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, dan contoh tulisan ke email luttfi.fatahillah@grafindo.co.id (cc ke: lessa.oktapiani@grafindo.co.id), atau melalui pos, ke alamat:
PT. Grafindo Media Pratama
Jl. Pasirwangi I no.1, Pasirluyu, Soekarno-Hatta,
Bandung 40254
(ditujukan ke Redaksi Buku Umum)
lowongan dibuka sampai tanggal 12 April 2013
PT Suntory Garuda Beverages Indonesia (SGBI) need Process Engineer
Dear all
PT Suntory Garuda Beverages Indonesia is a joint venture company between PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya and Suntory from Japan. This company established in 2011 and responsible for all Garudafood beverages product such as Okky Jelly Drink, SuperO2, and our newest product Mirai Ocha.
Currently we need a potential candidate to fill a vacant position as :
Process Engineer Specialist, with qualifications :
-Bachelor degree from majoring Engineering
-Have experience at least 3 years as Process Engineer in beverages industry
-Mastering UHT, HTST, Thermal Processing, etc
-Willing to be placed in Gunung Putri, Bogor
If you've these qualifications please send your resume to email oggy.ginanjar@garudafood.co.id
PT Suntory Garuda Beverages Indonesia is a joint venture company between PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya and Suntory from Japan. This company established in 2011 and responsible for all Garudafood beverages product such as Okky Jelly Drink, SuperO2, and our newest product Mirai Ocha.
Currently we need a potential candidate to fill a vacant position as :
Process Engineer Specialist, with qualifications :
-Bachelor degree from majoring Engineering
-Have experience at least 3 years as Process Engineer in beverages industry
-Mastering UHT, HTST, Thermal Processing, etc
-Willing to be placed in Gunung Putri, Bogor
If you've these qualifications please send your resume to email oggy.ginanjar@garudafood.co.id
Lowongan Sales Engineer
Established on august 25th 1981 PT LERINDRO INTERNASIONAL (PT LERINDRO) has played an integral role supporting oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia for almost three decades. We are fully licensed to market services for drilling and production activities in onshore and offshore locations, both for down-hole and surface facilities.
Now, We are seeking a qualified candidate for the position of :
SALES ENGINEER – Artificial Lifting System (A) and SALES ENGINEER – Mechanical (B) - South Jakarta
Requirements :
1.Bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering from reputable university. (A)
2.Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Material Engineering, from reputable university. (B)
2. 2 - 4 years working experiences in rotating equipment business in oil & gas market
3.Must be computer literate with good spoken and written English
4.Good interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to handle projects professionally
5.Good analytical, problem solving skills, hardworking and proactive.
6.Possess valid driving license
7.Prepared to travel throughout Indonesia and overseas at a short notice
Responsibilities :
1.Develop sales opportunities and maintain existing business to achieve assigned revenue targets
2.Manage the whole sales process including initial contract, identify customer's needs, prepare solution proposal and negotiation
3.Acting as the main liaison between the company and customer
4.Maintain excellent relationship with existing customer/key accounts to ensure continuity contract
5.Close on orders and follow-up with delivery until payment received.
Please send your CV to : hrd@lerindro.co.id
27 March 2013
Training Officer - Marunda, Jakarta Utara
We are an integrated palm-based consumer company under one of the well-established conglomerate in Indonesia SINARMAS GROUP. Due to our aim to become the prominent edible palm-based consumer player in the global market, now we are recruiting highly caliber individuals to fill in our open position as :
Training Officer - Marunda, Jakarta Utara
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree, any field.
Age ranged between 24 to 32 years old.
At least 2 years of working experience in the Learning & Development field is required for this position.
Having good knowledge on ISO, Training plan and management.
Applicants must be willing to work in one of our refinery in Marunda, Jakarta Utara.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Training & Development or equivalent.
Full-Time position available.
Please submit your CV to : www. smart-tbk. com
Training Officer - Marunda, Jakarta Utara
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree, any field.
Age ranged between 24 to 32 years old.
At least 2 years of working experience in the Learning & Development field is required for this position.
Having good knowledge on ISO, Training plan and management.
Applicants must be willing to work in one of our refinery in Marunda, Jakarta Utara.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Training & Development or equivalent.
Full-Time position available.
Please submit your CV to : www. smart-tbk. com
Vacancy for Production Manager
Our client is a Japanese-Indonesian joint venture FMCG company whose products include toothpaste, toothbrushes, cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, rinses, laundry and dish washing detergents, household cleaners as well as pharmaceutical and food products. Such products enjoy high brand awareness and market shares in their respective product categories. The company has its sights on strengthening its management through the immediate hiring of:
Production Manager
Jakarta Raya - Cakung Based - Jakarta Timur
Ensure the effective and efficient coordination of production operations to meet and deliver volume targets by due dates
Ensure proper interplay/management and effective planning of labour, materials, machines and time
Initiate and implement ideas to improve productivity and project sunrise activities in the section
Ensure product batch cards are well developed from the approved BOM and duly filed after the completion of every batch
Ensure that sufficient materials are available to meet the weekly production target and reduce level of wastes
Must ensure continuous process capacity evaluation and improvement
Report to the Operations Director
Possess a minimum Bachelor's degree in Engineering or related field
Minimum 5 years experience at industrial manufacturing company, plastic injection molding company will be an advantage; FMCG Industry, preferably food, cosmetics or pharmaceutical
Good team player, ability to manage and lead large labor force
An all around technical person, with an ability to trouble shoot if required
Be efficient in planning and execution as this skill is vital to the role
Be prepared to work in a high pressure environment
Fluency in both oral and written English
Preference will be given to applicants with working experiences in the same industry sector opposite the requirement. It your qualifications and experiences are solid enough to meet the right standards of our clients, you are encouraged to send your application letter (with contact details) along with detailed CV in English, recent photo and expected salary, quoting the appropriate position, within 1 week from this ad, to:
PT. InterMatrix Search Consultants
Prince Center 6th Floor Suite 608
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 3-4
Jakarta Pusat 10220
Email Address: matrix@rad.net.id/intermatrixconsultant@gmail.com
Kami Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bisnis supply barang untuk oil & gas industry dijakarta,
sedang membutuhkan SDM yang memiliki motivasi dan semangat kerja yang tinggi untuk mengisi posisi sbb :
1 . Project Engineer:
- S1 teknik: mesin/petroleum/sipil/industri/lingkungan/Komputer.
- Pengalaman sebagai sales engineer/ technical support/quality control/logistic/maintenance
- Berbadan sehat
- Bisa berbahasa inggris, lisan dan tulisan
- Bisa mengoperasikan computer microsoft office " excel, ms words, power point, etc.
- Independent dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Disiplin
Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, dapat mengirimkan CV dan photo kealamat email : anna@sunindogroup.com
kami tunggu secepatnya.
Dear All,
Dibutuhkan segera sekretaris untuk di bank BCA ( Satuan Kerja Cash Management ), dengan keterangan sbb:
Lamaran mohon dikirimkan ke ardiani.hermala@yahoo.com
Tanggung Jawab Utama · Mendukung kelancaran aktifitas dan produktifitas SKCM melalui tugas dan fungsi yang meliputi Pengaturan Jadwal, Korespondensi, Administrasi & filing, Koordinasi acara-acara internal,Persiapan meeting, Pengumpulan data-informasi, Penyusunan materi presentasi dll yang terkait satuan kerja.
Uraian Tugas · Mengelola, mendistribusi dan mengarsip surat/memo/doc/email masuk dan keluar
· Memahami, dan mengintisarikan isi dari setiap surat dan memo masuk untuk pendistribusian kepada pihak yang tepat.
· Membuat surat dan materi presentasi jika diperlukan
· Menangani administrasi untuk klaim kesehatan, perjalanan dinas, mobil operasional dll
· Mengelola telephone dan pendistribusian kepada pic terkait serta mencatatnya
· Melakukan penjadwalan meeting, perjalanan dinas dan pendukungnya
· Melakukan koordinasi event yang dilaksanakan oleh BCA maupun internal SCM
· Mengingatkan deadline kegiatan / tugas
· Melakukan update data, contact person, dan mengelola kartu ucapan, papan bunga dan lain yang terkait hubungan relasi unit kerja
· Melaksanakan tugas-tugas penunjukan khusus.
Kualifikasi · Personality yang SMART (Sigap, Menarik, Antusias, Rapi dan Teliti)
· Dewasa dan memiliki jiwa leadership
· Komunikasi yang sistematis
· Tekun, Sabar dan memiliki survival spirit yang tinggi
· Kemampuan yang baik dalam memberikan layanan kepada nasabah
· Berorientasi pada kualitas dan result
· Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, lisan & tulisan
· Mahir dalam menggunakan Microsoft office (world, excel, power point)
Dibutuhkan segera sekretaris untuk di bank BCA ( Satuan Kerja Cash Management ), dengan keterangan sbb:
Lamaran mohon dikirimkan ke ardiani.hermala@yahoo.com
Tanggung Jawab Utama · Mendukung kelancaran aktifitas dan produktifitas SKCM melalui tugas dan fungsi yang meliputi Pengaturan Jadwal, Korespondensi, Administrasi & filing, Koordinasi acara-acara internal,Persiapan meeting, Pengumpulan data-informasi, Penyusunan materi presentasi dll yang terkait satuan kerja.
Uraian Tugas · Mengelola, mendistribusi dan mengarsip surat/memo/doc/email masuk dan keluar
· Memahami, dan mengintisarikan isi dari setiap surat dan memo masuk untuk pendistribusian kepada pihak yang tepat.
· Membuat surat dan materi presentasi jika diperlukan
· Menangani administrasi untuk klaim kesehatan, perjalanan dinas, mobil operasional dll
· Mengelola telephone dan pendistribusian kepada pic terkait serta mencatatnya
· Melakukan penjadwalan meeting, perjalanan dinas dan pendukungnya
· Melakukan koordinasi event yang dilaksanakan oleh BCA maupun internal SCM
· Mengingatkan deadline kegiatan / tugas
· Melakukan update data, contact person, dan mengelola kartu ucapan, papan bunga dan lain yang terkait hubungan relasi unit kerja
· Melaksanakan tugas-tugas penunjukan khusus.
