Perfetti Van Melle adalah perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak dalam
produksi kembang gula dan pemasarannya. Saat ini Perfetti Van Melle
memiliki 14.000 karyawan yang bekerja di lebih dari 30 negara. Di
Indonesia, Perfetti Van Melle adalah pemain terbesar dalam pasar
kembang gula dengan merek-merek terkenal seperti Mentos, Fruitella,
Alpenliebe, Big Babol, Chox, Marbel, Chlormint, Happydent, Bonfills,
Chupa-chups, Golia, Cofitos. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan aktivitas
bisnis perusahaan, kami membuka kesempatan berkarir di bidang Proses
dan Teknologi, untuk posisi berikut :
1. QC Inspector
2. QC Lab Analyst and Incoming raw material
- Pria, dengan kondisi fisik prima (sehat jasmani dan rohani)
- Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan bidang Analis Kimia atau Teknik Kimia
- Usia antara 18 - 23 tahun
- Fresh Graduate atau maksimal 2 tahun pengalaman bekerja di industri
Consumer Goods Makanan dan minuman
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik, pemahaman mengenai reaksi
bahan-bahan kimia, teliti, dan memiliki integritas tinggi
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Microsoft Word/ Microsoft Excel)
- Bersedia bekerja di Cikampek Plant, Purwakarta
Segera kirimkan surat lamaran anda disertai daftar riwayat hidup (CV)
lengkap dan Pas foto terbaru (JPEG), sebelum tanggal 14 Februari 2011
PT. Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia
Cibinong Plant:
Jl Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM 47,4
Nanggewer Mekar. Cibinong. Bogor.
Jawa Barat. 16912
Cikampek Plant:
Bukit Indah City, Blok A II No. 21 - 22
Cikampek. Purwakarta.
Jawa Barat
31 January 2011
QC Inspector & QC Lab Analyst - Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia
Vacancy For Geology, Geophysics, Mining & Mineral Engineering
We are recruiting experienced talented people to be placed in Pontianak
VACANCY as IT Officer - URGENT!!!
DONATA SERVICES INDONESIA is recruiting IT Professionals! In order to help one of our client, a Multinational IT company whom needs professionals to be positioned as IT Officer, and to be located in the following area (preferable those from respective area to apply):
ITO-Pontianak (Code : ITO-Pnk)
a. Single, maximum age: 30 years old.
b. Education in IT (Informatics, Computer science, etc)
c. Communicate well in English (Oral and written)
d. High motivation
e. Have knowledge in MS Operating System, LAN, WAN, and Internet setting.
f. Preferable those who has experience as IT Helpdesk minimum 1 (one) year.
If you have the above qualifications and willing to be relocated in that respective area, send your application letter and Resume/CV to: in MS Word (please limit your file to max 200 KB). Write down the Code in the subject of your e-mail and in your application letter. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
The candidate will be trained for 4 (four) weeks in Jakarta. The responsibilities of the candidates are: to install a self-build application program; synchronize the database; troubleshoot and maintain the program performance.
We prefer the candidate who is coming from those areas and would like to return back to their hometown or someone wants to take a challenge.
Recruitment Team
"We provide the Best HR Solution for you!"
28 January 2011
Creases Cutter & Flame Sealer (operator) for Saudi Arabia
Machine Operator - Creases Cutter
Job Purpose:
Reports to the Production Foreman. The main responsibility is to operate Creaser Cutter machine. Other significant function is to ensure good quality output as well as satisfying the required quantity based from prduction schedule.
Reporting Relationships (direct only).
Superior : Creaser Cutter Foreman
Subordinates : None
Principal Responsibilities/Key Result Areas.
* To produce blanks in accordance to the specification required primarily by customer and SIG Combibloc Obeikan.
* Communicate to the Quality Control in line to reduce and control waste.
* Prepares accurate daily report reflecting Production Performance.
* Provide production assistance such as trouble-shooting, maintenance and set-up.
* Communicate with both Printing section and Flame Sealer section.
* Coordinate with QA and Planning sections for quality and job concerns/issues.
* To assist and participate in the continuous improvement of process.
* Apply and Maintain ISO9001:2000 and as well as HACCP system.
* Perform other functions as deemed necessary by direct superior.
Essential : At least Technical/Vocational education graduate
Desired : Electrical or Mechanical Technology (or equivalent degree)
Essential : At least 2 years experience on CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Cutting machines
Desired : Preferably from the packaging or paper manufacturing industry.
Flame Sealer (machine operator)
Job Purpose
Report directly to Production Foreman. The main task is to operate the machine as assigned by the superior in the Flame Sealer in order to achieve production targets of high efficiency, Optimal Productivity, Accurate Quality Control, Minimal waste and punctual delivery.