Kualifikasi · Personality yang SMART (Sigap, Menarik, Antusias, Rapi dan Teliti)
· Dewasa dan memiliki jiwa leadership
· Komunikasi yang sistematis
· Tekun, Sabar dan memiliki survival spirit yang tinggi
· Kemampuan yang baik dalam memberikan layanan kepada nasabah
· Berorientasi pada kualitas dan result
· Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, lisan & tulisan
· Mahir dalam menggunakan Microsoft office (world, excel, power point)
Urgently Needed: Data Entry (1 month)
Berikut ini adalah kebutuhan klien kami, salah satu perusahaan IT multinasional di Jakarta. Atas dasar business policies, nama perusahaan pengguna (user) baru akan kami disclose ketika proses seleksi dan interview telah berjalan sampai ke pihak user.
Saat ini kami membuka peluang untuk posisi:
Data Entry, dengan kualifikasi sbb:
Menguasai MS Excel (H-look up, V-look up, pivot table)
Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tertulis)
Berorientasi pada detail dalam proses dokumentasi dan pengarsipan
Untuk proyek 1 bulan
Lokasi penempatan di Pondok Indah
Peminat diharap segera mengirim lamaran, CV, dan foto terbaru ke jktemp_recruiter@tempindo.com,
selambat-lambatnya 15 April 2013. Karena keterbatasan ruang dan tenggat waktu yang kami miliki, harap maklum hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan administrative di atas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.
Terima kasih
PT Tempindo Jasatama
MidPlaza2, lt.12
Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav.10-11
Jakarta 10220
Info lowongan : KASIR, minimal SMK/ SMEA (akuntansi)
Dear all,
Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang penerbitan media, membutuhkan kandidat untuk mengisi posisi KASIR, dengan persyaratan sbb :
- Pendidikan minimal SMK/ SMEA (akuntansi)
- Berpengalaman sebagai kasir/ administrasi minimal 1 tahun
- Mampu menggunakan MS Office (word, excel)
- Teliti & cekatan
- Jujur & bertanggung jawab
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap ke alamat email :
Lowongan Staff Accounting, Tangerang
PT. Sirius Group Indonesia, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Kontraktor Sipil Bangunan. Kami mengajak anda untuk bergabung bersama kami dengan posisi :
Accounting Staff
- Wanita
- Usia 20 - 27 Tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Ekonomi (Akuntansi)
- Berpengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 1 tahun
- Mengerti siklus akuntansi, perpajakan, dan laporan keuangan
- Dapat mengorperasikan program dasar akuntansi
- Mampu mengoperasikan MS-Office (Word, Excell, dll)
- Disukai menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tuisan)
- Mudah bersosialisasi dg baik
- Ulet, disiplin, dan bertanggungjawab
- Memiliki loyalitas yg tinggi
- Dapat bekerja sama dengan tim
Silakan kirim CV dan surat lamaran melalui email ke: ajeng@sgidn.com
Accounting Staff
- Wanita
- Usia 20 - 27 Tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3 Ekonomi (Akuntansi)
- Berpengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 1 tahun
- Mengerti siklus akuntansi, perpajakan, dan laporan keuangan
- Dapat mengorperasikan program dasar akuntansi
- Mampu mengoperasikan MS-Office (Word, Excell, dll)
- Disukai menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tuisan)
- Mudah bersosialisasi dg baik
- Ulet, disiplin, dan bertanggungjawab
- Memiliki loyalitas yg tinggi
- Dapat bekerja sama dengan tim
Silakan kirim CV dan surat lamaran melalui email ke: ajeng@sgidn.com
Project Officer (Consultant) for PT. Total E&P Indonesie Project
Great Opportunity
Looking for Project Officer (Consultant) for PT. Total E&P Indonesie, one of the largest oil and gas company in the world (3 month project based).
Project name : Corporate Management System Implementation Services
Qualification :
Consultant must have min TOFEL score of 500
Graduate with min 3.0 GPA from Top University, with major in Petroleum/Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
having experiences in oil & gas company specially in field operation (drilling/well construction & inspection/service & maintenance) will be advantage
MUST be fluent in English and Ms. Visio
Consultant must willing to be placed outside Jakarta (Balikpapan), all expenses covered with attractive remuneration.
Ready to join in the project at Mid April 2013
Send your resume with current photo to : dsuyono@jakartaconsulting.com
put "CMS Total E&P Indonesie" in the subject.
Wisma 46-Kota BNI 32nd Fl.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1 - Jakarta 10220
Ph. 62-21-5727515
Fax. 62-21-5727518
e-mail : dsuyono@jakartaconsulting.com
http :// www. jakartaconsulting. com
Looking for Project Officer (Consultant) for PT. Total E&P Indonesie, one of the largest oil and gas company in the world (3 month project based).
Project name : Corporate Management System Implementation Services
Qualification :
Consultant must have min TOFEL score of 500
Graduate with min 3.0 GPA from Top University, with major in Petroleum/Mechanical/Industrial Engineering
having experiences in oil & gas company specially in field operation (drilling/well construction & inspection/service & maintenance) will be advantage
MUST be fluent in English and Ms. Visio
Consultant must willing to be placed outside Jakarta (Balikpapan), all expenses covered with attractive remuneration.
Ready to join in the project at Mid April 2013
Send your resume with current photo to : dsuyono@jakartaconsulting.com
put "CMS Total E&P Indonesie" in the subject.
Wisma 46-Kota BNI 32nd Fl.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1 - Jakarta 10220
Ph. 62-21-5727515
Fax. 62-21-5727518
e-mail : dsuyono@jakartaconsulting.com
http :// www. jakartaconsulting. com
23 March 2013
We are the fast moving company in cement industry, one of Wilmar International subsidiary. Recently, we have built some Grinding Plants and one Big Cement Plant.
To anticipate the project development we are seeking highly qualified professionals to fill in position listed below:
Engineering & Project Team
Draftman Mining
Mechanical Engineers
Junior Civil Engineers
Junior Civil Engineer for Port
HSE Project Supervisor
Finance & Accounting Team
Tax Manager
Project Accounting Manager
Cost Controller
Project Cashier
Monthly Report Accountant
Support Team
Asset Management Staff
Quality Control Team
Precase Specialist
Masony Specialist
Concrete Specialist
Sales & Marketing Team
Key Account Manager
Marketing Intelligence Manager
General Requirements :
1) All candidates must be have 2-3 years experience in the positions for staff and supervisory level, and 4-6 years experience for managerial level.
2) If you are interested in that positions and need detail information about that positions you can contact our address email :
asteria.dewi@gandacement.com; diah.puspita@gandacement.com
To anticipate the project development we are seeking highly qualified professionals to fill in position listed below:
Engineering & Project Team
Draftman Mining
Mechanical Engineers
Junior Civil Engineers
Junior Civil Engineer for Port
HSE Project Supervisor
Finance & Accounting Team
Tax Manager
Project Accounting Manager
Cost Controller
Project Cashier
Monthly Report Accountant
Support Team
Asset Management Staff
Quality Control Team
Precase Specialist
Masony Specialist
Concrete Specialist
Sales & Marketing Team
Key Account Manager
Marketing Intelligence Manager
General Requirements :
1) All candidates must be have 2-3 years experience in the positions for staff and supervisory level, and 4-6 years experience for managerial level.
2) If you are interested in that positions and need detail information about that positions you can contact our address email :
asteria.dewi@gandacement.com; diah.puspita@gandacement.com
URGENT VACANCY : Driver & Kurir, Security
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT yang berlokasi di Jakarta, membutuhkan beberapa Karyawan untuk :
- Pria, berusia maksimal 30 tahun
- Minimal lulusan SMP/SMA Sederajat
- Memiliki SIM A dan SIM C
- Diutamakan yang mengetahui jalan di Jakarta
- Bersedia untuk bekerja lembur (Overtime)
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
- Pria berusia maksimal 30 tahun
- Lulusan SMU atau sederajat
- Tinggi badan minimal 170 cm
- Pernah mengikuti Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Dasar Satpam (Sertifikat)
- Berpengalaman sebagai Anggota Security minimal 1 tahun
- Melampirkan SKCK dari Kepolisian
- Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat dari Dokter
Surat lamaran dapat dikirim melalui : emelina@estore.co.id
Semua aplikasi lamaran yang masuk akan dijaga kerahasiannya.
- Pria, berusia maksimal 30 tahun
- Minimal lulusan SMP/SMA Sederajat
- Memiliki SIM A dan SIM C
- Diutamakan yang mengetahui jalan di Jakarta
- Bersedia untuk bekerja lembur (Overtime)
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
- Pria berusia maksimal 30 tahun
- Lulusan SMU atau sederajat
- Tinggi badan minimal 170 cm
- Pernah mengikuti Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Dasar Satpam (Sertifikat)
- Berpengalaman sebagai Anggota Security minimal 1 tahun
- Melampirkan SKCK dari Kepolisian
- Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat dari Dokter
Surat lamaran dapat dikirim melalui : emelina@estore.co.id
Semua aplikasi lamaran yang masuk akan dijaga kerahasiannya.
22 March 2013
Asistance Electrical Inspector (ITC level 2 as Thermograph)
Our Company, PT Paras Megah Utama as manpower support service for Oil & Gas Company, now is seeking for a position to be placed in our client office as :
Asistance Electrical Inspector (ITC level 2 as Thermograph)
with requirement as follows :
- Bachelor degree (S1) in Electrical Engineering
- Max 40 years old
- Will be based in Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)
- Graduated with minimun IPK = 3.0
- Able and Familiar to work with PC and MS Office software
- Able to communicate in english (writing & speaking)
- Able to work alone, matures, honest and good physical condition
- Active and shall have voluntary willingness to perform his duties and develop his knowledge
- Medically fit for work on offshore facilities
- Has certified ITC level 2 as thermograph
- Experience on doing electrical inspection activity particularly in oil and gas domain at least 3 years
- Understand ATEX regulation / Electrical equipment used in hazardous area (submission of relevant training certificate could be considered)
Contract period is 2 (two) years.
If you or your colleague meet the requirements above, please submit your CV and certificates to maria.pittauli@parasmegahutama.com not later than 28th March 2013.
Only shorlisted candidate will be contacted for an interview.
Asistance Electrical Inspector (ITC level 2 as Thermograph)
with requirement as follows :
- Bachelor degree (S1) in Electrical Engineering
- Max 40 years old
- Will be based in Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)
- Graduated with minimun IPK = 3.0
- Able and Familiar to work with PC and MS Office software
- Able to communicate in english (writing & speaking)
- Able to work alone, matures, honest and good physical condition
- Active and shall have voluntary willingness to perform his duties and develop his knowledge
- Medically fit for work on offshore facilities
- Has certified ITC level 2 as thermograph
- Experience on doing electrical inspection activity particularly in oil and gas domain at least 3 years
- Understand ATEX regulation / Electrical equipment used in hazardous area (submission of relevant training certificate could be considered)
Contract period is 2 (two) years.
If you or your colleague meet the requirements above, please submit your CV and certificates to maria.pittauli@parasmegahutama.com not later than 28th March 2013.
Only shorlisted candidate will be contacted for an interview.
Urgent Position : Project Management Specialist
We are the fast growing company in cement industry, one of the company subsidiary from Wilmar International . We need someone to fulfill Project Management Specialist position.
Summary of the duties :
1. Assists with the implementation of programs and projects like planning, developing, implementing and evaluating programs and projects, coordinating project activities, collaborating with project team members, developing measurable project goals and objectives and monitoring progress toward achievement.
2. Project specialists prepare agendas for meetings, document key decisions and collaborate with team members to develop project collateral. They write and disseminate work plans and project documents, including procedures, proposals, progress reports and presentations.
3. Actively participate in project work groups and committees, and provide recommendations to achieve goals. They facilitate meetings whenever necessary, contribute to planning and decision making, coordinate project resources and liaise with project stakeholders to collect and disseminate project information.
4. The financial responsibilities of project specialists include developing project budgets and preparing contracts. They may also manage the budget for the projects. Project specialists complete these duties from their working knowledge of basic revenue models, profit-and-loss (P&L) and costing for Project.
1. Should have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, engineering background will be an advantage
2. 3-5 years experience with project management duties like project planning & management, contract management, proposal development, budgeting, financial management.
3. Could communicate effectively in both oral and written forms, to a variety of stakeholders. They deliver engaging, informative, well-organized presentations, provide status reports and progress updates as needed and communicate difficult or sensitive information tactfully.
4. Proficiency in English both oral and written.
If you are interested in this position please send your resume to :
Summary of the duties :
1. Assists with the implementation of programs and projects like planning, developing, implementing and evaluating programs and projects, coordinating project activities, collaborating with project team members, developing measurable project goals and objectives and monitoring progress toward achievement.
2. Project specialists prepare agendas for meetings, document key decisions and collaborate with team members to develop project collateral. They write and disseminate work plans and project documents, including procedures, proposals, progress reports and presentations.
3. Actively participate in project work groups and committees, and provide recommendations to achieve goals. They facilitate meetings whenever necessary, contribute to planning and decision making, coordinate project resources and liaise with project stakeholders to collect and disseminate project information.
4. The financial responsibilities of project specialists include developing project budgets and preparing contracts. They may also manage the budget for the projects. Project specialists complete these duties from their working knowledge of basic revenue models, profit-and-loss (P&L) and costing for Project.
1. Should have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, engineering background will be an advantage
2. 3-5 years experience with project management duties like project planning & management, contract management, proposal development, budgeting, financial management.
3. Could communicate effectively in both oral and written forms, to a variety of stakeholders. They deliver engaging, informative, well-organized presentations, provide status reports and progress updates as needed and communicate difficult or sensitive information tactfully.
4. Proficiency in English both oral and written.
If you are interested in this position please send your resume to :
Job Vacancy Kawan Lama Indonesia
Dear all,
Would like to share a vacancy information as below details, please dont write / ask anything to me since i'm only messenger.
We are biggest and complete furnishings retail company in Indonesia. We provide imported, high quality furniture to fulfill high end customer's tastes. This year, we are growing to 43 stores with 7000 employees. For our aggressive expansion, we challenge talented, dynamic and professional people to fill our programs as Junior & Senior BOD Secretary.
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma Degree in secretary.
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply.
* Preferably Staff or Junior Officer specializing in Secretarial/Executive & Personal Assistant or equivalent.
* Job role in Secretary/Personal Assistant.
* Can speak mandarin will be an advantage.
Please send your complete CV and latest photograph to:
HRD PT. Home Center Indonesia
Gedung Kawan Lama Lt. 6
Jl. Puri Kencana No.1
Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11610
or send email to:
Would like to share a vacancy information as below details, please dont write / ask anything to me since i'm only messenger.
We are biggest and complete furnishings retail company in Indonesia. We provide imported, high quality furniture to fulfill high end customer's tastes. This year, we are growing to 43 stores with 7000 employees. For our aggressive expansion, we challenge talented, dynamic and professional people to fill our programs as Junior & Senior BOD Secretary.
Requirements :
* Candidate must possess at least a Diploma Degree in secretary.
* At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply.
* Preferably Staff or Junior Officer specializing in Secretarial/Executive & Personal Assistant or equivalent.
* Job role in Secretary/Personal Assistant.
* Can speak mandarin will be an advantage.
Please send your complete CV and latest photograph to:
HRD PT. Home Center Indonesia
Gedung Kawan Lama Lt. 6
Jl. Puri Kencana No.1
Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11610
or send email to:
18 March 2013
Urgently needed: Sea Freight CS & Documentation & Sales / Marketing
Due to our market expansion, a rapidly growing Jakarta based International Sea and Air
Freight Forwarding located in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, is urgently required a
person who ready for a challenge.
We are looking for a dynamic and motivated person with the passion for challenge and
ready to make a different as:
• Female, age max. 28 years old
• Min. D3 graduate majoring in Sea Transportation Management
• Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply
• Able to do correspondence in English
• Male / female age max. 25 years old
• Min. S1 graduate majoring in Marketing, Transportation Management, Business
• Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply
• Willing to take new challenges, wide networking, good skills in presentation,
General Requirements:
^ Fluent in English both oral and written
^ Computer literate are compulsory
^ Able to work under pressure, organized and detail oriented
^ Honest, reliable, mature with nice attitude & pro-active
^ Quick to understand & able to work independently
Please submit your application with a complete Resume, a recent photograph
and fill the job code in the email subject, to:
Human Resources Department
PT Samudera Naga Global
Jl. Raya Boulevard Blok QF 1 No. 23 - 24
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240
Or email to:
PT. Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk. Vacancies
As a local public company who understands its country best, NI, sees great challenges and opportunities in vibrant Indonesia. We provide services of the highest standard to meet infrastructure needs in order to improve the quality of life and create best value for all stakeholders. NI is playing an active role in the acceleration of infrastructure development in Indonesia. As one of the leading private toll operators, NI provides a service to more than 70 million vehicles each year.
1. Finance Accounting and Tax Manager
Managing and monitors all finance, accounting and tax functions such as cash planning and monitoring, cash control, budget management, tax reporting-monitoring, general ledger, financial reporting.
2. Engineering Manager
Ensuring the quality of toll roads based on the standards that have been determined.
3. Human Resources Supervisor
Provide, maintain and enhance the quality of human resources.
- Male
- Bachelor Degree majoring Accounting (1); Master Degree in Civil Engineering , preferably from Applied Geotechnical Engineering specially Geotechnical Highway and Geotechnical Structure (2); Bachelor Degree majoring Psychology from a reputable university (3)
- Minimum 6 years' experience in Finance & Accounting field with 2 years in Managerial Level (1); 5 years' experience planning and executing roads, bridges and building construction, experienced as a Project Manager (2), 4 years in Human Resources field (3)
- Deep understanding and knowledge of Finance, Accounting, Audit and Tax (1); Project Management and composing tender document (2);
- Certified in Brevet A and B (1)
- Strong and self-driven, able to work in such pressure, and result oriented
- Willing to be placed in Makassar
Should you be interested to apply, kindly submit your full resume in English to the following link below:
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further process.
PT. Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk.
Equity Tower 38th Floor, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD),
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Lot 9, Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia
P: +62 21 515 0100 / F: +62 21 515 1221
www. nusantarainfrastructure. com
As a local public company who understands its country best, NI, sees great challenges and opportunities in vibrant Indonesia. We provide services of the highest standard to meet infrastructure needs in order to improve the quality of life and create best value for all stakeholders. NI is playing an active role in the acceleration of infrastructure development in Indonesia. As one of the leading private toll operators, NI provides a service to more than 70 million vehicles each year.
1. Finance Accounting and Tax Manager
Managing and monitors all finance, accounting and tax functions such as cash planning and monitoring, cash control, budget management, tax reporting-monitoring, general ledger, financial reporting.
2. Engineering Manager
Ensuring the quality of toll roads based on the standards that have been determined.
3. Human Resources Supervisor
Provide, maintain and enhance the quality of human resources.
- Male
- Bachelor Degree majoring Accounting (1); Master Degree in Civil Engineering , preferably from Applied Geotechnical Engineering specially Geotechnical Highway and Geotechnical Structure (2); Bachelor Degree majoring Psychology from a reputable university (3)
- Minimum 6 years' experience in Finance & Accounting field with 2 years in Managerial Level (1); 5 years' experience planning and executing roads, bridges and building construction, experienced as a Project Manager (2), 4 years in Human Resources field (3)
- Deep understanding and knowledge of Finance, Accounting, Audit and Tax (1); Project Management and composing tender document (2);
- Certified in Brevet A and B (1)
- Strong and self-driven, able to work in such pressure, and result oriented
- Willing to be placed in Makassar
Should you be interested to apply, kindly submit your full resume in English to the following link below:
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further process.
PT. Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk.
Equity Tower 38th Floor, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD),
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Lot 9, Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia
P: +62 21 515 0100 / F: +62 21 515 1221
www. nusantarainfrastructure. com
Vacancy as Safety Sr. Supervisor
PT. GENBA MULTI MINERAL, one of the companies that have gained license to export minerals and several times has been exporting minerals overseas, is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and self-motivated personnel to be part of our Central Sulawesi based team. The company has the following vacancy:
Male/ Female, age max. 35 years old
Bachelor Degree (S1) in Any Major.
Has 3 years' experience in Mining Industry.
Integrity, Dedication, Respect, Cooperation, Realistic and Innovation are spirit that must possessed by Applicants.
Good leadership to subordinates with good interpersonal and organizational skill.
Willing to be placed on site (Mohoni-Central Sulawesi).
Please submit your application letter and comprehensive resume with recent photo not later than 2 weeks after this publication to :
Vacancy as EHS Supervisor
PT. GENBA MULTI MINERAL, one of the companies that have gained license to export minerals and several times has been exporting minerals overseas, is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and self-motivated personnel to be part of our Central Sulawesi based team. The company has the following vacancy:
Male, age max. 35 years old
Bachelor Degree (S1) in Environmental Engineering.
Has 3 years' experience in Mining Industry.
Integrity, Dedication, Respect, Cooperation, Realistic and Innovation are spirit that must possessed by Applicants.
Good leadership to subordinates with good interpersonal and organizational skill.
Willing to be placed on site (Mohoni-Central Sulawesi).
Please submit your application letter and comprehensive resume with recent photo not later than 2 weeks after this publication to :
Male, age max. 35 years old
Bachelor Degree (S1) in Environmental Engineering.