Reporting Relationships (direct only).
Superior : Production Foreman
Subordinates : None
Principal Responsibilities/Key Result Areas.
1. To operate the machine and produce good SLEEVES in accordance to the
2. Specification required primarily by customer and SIG Combibloc Obeikan.
3. To Coordinate with the Quality In-line to reduce and control waste.
4. Prepares accurate Daily Report reflecting Production Performance.
5. To perform other works as deemed necessary by the superior.
6.(e.g. rotational work schedule within the flame sealer section: as Japack Operator or QC)
7. Apply and Maintain ISO9001:2000 as well as HACCP.
8. Prepares accurate Daily Report reflecting Production Performance.
9. To assist and participate in the continuous improvement process.
Essential : At least Technical / Vocational graduate or any other related field.
Desired : Electrical or Mechanical Technology graduate (or related field)
Essential : At least 2 years experience
Desired : Preferably from the packaging or paper manufacturing industry.
Age Range: Between 25-40 years old
Computer Knowledge: At least basic knowledge on CNC or Computerized cutting machines.
Languages required to be known: English
Submit your CV to
PT. Bidar Timur
Jl. Budi No 20 Cawang Dewi Sartika Jakarta Indonesia 13630
Tel.+62218001987 Fax.+62218014020
Needed Position for Project Engineer & Planner
Our Client majoring in EPC of Oil & Gas, needed for position as below :
1. Project Engineer
* Female
* Having experience in Oil & Gas
* Max 35 years old
* Base on work at the Jakarta
* Min three years experience in Proposal
2. Planner
* Knowing Primavera V.6
* Having Experience in Oil & Gas Company
* Min Three years experience
* Base on work for the project in kalimantan
Please send your CV in our email
27 January 2011
Web Designer
Dear all,
We are a property investment and development Company, inviting qualified individuals to join our team for the following available position:
Web Designer (Code : WD)
Ø Male with maximum age 30 years old
Ø Candidate must posses at least a Bacholor's Degree in Graphic Design or IT with
Web Design proficiency
Ø Minimum 3 years working experiences
Ø Good & strong communication skill both in Indonesia & English (writting & conversation)
Ø Computer literature, multimedia authoring & programming (MS Office Suite & Windows OS, Macromedia flash, dreamweaver & freehand, Adobe Photoshop, PHP & mySQL)
Ø General business skill, strong design flair, able to work at flexible hour & under pressure
Should you meet the above requirements, please send your application with detailed resume and recent photograph to below address and please put the above code for the position applied.
HRD Department, e-mail :
26 January 2011
Rekrutmen Tim Nasional Pemberantasan Kemiskinan
Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) membuka lowongan pekerjaan bagi mereka yang memiliki kualifikasi terbaik untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Koordinator Program Bantuan Sosial (bahasa, english)
2. Koordinator Unifikasi Data Sasaran Keluarga Miskin (bahasa, english)
3. Manajer Data dan Informasi (bahasa, english)
4. Analis Data Kemiskinan (bahasa, english)
5. Spesialis Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (bahasa, english)
6. Spesialis Penguatan Kelembagaan Pemerintah Daerah (bahasa, english)
7. Staff Pelaksana Program (bahasa, english)
8. Staff Desain Grafis (bahasa, english)
TNP2K didirikan di bawah koordinasi Kantor Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk mengawasi jalannya program penanggulangan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Posisi dimaksud diatas akan bertempat di Jakarta dan diawali dengan kontrak kerja selama 3-6 bulan yang dapat diperpanjang tergantung dari kinerja kerja dimaksud dan persetujuan alokasi anggaran.
Uraian tugas lengkap termasuk kriteria seleksi dan tanggung jawab masing-masing posisi dapat diunduh di situs
Pelamar diminta untuk mengirimkan: CV dengan 3 referensi (Maksimal 300 kb) dan maksimal 1 paragraf esai mengenai kriteria seleksi selambat-lambatnya tanggal 28 Januari 2011 ke alamat email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
NB. Untuk beberapa posisi yang belum ada TOR nya akan segera di update melalui halaman ini.
paling lambat 28 januari 2011
selengkapnya klik:
Lowongan terbaru PT WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk.
PT WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk.