Has 3 years' experience in Mining Industry.
Integrity, Dedication, Respect, Cooperation, Realistic and Innovation are spirit that must possessed by Applicants.
Good leadership to subordinates with good interpersonal and organizational skill.
Willing to be placed on site (Mohoni-Central Sulawesi).
Please submit your application letter and comprehensive resume with recent photo not later than 2 weeks after this publication to :
Lowongan Staff Administrasi & Office Boy - Cibubur
Perusahaan dalam bidang konsultansi, engineering, procurement & construction membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi :
1. Staff Administrasi
Menangani administrasi, keuangan, dokumen filing & korespondensi
Kualifikasi :
Max 25 tahun
Lulusan Min SMK/SMA
Diutamakan berdomisili di Cibubur
Good Attitude
Jujur, ulet dan bertanggung jawab
Motivasi tinggi
2. Office Boy
Menangani kegiatan general affair office
Max 25 tahun
Lulusan Min SMP
Etos kerja tinggi
Memiliki kendaraan bermotor
Jujur, ulet dan bertanggung jawab
Diutamakan berdomisili di Cibubur
Kirim application Letter, Resume/CV, Recent Photo sebelum 30 Maret 2013 ke
hrd@prosympac.com ; arif.rochman@prosympac.com
13 March 2013
Lowongan Accounting, S1 Accounting
Dibutuhkan Segera
Yang bertugas mengelola kegiatan pelayanan back office sehubungan dengan pencatatan transaksi baik penerimaan (dari pasien umum tunai, perusahaan kerja sama, dan lain-lain) dan pembayaran (kepada pemasok, dokter, pajak, dan lain-lain) serta penyajian laporan keuangan sebagai dasar untuk pengambilan keputusan manajemen dan dasar pertanggungjawaban manajemen kepada pemilik sesuai Kebijakan Mutu Organisasi guna mendukung pencapaian strategi dan dan target Organisasi.
Kualifikasi :
1. Pendidikan S1 Accounting
2. Pengalaman kerja sebagai auditor minimal 3 tahun di Accountant Public
3. Bisa mengoperasikan komputer, minimal untuk program MS office.
4. Bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik lisan maupun tulisan dan bisa berbahasa Inggris
5. Mempunyai disiplin, integritas dan dedikasi yang baik serta mampu membawahi anak buah
6. Mengerti Peraturan Perpajakan
Kirimkan CV dan Surat Lamaran lengkap ke:
Human Resources Department RS. Premier Bintaro
RS Premier Bintaro Gd. Annex Lt.3
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1 sektor 7
Bintaro Jaya - Tangerang 15224
Bagian : Recruitment and Development
U.p. : Olive
Email : christinemo@ramsayhealth.co.id
Lowongan Surveyor, HRGA SPV, SPV Prod di Sitasa Group
Dear All,
Barangkali ada Rekan/teman/sahabat/saudara yang berminat:
SITASA GROUP adalah Group perusahaan dengan berbagai unit usaha yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan bijih besi, perkayuan, pertambangan timah serta konsultan geologi. Saat ini mengajak Anda yang kompeten, merasa tertantang, dan berminat untuk berkembang bersama kami mengisi berbagai posisi :
1. 1. SURVEYOR TAMBANG (Site Dharmasraya - Padang)
Kualifikasi :
Laki-laki Usia Max 35 Tahun
Pendidikan min S1 Teknik Tambang/Geodesi/Geologi/Geofisika
Pengalaman sebagai Mine Surveyor Min. 2 tahun di pertambangan
Mampu memproses data survey dan analisanya dengan baik (surpac)
Menguasai alat-alat survey dan mampu mengaplikasikan dengan baik
Bersedia ditempatkan di Site Dharmasraya, Padang
Kualifikasi :
· Sarjana dari Teknik Pertambangan.
· Diutamakan yang mempunyai sertifikat POP
· Minimum 2 tahun pengalaman di posisi yang sama.
· Mampu membuat pengawasan pelaksanaan operasional tambang dalam pencapaian target produksi
· Berpengalaman dalam menulis laporan produksi.
· Mampu memimpin dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik disetiap level
· Bersedia ditempatkan di Site Dharmasraya
3. STAF GEOLOGI (Jakarta)
Kualifikasi :
· Laki-laki max 35 Tahun
· Pendidikan S1 Geologi.
· Mempunyai pengalaman kegiatan eksplorasi & pemetaan geologi min.1 tahun
· Menguasai geo-software
· Mampu melaksanakan perencanaan, pelaksanaan serta kegiatan pemetaan,
analisa geologis dan rekomendasi
· Penempatan di Jakarta, sering melakukan perjalanan ke Site di seluruh Indonesia
4. HRGA SITE SPV (Site Dharmasraya – Padang)
Kualifikasi :
· Laki-laki min 30 Tahun
· Pendidikan S1 Hukum/Psikologi/Manajemen
· Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai HRGA SPV di site Tambang min 1 tahun
· Memahami Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan dan adminitrasi Personalia
· Mampu mengoperasikan program Excel, Word, Internet/Email
· Komunikatif, Jujur dan Tekun, Teliti serta fleksibel namun tegas
· Bersedia ditempatkan di Site Padang
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silakan kirim aplikasi lengkap melalui email (maks 300KB) ke : recruitment@sitasagroup.com atau pratiwi@sitasagroup.com
12 March 2013
Head Hunt Admin (CV resourcer) - Bandung
We are Consultant in Bandung, seeking a candidate to fulfill the position as Head Hunt Admin (CV resourcer) with the following requirements:
The role :
Creating Job Advert in English
Searching candidate from job boards (UK market)
Shortlist candidate match to the requirement (read and match CV)
Contact candidate via email and texting
Upload CVs to the system
Database administration including maintaining of candidate details and spreadsheets
Social media campaign
Requirement :
Fluent in both verbal and written English
Female only and living in Bandung
Good in Ms excel, Internet skills
D3/S1 (Any)
Please send your updated CV and cover letter outlining why you feel that you are suitable for this position, your current salary and notice period to enquiries@javainspiration.com.
(Only short-listed candidates who live in Bandung will be contacted)
The role :
Creating Job Advert in English
Searching candidate from job boards (UK market)
Shortlist candidate match to the requirement (read and match CV)
Contact candidate via email and texting
Upload CVs to the system
Database administration including maintaining of candidate details and spreadsheets
Social media campaign
Requirement :
Fluent in both verbal and written English
Female only and living in Bandung
Good in Ms excel, Internet skills
D3/S1 (Any)
Please send your updated CV and cover letter outlining why you feel that you are suitable for this position, your current salary and notice period to enquiries@javainspiration.com.
(Only short-listed candidates who live in Bandung will be contacted)
Reporter Instyle, Kompas Gramedia Group of Magazine
Kompas Gramedia Group of Magazine
Sebagai salah satu kelompok yang berada di bawah naungan Kompas Gramedia, Group of Magazine memiliki basis usaha penerbitan periodikal. Sampai saat ini Group of Magazine memiliki kurang lebih dari 40 tabloid dan majalah. Kedepan, Group of Magazine akan masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada dan berada pada posisi market leader.
Untuk memperkuat posisi, Group of Magazine - Kompas Gramedia masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada sesuai dengan basis usaha dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan pasar dan teknologi seperti media cetak, media elektronik, digital initiative, events dan communities serta berada pada posisi market leader.
Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan posisi fulltime, sebagai berikut :
Reporter InStyle
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism, Communication, Fashion Studies or other related field.
Have a good skill in Journalism
Have strong knowledge and interest in fashion, beauty, lifestyle and entertainment
Fluent in English
Hv a good communication skill
Fresh graduate is welcome to apply
Kirim segera CV lengkap, fotokopi ijasah, fotokopi transkrip nilai, foto terbaru. Cantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan amplop atau sebagai subject email ke:
Human Resource Department
Kompas Gramedia-Group of Magazine
Gramedia Majalah Building 8th Floor
Jl. Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk,
Jakarta Barat 11530
Email: hera@gramedia-majalah.com
Sebagai salah satu kelompok yang berada di bawah naungan Kompas Gramedia, Group of Magazine memiliki basis usaha penerbitan periodikal. Sampai saat ini Group of Magazine memiliki kurang lebih dari 40 tabloid dan majalah. Kedepan, Group of Magazine akan masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada dan berada pada posisi market leader.
Untuk memperkuat posisi, Group of Magazine - Kompas Gramedia masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada sesuai dengan basis usaha dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan pasar dan teknologi seperti media cetak, media elektronik, digital initiative, events dan communities serta berada pada posisi market leader.
Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan posisi fulltime, sebagai berikut :
Reporter InStyle
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism, Communication, Fashion Studies or other related field.
Have a good skill in Journalism
Have strong knowledge and interest in fashion, beauty, lifestyle and entertainment
Fluent in English
Hv a good communication skill
Fresh graduate is welcome to apply
Kirim segera CV lengkap, fotokopi ijasah, fotokopi transkrip nilai, foto terbaru. Cantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan amplop atau sebagai subject email ke:
Human Resource Department
Kompas Gramedia-Group of Magazine
Gramedia Majalah Building 8th Floor
Jl. Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk,
Jakarta Barat 11530
Email: hera@gramedia-majalah.com
PT. Supraco Indonesia, 5 positions for our client in Oil and Gas Industry
1. Environmental Specialist
•Broad project management, technical and SH&E skills with good understanding of working in a project setting and an ability to interact amicably with various external stakeholders
•5+ years broad-based experience preferred, with prior experience in one or more related disciplines (i.e. Environmental, Regulatory and Socioeconomic)
•Knowledge of EMCAPS process, and in particular SH&E deliverable requirements
•Knowledge of EMDC strategies and key business drivers
•Good interpersonal and communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to speak Jawanese is an additionally desirable attribute.
•Adaptable to changing priorities as focus of activity is expected to vary between the three disciplines.
•Willingness to undertake business travel and/or field based short term assignments
•Ability to interact proactively in the Project's interest, with EPC contractor, local Government offices and local community in East Jawa province.
2. Document Controller
•High School Graduate
•Minimum 2 years working experience.
•Significant knowledge in control of hard and electronic document control and information management system
•Sound written and verbal communication skills with the ability to communicate at all organizational levels.
•Successful track record in similar roles on very large international projects
•Experience in implementing information management systems organization.
•Computer literacy and development skills
3. Regulatory and Permit Interface
•BS degree in Law, Engineering, or other related field
•5-10 years experience in Regulatory discipline within the Oil and Gas Industry or related industries (e.g. infrastructure construction, mining); preferably involved with pipeline projects
•Ability to effectively communicate in both English and Bahasa Indonesia
•Strong organization and planning skills
•Knowledge of regulators and governmental agencies applicable to the project scope/area is a plus
4. Socioeconomic Interface
Education level : Bachelor Degree
Degree Major : Social scientist (e.g., anthropologist, sociologist) is preferable
Language skills : English and Bahasa Indonesia
Total Years Experience : 3-5 years (preferably in the natural resources (oil and gas, mining/ development field)
Technical Skill :
a.Working knowledge of the AMDAL process particularly as it relates to socioeconomic studies, planning.
b.Program creation and implementation, socioeconomic monitoring, and performance reporting.
c.Working knowledge in the areas of health and the environment.
d.Excellent computer skills including Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft word and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Personal skills required :
a.Strong team player
b.Strong communication skills
c.Flexible, adapts quickly to changes
d.Strong organizational and presentation skills.
5. Civil Geo-technical Inspector
•Working Knowledge of:
-Soil Mechanics field testing methods, including determining Vane Shear Strengths in cohesive soils using ASTM D 2573 method and Cone Penetration Test per ASTM D3441.
-Testing of swelling and dispersive soils (E.g. Emerson class number, double hydrometer or Pinhold).
-Rules and Regulations for Dam Safety and Dam Construction in Indonesia.
-Seepage Analysis and Control for Dams (E.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers EM 110-2-1901)
•Degree in Civil/Geotechnical/Geological Engineering. 15 years of relevant experience.
•Proven design investigation and analysis of geotechnical civil engineering.
•Well versed in safe work practices.
•Demonstrated ability to communicate in multiple languages
•Computer literate with experience in using MS Office suite for preparing reports and maintaining data base
•Thorough understanding of applicable project specifications
•Trained to authorize work permits (e.g. hot work, confined space, etc.)
•Good oral and written English language skills
*should you interest, Kindly send your CV to helmi.fahmi@supraco.com / muhamad.reza@supraco.com
*only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
•Broad project management, technical and SH&E skills with good understanding of working in a project setting and an ability to interact amicably with various external stakeholders
•5+ years broad-based experience preferred, with prior experience in one or more related disciplines (i.e. Environmental, Regulatory and Socioeconomic)
•Knowledge of EMCAPS process, and in particular SH&E deliverable requirements
•Knowledge of EMDC strategies and key business drivers
•Good interpersonal and communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to speak Jawanese is an additionally desirable attribute.
•Adaptable to changing priorities as focus of activity is expected to vary between the three disciplines.
•Willingness to undertake business travel and/or field based short term assignments
•Ability to interact proactively in the Project's interest, with EPC contractor, local Government offices and local community in East Jawa province.
2. Document Controller
•High School Graduate
•Minimum 2 years working experience.
•Significant knowledge in control of hard and electronic document control and information management system
•Sound written and verbal communication skills with the ability to communicate at all organizational levels.
•Successful track record in similar roles on very large international projects
•Experience in implementing information management systems organization.
•Computer literacy and development skills
3. Regulatory and Permit Interface
•BS degree in Law, Engineering, or other related field
•5-10 years experience in Regulatory discipline within the Oil and Gas Industry or related industries (e.g. infrastructure construction, mining); preferably involved with pipeline projects
•Ability to effectively communicate in both English and Bahasa Indonesia
•Strong organization and planning skills
•Knowledge of regulators and governmental agencies applicable to the project scope/area is a plus
4. Socioeconomic Interface
Education level : Bachelor Degree
Degree Major : Social scientist (e.g., anthropologist, sociologist) is preferable
Language skills : English and Bahasa Indonesia
Total Years Experience : 3-5 years (preferably in the natural resources (oil and gas, mining/ development field)
Technical Skill :
a.Working knowledge of the AMDAL process particularly as it relates to socioeconomic studies, planning.
b.Program creation and implementation, socioeconomic monitoring, and performance reporting.
c.Working knowledge in the areas of health and the environment.
d.Excellent computer skills including Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft word and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Personal skills required :
a.Strong team player
b.Strong communication skills
c.Flexible, adapts quickly to changes
d.Strong organizational and presentation skills.
5. Civil Geo-technical Inspector
•Working Knowledge of:
-Soil Mechanics field testing methods, including determining Vane Shear Strengths in cohesive soils using ASTM D 2573 method and Cone Penetration Test per ASTM D3441.
-Testing of swelling and dispersive soils (E.g. Emerson class number, double hydrometer or Pinhold).
-Rules and Regulations for Dam Safety and Dam Construction in Indonesia.
-Seepage Analysis and Control for Dams (E.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers EM 110-2-1901)
•Degree in Civil/Geotechnical/Geological Engineering. 15 years of relevant experience.
•Proven design investigation and analysis of geotechnical civil engineering.
•Well versed in safe work practices.
•Demonstrated ability to communicate in multiple languages
•Computer literate with experience in using MS Office suite for preparing reports and maintaining data base
•Thorough understanding of applicable project specifications
•Trained to authorize work permits (e.g. hot work, confined space, etc.)
•Good oral and written English language skills
*should you interest, Kindly send your CV to helmi.fahmi@supraco.com / muhamad.reza@supraco.com
*only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Vacancy in PT MNC GS Homeshopping
MNC SHOP the First 24 Hour TV home shopping in Indonesia – Channel 88 Indovision
Company Industry Retail through Media
1. Marketing Intelligent
Min Bachelor Degree: Marketing
Communication & Writing Skill
Able to operate with MS office
2. Marketing Promo
Bachelor Degree from communication
Min. 1 year experienced in ATL & BTL (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
3. Marketing Communication
Min Bachelor Degree: Advertising/Mass Communication/Marketing
Computer skill & Good English (both oral & Written)
Communication & Writing skills
Negotiation Skill
Able to operate with MS office
4. Creative Marketing
Min Bachelor Degree : Marketing
Computer skill & Good English (both oral & Written)
Able to operate with MS office
5. Retention Officer
Min Bachelor Degree: Public Relations
Communication & writing skill
Sales & Marketing Management
Customer relations strategies
Able to operate with MS office
6. Content editor
Min Bachelor Degree : Public Relations
Creative writing
Able to operate with MS office
7. Marketing Research
Writing & Communication skill
Marketing skill
Able to operate MS office
Bachelor degree from any major
Min. 1 years experienced as merchandiser and or buyer in retail / online shopping/ home shopping
Bachelor degree majoring in IT
Good knowledge on Html /Flash, PHP/ Java Script/ ASP/ ASP.NET, VB.Net
Bachelor Degree majoring in law
Min. 2 years experienced in same
Familiar with government institution, regulation and licenses
Male, max 28 years old.
Bachelor degree majoring in Accounting.
Experienced in retail finance / accounting preferred
Bachelor degree majoring in Accounting / Finance
Experienced in retail finance / accounting preferred
13. GRAPHIC DESIGNER (Print / Motion)
Bachelor Degree from Design Communication Visual
Excellent skill and familiar with Computer Graphic programs: Cinema 4D, 3D Max, After Effect
Experienced in editing
Excellent in using Adobe Premiere, AVID/ Final Cut Pro
Bachelor degree from any major
Min 1 year experienced as Audio Man in TV / Production House
Bachelor degree majoring in broadcasting, comunication, journalism or DKV
Preferably have experienced in Media Televison or Production House
Bachelor degree from any major
Experienced in arranging music
Bachelor degree from any major & experienced as Technical Director or min. 2-3 year experience as Studio Crew (Handling VTR & switcher)
Female 22 – 30 years old, good looking
Bachelor degree from any major
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred
Min. 1 year experienced in TV or Production House
Able to operate Video Camera (multy cam)
Bachelor Degree Majoring in Interior Design or Architecture
Posses high level sense of art
Mastering 3D Max, Autocad, Coreldraw and Photoshop
22. VTR Man
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred
Min. 1 years experienced as VTR Man in TV Industry
23. Floor Director
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred
Min. 1 years exp as Floor Director in TV Industry
24. Production Assistant
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
Please submit complete resume, recent photograph to recruitment2@mncshop.co.id
Company Industry Retail through Media
1. Marketing Intelligent
Min Bachelor Degree: Marketing
Communication & Writing Skill
Able to operate with MS office
2. Marketing Promo
Bachelor Degree from communication
Min. 1 year experienced in ATL & BTL (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
3. Marketing Communication
Min Bachelor Degree: Advertising/Mass Communication/Marketing
Computer skill & Good English (both oral & Written)
Communication & Writing skills
Negotiation Skill
Able to operate with MS office
4. Creative Marketing
Min Bachelor Degree : Marketing
Computer skill & Good English (both oral & Written)
Able to operate with MS office
5. Retention Officer
Min Bachelor Degree: Public Relations
Communication & writing skill
Sales & Marketing Management
Customer relations strategies
Able to operate with MS office
6. Content editor
Min Bachelor Degree : Public Relations
Creative writing
Able to operate with MS office
7. Marketing Research
Writing & Communication skill
Marketing skill
Able to operate MS office
Bachelor degree from any major
Min. 1 years experienced as merchandiser and or buyer in retail / online shopping/ home shopping
Bachelor degree majoring in IT
Good knowledge on Html /Flash, PHP/ Java Script/ ASP/ ASP.NET, VB.Net
Bachelor Degree majoring in law
Min. 2 years experienced in same
Familiar with government institution, regulation and licenses
Male, max 28 years old.
Bachelor degree majoring in Accounting.
Experienced in retail finance / accounting preferred
Bachelor degree majoring in Accounting / Finance
Experienced in retail finance / accounting preferred
13. GRAPHIC DESIGNER (Print / Motion)
Bachelor Degree from Design Communication Visual
Excellent skill and familiar with Computer Graphic programs: Cinema 4D, 3D Max, After Effect
Experienced in editing
Excellent in using Adobe Premiere, AVID/ Final Cut Pro
Bachelor degree from any major
Min 1 year experienced as Audio Man in TV / Production House
Bachelor degree majoring in broadcasting, comunication, journalism or DKV
Preferably have experienced in Media Televison or Production House
Bachelor degree from any major
Experienced in arranging music
Bachelor degree from any major & experienced as Technical Director or min. 2-3 year experience as Studio Crew (Handling VTR & switcher)
Female 22 – 30 years old, good looking
Bachelor degree from any major
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred
Min. 1 year experienced in TV or Production House
Able to operate Video Camera (multy cam)
Bachelor Degree Majoring in Interior Design or Architecture
Posses high level sense of art
Mastering 3D Max, Autocad, Coreldraw and Photoshop
22. VTR Man
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred
Min. 1 years experienced as VTR Man in TV Industry
23. Floor Director
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred
Min. 1 years exp as Floor Director in TV Industry
24. Production Assistant
Bachelor Degree majoring in Broadcasting is preferred (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
Please submit complete resume, recent photograph to recruitment2@mncshop.co.id
Various Vacancy at Client PT. Sinergi Mitrajaya Abadi
PT. Sinergi Mitrajaya Abadi (PT. SMJA) was founded in December 2004 is a company engaged in the field of human resource consulting, outsourcing to service providers (outsourcing) as a core biz.nya
We are currently looking for individuals - individuals who are ambitious to be placed in the Astra Group and Banking Company with the following positions:
1. Programmer Visual Foxpro dan VB 6.0
- Development work (Code cutter) for the Customization project to HR/Payroll system.
- Performing internal development Unit Test Plan before release to UAT environment.
- Min 3 years of working experience in developing web applications with Classic ASP & Visual Foxpro preferred,
- Strong knowledge of Classic ASP & Visual Foxpro development,
- Process Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or other related fields,
- Required language(s): English. Other languages will be added advantage,
- Excellent Object Oriented Programming skills / concepts,
Familiar with payroll processing environment will be advantageous,
- Min 3 years team leadership for team leader role
2. Database Engineer
- Provide technical expertise for database design, development, implementation, information storage and retrieval, data flow and analysis;
- Develop rational and/or Object-Oriented databases, database parser software, and database loading software
- Male / Female
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology, Science & Technology or equivalent.
- Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in IT/Computer - Network/System/Database Admin or equivalent.
- Willing to work underpreassure
3. Programmer .NET
- Involved in enhancement or client customisation projects
- Have an experience max. 3 years' experience. Many have worked with software consultancies (or had their own), else have a background in multi-finance or retail banking. All are exceptionally bright, quick learners, highly motivated, and great team players.
Essential requirements include:
- A Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related technical discipline
- At least 3 years' relevant experience as a developer
Demonstrable skills in C# or VB, .NET framework, SQL Server, stored procedures
- Fluency in speaking, listening, reading & writing English. This is especially important as the management team do not (yet!) speak fluent Bahasa Indonesia.
Highly desirable requirements include:
- Any of these skills: Windows Communication Foundation (our products have service oriented architectures); Silverlight; Windows Presentation Foundation; Windows Work Flow; K2 BlackPearl.
4. Java Mobile ( J2ME )
- Well versed with JAVA, C++, Object Oriented programming
- Proficiency in Java Mobile Programming (Blackberry preferred)
- Have backgrounds in Computer Science, Math, or Physics will be preferred
- Prior knowledge or experience on 3D Programming or Game Development will be preferred
- Have a minimum 1 (one) portfolio developed in Java/J2ME/Android/Blackberry
- Have an experience in multi operating system (IOS, Blackberry, Mac, Win, etc)
- Have a minimum experience min 3 (three) years
- Passionate about application development on mobile and online platform.
- Computer literate.
- Strong problem solving skill.
- Self-motivated, hardworking, eager to learn, excellent team-player, and be able to work under pressure with minimal supervision.
- Min D-3
5. Programmer Java Web
- As a Java Developer, you will be a part of the Java Development team, who is in charge of projects using Java. If you are interested in Android and iOS development, we also provide the opportunity to expand your skills.
- Most Java projects will involve system information project, with some twists. It will be an interesting project that you will never tought of before.
- As developers, you will be supported by designer team. So that the product is not only functional, but it will be well designed with the best possible user interface and experience.
- Experienced with development methods
Knowledge of system design techniques (functional design and technical design)
- Experienced with development support tools
- Experienced on producing technical documentation
- Detail knowledge of and experienced with development methods
- Having knowledge and experienced with java, PHP
- Having knowledge and experienced with Enterprise Java (J2EE)
- Having knowledge and experienced with UNIX and Linux Environment
- Min. 3 (Three) Years of professional experience
- Having knowledge and experienced with any DB Engine (especially oracle and MySQL
- Having knowledge and experienced with SQL syntax
- Having knowledge and experienced with XML, ISO8583 massage transaction and HTTP based transaction
- Having knowledge and experienced with application servers, including Apache Httpd and Tomcat
- Having knowledge with code repository and versioning control systems
- Have awareness on softWare Security Design
- Knowledge of ITIL process
- Experienced with Project Management methods
Facility :
- Fixed Income (Based on Experience)
- Health Insurance
- Jamsostek
- Laptop / PC (If needed)
Please sent your cover letter, CV, Scanner of Latest Certificate and Photograph also your portfolio to us at :
Jl. Kartini Raya No. 53 AH
attn. HR Division
www. ptsmja. com
We are currently looking for individuals - individuals who are ambitious to be placed in the Astra Group and Banking Company with the following positions:
1. Programmer Visual Foxpro dan VB 6.0
- Development work (Code cutter) for the Customization project to HR/Payroll system.
- Performing internal development Unit Test Plan before release to UAT environment.
- Min 3 years of working experience in developing web applications with Classic ASP & Visual Foxpro preferred,
- Strong knowledge of Classic ASP & Visual Foxpro development,
- Process Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or other related fields,
- Required language(s): English. Other languages will be added advantage,
- Excellent Object Oriented Programming skills / concepts,
Familiar with payroll processing environment will be advantageous,
- Min 3 years team leadership for team leader role
2. Database Engineer
- Provide technical expertise for database design, development, implementation, information storage and retrieval, data flow and analysis;
- Develop rational and/or Object-Oriented databases, database parser software, and database loading software
- Male / Female
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology, Science & Technology or equivalent.
- Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in IT/Computer - Network/System/Database Admin or equivalent.
- Willing to work underpreassure
3. Programmer .NET
- Involved in enhancement or client customisation projects
- Have an experience max. 3 years' experience. Many have worked with software consultancies (or had their own), else have a background in multi-finance or retail banking. All are exceptionally bright, quick learners, highly motivated, and great team players.
Essential requirements include:
- A Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related technical discipline
- At least 3 years' relevant experience as a developer
Demonstrable skills in C# or VB, .NET framework, SQL Server, stored procedures
- Fluency in speaking, listening, reading & writing English. This is especially important as the management team do not (yet!) speak fluent Bahasa Indonesia.
Highly desirable requirements include:
- Any of these skills: Windows Communication Foundation (our products have service oriented architectures); Silverlight; Windows Presentation Foundation; Windows Work Flow; K2 BlackPearl.
4. Java Mobile ( J2ME )
- Well versed with JAVA, C++, Object Oriented programming
- Proficiency in Java Mobile Programming (Blackberry preferred)
- Have backgrounds in Computer Science, Math, or Physics will be preferred
- Prior knowledge or experience on 3D Programming or Game Development will be preferred
- Have a minimum 1 (one) portfolio developed in Java/J2ME/Android/Blackberry
- Have an experience in multi operating system (IOS, Blackberry, Mac, Win, etc)
- Have a minimum experience min 3 (three) years
- Passionate about application development on mobile and online platform.
- Computer literate.
- Strong problem solving skill.
- Self-motivated, hardworking, eager to learn, excellent team-player, and be able to work under pressure with minimal supervision.
- Min D-3
5. Programmer Java Web
- As a Java Developer, you will be a part of the Java Development team, who is in charge of projects using Java. If you are interested in Android and iOS development, we also provide the opportunity to expand your skills.
- Most Java projects will involve system information project, with some twists. It will be an interesting project that you will never tought of before.
- As developers, you will be supported by designer team. So that the product is not only functional, but it will be well designed with the best possible user interface and experience.
- Experienced with development methods
Knowledge of system design techniques (functional design and technical design)
- Experienced with development support tools
- Experienced on producing technical documentation
- Detail knowledge of and experienced with development methods
- Having knowledge and experienced with java, PHP
- Having knowledge and experienced with Enterprise Java (J2EE)
- Having knowledge and experienced with UNIX and Linux Environment
- Min. 3 (Three) Years of professional experience
- Having knowledge and experienced with any DB Engine (especially oracle and MySQL
- Having knowledge and experienced with SQL syntax
- Having knowledge and experienced with XML, ISO8583 massage transaction and HTTP based transaction
- Having knowledge and experienced with application servers, including Apache Httpd and Tomcat
- Having knowledge with code repository and versioning control systems
- Have awareness on softWare Security Design
- Knowledge of ITIL process
- Experienced with Project Management methods
Facility :
- Fixed Income (Based on Experience)
- Health Insurance
- Jamsostek
- Laptop / PC (If needed)
Please sent your cover letter, CV, Scanner of Latest Certificate and Photograph also your portfolio to us at :
Jl. Kartini Raya No. 53 AH
attn. HR Division
www. ptsmja. com
Vacancy:Accounting Supervisor (Tax) & Costing Supervisor
Dear All,
Japanese company manufacturer of Electronic devices for health care, (Export) Location in MM2100 area - Cibitung, urgently needed:
1. Accounting Supervisor (Tax)
- Male 30-35 y.o
- English is a must
- Experience as Supervisor
- Will be having 5 subordinates
- Deep knowledge in taxation
- Good looking
2. Costing Supervisor
- Male 30-35 y.o
- English is a must
- Deep knowledge in Costing
- Will be having 3 subordinates
For both, applies this conditions:
- Pick up service (Bekasi barat, timur, Cibitung, Cikarang, etc)
- Transportation allowance
- Paid overtime
- Join date: ASAP
- Family Allowance
- Position Allowance
- Health insurance
- Language allowance ( English & Japanese) every 2 years
- Bonus: Based on company performance
- Leave (Cuti) : reimbursed if not taken
- Working time: Mon – Fri / 8 to 5
- Resting times: 3x a day 10.00-10.10; 12.15-13.00 ; 15.30-15.50
Interested candidate please send you CV in English and latest Photo to yani@jac-recruitment.co.id
Japanese company manufacturer of Electronic devices for health care, (Export) Location in MM2100 area - Cibitung, urgently needed:
1. Accounting Supervisor (Tax)
- Male 30-35 y.o
- English is a must
- Experience as Supervisor
- Will be having 5 subordinates
- Deep knowledge in taxation
- Good looking
2. Costing Supervisor
- Male 30-35 y.o
- English is a must
- Deep knowledge in Costing
- Will be having 3 subordinates
For both, applies this conditions:
- Pick up service (Bekasi barat, timur, Cibitung, Cikarang, etc)
- Transportation allowance
- Paid overtime
- Join date: ASAP
- Family Allowance
- Position Allowance
- Health insurance
- Language allowance ( English & Japanese) every 2 years
- Bonus: Based on company performance
- Leave (Cuti) : reimbursed if not taken
- Working time: Mon – Fri / 8 to 5
- Resting times: 3x a day 10.00-10.10; 12.15-13.00 ; 15.30-15.50
Interested candidate please send you CV in English and latest Photo to yani@jac-recruitment.co.id
07 March 2013
Lowongan kerja Finance & Accounting Staff
Sebuah Perusahaan Retail Fashion, perusahaan yang menyediakan barang private label di bidang fashion berkantor pusat di wilayah BSD Tangerang. Kami saat ini mengelola beberapa merek yang dijual secara nasional di seluruh Indonesia.
Dalam kesempatan ini kami mengundang Anda yang dinamis, cerdas, terampil dan siap berkembang untuk bergabung dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Finance & Accounting Staff
Pria / Wanita Usia maksimal 25Tahun
Pendidikan Min. D3 / S1 Ekonomi / Akuntansi IPK 2.75
Pengalaman sebagai Finance & Accounting staff minimal 2 tahun
Mengerti General Ledger
Mengerti perpajakan
Menguasai perhitungan Inventory (cogs)
Menguasai Account Payable
Menguasai komputer
Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan / deadline
Kirim Resume lengkap dan pas photo terbaru Anda melalui :
Email : hrd@almanda.co.id
Kontak : HRD Department
Sebuah Perusahaan Retail Fashion, perusahaan yang menyediakan barang private label di bidang fashion berkantor pusat di wilayah BSD Tangerang. Kami saat ini mengelola beberapa merek yang dijual secara nasional di seluruh Indonesia.
Dalam kesempatan ini kami mengundang Anda yang dinamis, cerdas, terampil dan siap berkembang untuk bergabung dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Finance & Accounting Staff
Pria / Wanita Usia maksimal 25Tahun
Pendidikan Min. D3 / S1 Ekonomi / Akuntansi IPK 2.75
Pengalaman sebagai Finance & Accounting staff minimal 2 tahun
Mengerti General Ledger
Mengerti perpajakan
Menguasai perhitungan Inventory (cogs)
Menguasai Account Payable
Menguasai komputer
Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan / deadline
Kirim Resume lengkap dan pas photo terbaru Anda melalui :
Email : hrd@almanda.co.id
Kontak : HRD Department
New Vacancy at VH Kuta - Bali ( Restaurant & Lounge )
VH Kuta - Bali
The New Sunset Icon @ Kuta Beach Bali
A New restaurant & lounge in the heart of Kuta (beachwalk) is looking for hip & cosmopolitan candidates to join the fun, relax yet professional opening team as;
1. Mechanical Electrical Spv
2. Mechanical Electrical Staff
3. Soundman
4. Lightingman
5. Service Spv
6. Waitress
7. Service Captain
8. Cashier
9. Accounting
10. Cook
11. Service DW
Send your application by latest on March 15th, 2013 to hrd@vhbali.com or contact us at 0813.3932.3436
Instrument Engineer, Mechnical / Piping Engineer URGENT
We currently seeking qualified individuals for the following posts for the project of offshore and Onshore Oil and Gas facilities.
• Graduate Engineering degree (S1) in Electrical or Electronics or Control.
• Minimum five (5) years of experience in construction, engineering, construction and testing/pre-commissioning oil and gas facilities,
• At least two (2) similar projects as instrument engineer.
• Familiar with pneumatic/electronic equipment, alarm & shutdown system, fire & gas system, distribution control system, communication system and other miscellaneous equipments.
• Familiar with the local/international codes and safety standard for Electronic Process Control
• Graduate Engineering degree (S1) in Mechanical.
• Minimum five (5) years of experience in construction, engineering, construction and testing/pre-commissioning oil and gas facilities,
• At least two (2) similar projects as mechanical / piping engineer.
• Familiar with P & ID, piping plan, piping MTO, rotating machinery, material handling equipment, pressure vessel and other miscellaneous equipment.
• Familiar with requirements of local/international codes and safety standard for mechanical / piping equipment.
If interested, please send your application and your most recent resume in MSWord or PDF Format, with the position title as subject to :
06 March 2013
Credit Control Staff (Permanent Employment - Slipi)
Our client from UK, the world's largest business services company operating in over 40 countries and currently a market leader in the industry (Pest Control and Hygiene business) with branch offices throughout Indonesia seeking qualified candidates for the position of:
Credit Control Staff (Permanent Employment - Slipi)
Call customer to settle payment
Arrange debt invoicing
Input E-collection
Coordinate with field collector related with invoicing
Minimal Diploma Degree, any field
· Minimum 1 year experience in the same position (Customer Care / Remedial / Internal Audit / Credit Analyst)
Able to communicate in English
Willing to be placed in Slipi (Head Office)
2 permanent positions are available
For those who meet above qualifications, please send complete CV to Ria_Dwijayanti@kellyservices.co.id. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Credit Control Staff (Permanent Employment - Slipi)
Call customer to settle payment
Arrange debt invoicing
Input E-collection
Coordinate with field collector related with invoicing
Minimal Diploma Degree, any field
· Minimum 1 year experience in the same position (Customer Care / Remedial / Internal Audit / Credit Analyst)
Able to communicate in English
Willing to be placed in Slipi (Head Office)
2 permanent positions are available
For those who meet above qualifications, please send complete CV to Ria_Dwijayanti@kellyservices.co.id. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
PT CHRISDA SARANA SAE (CSS) is a Human Resource Consultant company. The company was established in July, 2000 and is recognized as a Recruitment Specialist and Contract Personnel Services for Local and Multinational Companies throughout Indonesia, and overseas. PT CSS is a company proud of its record in the field of Personnel Recruitment and Selection, Manpower Supply, Contract Personnel in :
* General Mining
* Oil Company & Oil Drilling Services
* Oil & Gas sector, especially in EPC (Engineering, Procurement &
* Manufacturing & Fabrication
* Petrochemical Industry
* General Civil & Heavy Constructions
* Power Plant
* General Trading
Junior Mechanical Engineer
* Male
* Graduate from reputable university Majoring Mechanical Engineer
* IPK Negri minimum 2,75 & Swasta Minimum 3
* Familiar Auto Cad
* Fresh Graduate
* Age Maximum 30 years
* Domicile Tanggerang
If you meet the requirements, please send your application, resume, and latest photograph oktrina.angelia@chrisdasaranasae.co.id
* General Mining
* Oil Company & Oil Drilling Services
* Oil & Gas sector, especially in EPC (Engineering, Procurement &
* Manufacturing & Fabrication
* Petrochemical Industry
* General Civil & Heavy Constructions
* Power Plant
* General Trading
Junior Mechanical Engineer
* Male
* Graduate from reputable university Majoring Mechanical Engineer
* IPK Negri minimum 2,75 & Swasta Minimum 3
* Familiar Auto Cad
* Fresh Graduate
* Age Maximum 30 years
* Domicile Tanggerang
If you meet the requirements, please send your application, resume, and latest photograph oktrina.angelia@chrisdasaranasae.co.id
04 March 2013
Urgently Required Pipeline Engineer - PT Inti Platindo Perdana
Aramis is an international group of companies comprising a team of senior professionals with extensive experience in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. This track record has been gained through in-depth involvement in international projects around the world.
we are looking for some position :
• Candidates must have at least 5 – 10 years' experience in Maintenance activities with the in Oil & Gas sector. They should have experience in developing Preventive Maintenance Job Plans, in populating Preventive Maintenance Job Plans into CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System), performing criticality studies, together with an awareness of Generic Maintenance Strategies (or Maintenance Best Practices). RCM & RBI awareness would be an advantage.
•Candidates must be fluent in both verbal and written Bahasa and English.
•Immediate opportunity for the right candidates.
2. Pipeline Engineer
Candidate must have at least 5 – 15 years' experience in the in Oil & Gas sector but
Candidate must be fluent in both verbal and written Bahasa and English.
Experience on Maintenance & reliability improvement projects is an advantage
if you interesting for this position, please send your cv to : ipprecruitment@yahoo.com
we are looking for some position :
• Candidates must have at least 5 – 10 years' experience in Maintenance activities with the in Oil & Gas sector. They should have experience in developing Preventive Maintenance Job Plans, in populating Preventive Maintenance Job Plans into CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System), performing criticality studies, together with an awareness of Generic Maintenance Strategies (or Maintenance Best Practices). RCM & RBI awareness would be an advantage.
•Candidates must be fluent in both verbal and written Bahasa and English.
•Immediate opportunity for the right candidates.
2. Pipeline Engineer
Candidate must have at least 5 – 15 years' experience in the in Oil & Gas sector but
Candidate must be fluent in both verbal and written Bahasa and English.
Experience on Maintenance & reliability improvement projects is an advantage
if you interesting for this position, please send your cv to : ipprecruitment@yahoo.com
Info Lowongan GA & Drafter
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang desain, kontrsuksi dan properti,
mencari kandidat yang mempunyai motivasi tinggi, inovatif, kreatif dan
berkepribadian kuat untuk bergabung dengan tim kerja yang solid.
Pria Min 30 th
Pendidikan Min D3
Pengalaman Min 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
Mahir menggunakan Ms. Office
Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan
Disiplin, mempunyai komitmen dan bertanggungjawab, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Bersedia bekerja lembur
Pendidikan min. SMK Teknik Bangunan/D3 sipil & arsitektur
Pengalaman min 3 tahun di perusahaan kontraktor bangunan/konsultan design
Mahir menggunakan 2D, AutoCAD, Adobephotoshop, MS Office
Cekatan, Disiplin, mempunyai komitmen dan bertanggungjawab, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Bersedia bekerja lembur
Sertakan portofolio bersama CV
Pendidikan min. SMK Teknik Bangunan/D3 sipil & arsitektur
Pengalaman min 3 tahun di perusahaan kontraktor bangunan/konsultan design
Mahir menggunakan 3D Max, AutoCAD, Adobephotoshop, MS Office
Cekatan, Disiplin, mempunyai komitmen dan bertanggungjawab, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Bersedia bekerja lembur
Sertakan portofolio bersama CV
Kirimkan CV terbaru dan foto terakhir ke:
HRD Department
PT Tetra Konstruksi Indonesia
Email : hrd@tetra.co.id
mencari kandidat yang mempunyai motivasi tinggi, inovatif, kreatif dan
berkepribadian kuat untuk bergabung dengan tim kerja yang solid.
Pria Min 30 th
Pendidikan Min D3
Pengalaman Min 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
Mahir menggunakan Ms. Office
Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan
Disiplin, mempunyai komitmen dan bertanggungjawab, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Bersedia bekerja lembur
Pendidikan min. SMK Teknik Bangunan/D3 sipil & arsitektur
Pengalaman min 3 tahun di perusahaan kontraktor bangunan/konsultan design
Mahir menggunakan 2D, AutoCAD, Adobephotoshop, MS Office
Cekatan, Disiplin, mempunyai komitmen dan bertanggungjawab, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Bersedia bekerja lembur
Sertakan portofolio bersama CV
Pendidikan min. SMK Teknik Bangunan/D3 sipil & arsitektur
Pengalaman min 3 tahun di perusahaan kontraktor bangunan/konsultan design
Mahir menggunakan 3D Max, AutoCAD, Adobephotoshop, MS Office
Cekatan, Disiplin, mempunyai komitmen dan bertanggungjawab, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Bersedia bekerja lembur
Sertakan portofolio bersama CV
Kirimkan CV terbaru dan foto terakhir ke:
HRD Department
PT Tetra Konstruksi Indonesia
Email : hrd@tetra.co.id
Our company is the world's leading Engineering, Procurement, Project Management and Construction services for the Oil & Gas industry. Organized in two main business units: Engineering & Construction and Drilling, with a strong bias towards Oil & Gas related activities in remote areas and deep-water, is currently looking for some extraordinary professionals to join us in our office in Jakarta.
Jr. HSE Engineer
• Bachelor degree in Technical Major(i.e Process Engineer, Chemical Engineer), fresh graduate acceptable
• Understanding of Safety Review activities (i.e HAZID, HAZOP, SIL) and OH&S
• Understanding and Ability to read PDF, P&IDs, technical drawing
• Ability to communicate effectively with all level of the project:internal/external
• Software skill: Ms. Office, HAZOP/SIL Software, etc
• Excellent spoken and written English is required
• Ability to work under pressure
• Team worker - ability to work in team
• Oil and Gas industry experience would be advantage
Please send your Resume (in word file not more than 250 KB) to: recruitment@saipem.co.id, stating position applied for and Job code in the subject e-mail. Attach only CV (Detail of qualification and project experience, expected salary, & recent photo, other document attachment not required).
Best regards,
Recruitment Team
Jr. HSE Engineer
• Bachelor degree in Technical Major(i.e Process Engineer, Chemical Engineer), fresh graduate acceptable
• Understanding of Safety Review activities (i.e HAZID, HAZOP, SIL) and OH&S
• Understanding and Ability to read PDF, P&IDs, technical drawing
• Ability to communicate effectively with all level of the project:internal/external
• Software skill: Ms. Office, HAZOP/SIL Software, etc
• Excellent spoken and written English is required
• Ability to work under pressure
• Team worker - ability to work in team
• Oil and Gas industry experience would be advantage
Please send your Resume (in word file not more than 250 KB) to: recruitment@saipem.co.id, stating position applied for and Job code in the subject e-mail. Attach only CV (Detail of qualification and project experience, expected salary, & recent photo, other document attachment not required).
Best regards,
Recruitment Team
02 March 2013
Urgently needed " Sales Support"
DestinAsian Media Group
A leading Jakarta-based publishing company and creator of the multi award-winning regional travel and lifestyle magazine, DestinAsian, as well internationally renowned Prestige Indonesia, customs publishing SCOPE, DA MAN, and the group's latest venture JOY is seeking dynamic and motivated professionals to fill the following positions as:
Responsibilities :
You will be responsible for identifying new markets, maintaining relationships with existing customers, making accurate, rapid cost calculations, negotiating variations in price, delivery and specifications with managers, etc.
Qualification :
· Female max 28 Year of Age,
· have solid sales executive experience min 1.5 years, preferably in the filed of publishing or advertising,
Bachelor degree from reputable overseas or local university, be overseas Degree qualified is an advantage,
Pleasant personality with excellent interpersonal and communication skill in written and spoken English
Be highly organized with solid administrative acumen, Be proficient in MS Word, Excel, Outlook Express & Power point
If this opportunity sounds like you, please send your resume today to :
PO BOX 8899 JKPPJ Jakarta 10210, Indonesia
" All applications will be treated confidentially & only short listed candidates will be notified "
A leading Jakarta-based publishing company and creator of the multi award-winning regional travel and lifestyle magazine, DestinAsian, as well internationally renowned Prestige Indonesia, customs publishing SCOPE, DA MAN, and the group's latest venture JOY is seeking dynamic and motivated professionals to fill the following positions as:
Responsibilities :
You will be responsible for identifying new markets, maintaining relationships with existing customers, making accurate, rapid cost calculations, negotiating variations in price, delivery and specifications with managers, etc.
Qualification :
· Female max 28 Year of Age,
· have solid sales executive experience min 1.5 years, preferably in the filed of publishing or advertising,
Bachelor degree from reputable overseas or local university, be overseas Degree qualified is an advantage,
Pleasant personality with excellent interpersonal and communication skill in written and spoken English
Be highly organized with solid administrative acumen, Be proficient in MS Word, Excel, Outlook Express & Power point
If this opportunity sounds like you, please send your resume today to :
PO BOX 8899 JKPPJ Jakarta 10210, Indonesia
" All applications will be treated confidentially & only short listed candidates will be notified "
Project Construction Superintendent/Asst. Manager
We are Steel Construction and Fabrication Company for Oil and Gas; Platforms, Jackets, Decks, Loader located in Yard Sumuranja Cilegon Banten urgently needs Engineer/Professional to fulfill vacant position as follow:
Requirements & Qualification:
· Male,Min 35 years.
· Education:Min S1 Civil Engineering.
· Min.3 years experience in similar position, and 5 years experience in steel
Construction & Fabrication for Oil & Gas
· Strong & Good Leadership.
· Capable to manage multi-tasks related project in Yard.
· Computer Literacy : Microsoft Office, MS Project, StaddPro, SACs.
· Fluent In English : Speaking, writing.
· Must be willing to Work at Cilegon Banten.
If you meet the above requirements, please send your CV and recent photograph by e-mail to:
Please write the position in email subject.
(Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted)
We are Steel Construction and Fabrication Company for Oil and Gas; Platforms, Jackets, Decks, Loader located in Yard Sumuranja Cilegon Banten urgently needs Engineer/Professional to fulfill vacant position as follow:
Requirements & Qualification:
· Male,Min 35 years.
· Education:Min S1 Civil Engineering.
· Min.3 years experience in similar position, and 5 years experience in steel
Construction & Fabrication for Oil & Gas
· Strong & Good Leadership.
· Capable to manage multi-tasks related project in Yard.
· Computer Literacy : Microsoft Office, MS Project, StaddPro, SACs.
· Fluent In English : Speaking, writing.
· Must be willing to Work at Cilegon Banten.
If you meet the above requirements, please send your CV and recent photograph by e-mail to:
Please write the position in email subject.
(Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted)
Lowongan Construction Manager, dibutuhkan urgent.
The Construction Manager will be the first point of contact for all civil contractors at the site. He will have to look after 3 construction / project handling parameters: have it on quality, on schedule and on budget. He will chair week site meetings and will be in charge of the overall site administration system, issue of site instructions, approvals of materials, shop drawings and QA tests and inspections. Construction Manager will check quotations from the contractor and inform the Project Manager on the issue of variation orders. During the construction stage the Construction Manager will fulfill the following tasks:
Contracts administration, follow up on contractual issues and issue of contractual letters to the contractor.
Liaison with the design office in case of design major changes that require the revision of drawings
Administration of design change orders and seek the approval from the client prior to the implementation of the design changes.
Preparation of Variation Orders, seek approval from the client and issue to the contractor.
Review the contractor's progress claim and issue the Certificate of Payment as well as keeping track on the progress of payments.
Project cost control by keeping track on variation orders, contingencies and reporting these with the contract values against the project budget.
Progress control by recording the actual progress in the Project Schedule and reporting of delays.
Monthly Progress Reporting
The calling and chairing of regular co-ordination meetings with the contractors and other appropriate parties, and preparation and distribution of minutes of these meetings.
Discussion with and assistance to the contractors in the preparation of long and short-term execution planning schedules, and closely monitoring of the progress achieved by the contractors.
In case of delay or potential delay, methods shall be devised to prevent such delays or if necessary, to make up already lost time.
Progress control by recording the actual progress in the Project Schedule and reporting of delays.
Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Civil Engineering or Architectural from reputable University;
At least 4 years working experience as Construction Manager;
Computer literate (good knowledge of specific technical softwares);
Excellent in English comprehension, both oral & written;
Good communication skill;
Good health condition;
Able to work in team;
Able to work under deadline and under pressure;
Well organized;
Willing to be placed for project outside Jakarta (Cimanggis-Depok).
Please email your cv to : hrm_recruitment@royalhaskoningindonesia.com
The Construction Manager will be the first point of contact for all civil contractors at the site. He will have to look after 3 construction / project handling parameters: have it on quality, on schedule and on budget. He will chair week site meetings and will be in charge of the overall site administration system, issue of site instructions, approvals of materials, shop drawings and QA tests and inspections. Construction Manager will check quotations from the contractor and inform the Project Manager on the issue of variation orders. During the construction stage the Construction Manager will fulfill the following tasks:
Contracts administration, follow up on contractual issues and issue of contractual letters to the contractor.
Liaison with the design office in case of design major changes that require the revision of drawings
Administration of design change orders and seek the approval from the client prior to the implementation of the design changes.
Preparation of Variation Orders, seek approval from the client and issue to the contractor.
Review the contractor's progress claim and issue the Certificate of Payment as well as keeping track on the progress of payments.
Project cost control by keeping track on variation orders, contingencies and reporting these with the contract values against the project budget.
Progress control by recording the actual progress in the Project Schedule and reporting of delays.
Monthly Progress Reporting
The calling and chairing of regular co-ordination meetings with the contractors and other appropriate parties, and preparation and distribution of minutes of these meetings.
Discussion with and assistance to the contractors in the preparation of long and short-term execution planning schedules, and closely monitoring of the progress achieved by the contractors.
In case of delay or potential delay, methods shall be devised to prevent such delays or if necessary, to make up already lost time.
Progress control by recording the actual progress in the Project Schedule and reporting of delays.
Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Civil Engineering or Architectural from reputable University;
At least 4 years working experience as Construction Manager;
Computer literate (good knowledge of specific technical softwares);
Excellent in English comprehension, both oral & written;
Good communication skill;
Good health condition;
Able to work in team;
Able to work under deadline and under pressure;
Well organized;
Willing to be placed for project outside Jakarta (Cimanggis-Depok).
Please email your cv to : hrm_recruitment@royalhaskoningindonesia.com
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