Salah satu Perusahaan BUMN konstruksi terkemuka di Indonesia dengan wilayah
operasi di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri sedang mengembangkan bisnis
usahanya di bidang EPC Power Plant, Industri, Pertambangan, Oil & Gas serta
Investasi, saat ini membutuhkan pegawai dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
§ Pendidikan S1 :
- Pajak / Administrasi Fiskal
- Teknik Arsitektur
- Kesehatan Masyarakat / K3
- Teknik Sipil
- Akuntansi / Manajemen
§ IPK Minimal 2.75
§ Jenis kelamin Laki-laki
§ Usia maksimal 27 tahun
§ Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan (Score TOEFL min. 500)
§ Menguasai aplikasi software komputer di bidangnya
§ Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi
§ IPK Minimal 2.75
§ Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
§ Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di Kantor Akuntan Publik ternama
§ Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara lisan maupun tulisan (Score TOEFL min. 500)
§ Menguasai aplikasi software komputer di bidangnya
§ Memiliki networking luas dengan berbagai lembaga keuangan
§ Diutamakan memiliki pemahaman mengenai International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS)
§ Pendidikan minimal S1 Hukum
§ IPK minimal 3.00
§ Lebih diutamakan laki-laki
§ Memiliki pengalaman dalam :
- Menangani structuring transaction di bidang investasi infrastruktur,
transaksi perbankan dan pasar modal, merger dan akuisisi, kerja sama operasi di
Luar Negeri;
- Litigasi di Pengadilan Umum, Peradilan Hubungan Industrial, Pengadilan
Niaga dan Arbitrase
§ Berbahasa Inggris aktif (lisan & tulisan) dan berbahasa Asing lainnya secara
pasif (Score TOEFL min. 550)
§ Memiliki networking di instansi-instansi terkait
§ Mempunyai izin Advokat
§ Pendidikan minimal S1 Hukum
§ IPK minimal 3.00
§ Lebih diutamakan laki-laki
§ Memiliki pengalaman bekerja minimal 3 tahun di Law Firm / In House Lawyer
untuk Perusahaan Publik;
§ Memiliki pengalaman dalam :
- Menangani transaksi antara lain : transaksi pasar modal, merger dan
akuisisi, kontrak konstruksi, kontrak investasi; kontrakoperation & maintenance;
- Menangani perkara litigasi di Pengadilan Negeri, Arbitrase, Pengadilan
§ Berbahasa Inggris aktif, lisan maupun tulisan (Score TOEFL min. 500)
§ Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
§ Pendidikan minimal S1 Manajemen Keuangan/Akuntansi, S2 diutamakan
§ IPK minimal 2.75
§ Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun bidang Investor Relation, Securitas atau Lembaga
Keuangan Lainnya
§ Aktif berbahasa Inggris (Score TOEFL min. 500)
§ Diutamakan memiliki Sertifikat Analis Keuangan (Certified Financial Analyst –
§ Usia maksimal 32 tahun
§ Pendidikan S2 Manajemen Keuangan dengan latar belakang S1 Teknik
§ IPK Minimal 2.75
§ Mampu melakukan analisa studi kelayakan, evaluasi perusahaan dan project
§ Diutamakan pengalaman 2 tahun bidang Pengembangan Bisnis, Investasi serta
merger dan akuisisi
§ Berbahasa Inggris aktif, lisan maupun tulisan (Score TOEFL min. 500)
§ Usia maksimal 32 tahun
§ Pendidikan S2 Manajemen Keuangan dengan latar belakang Akuntan
§ IPK Minimal 2.75
§ Mampu melakukan analisa kredit, studi kelayakan, evaluasi perusahaan dan
project financing
§ Diutamakan pengalaman 2 tahun bidang Treasury, Perbankan, Investasi serta
merger dan akuisisi
§ Berbahasa Inggris aktif, lisan maupun tulisan (Score TOEFL min. 500)
Surat lamaran, CV & Foto terbaru dikirimkan melalui email ke :
dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan pada subjek email
25 January 2011
PT. JST INDONESIA - MM2100 Industrial Town - General Affairs
PT. JST INDONESIA adalah salah satu perusahaan Jepang yang bergerak dalam manufacturing komponen elektronik yang terkemuka di dunia.
Didirikan di Jepang pada September 1957 dan saat ini sudah mempunyai jaringan di seluruh dunia, salah satunya di Indonesia.
Di Indonesia, JST menempati lokasi seluas 84.300m2 di MM 2100 Industrial Town Cikarang Barat ,
dengan jumlah karyawan di akhir tahun 2009 sebanyak 2200 orang dan didukung oleh mesin-mesin berteknologi tinggi.
PT. JST INDONESIA pun sudah mendapatkan sertifikat ISO 9001 dan EMS ISO 14001.
Saat ini perusahaan sedang mencari General Affairs Staff, dengan kondisi sbb :
Tugas :
- Dokumentasi orang asing, termasuk keimigrasian.
- Company Legal, Dokumen Bea Cukai, Dokumen BKPM.
- Kontrol transportasi karyawan dan operasional Jepang.
- Administrasi GA
Syarat :
Laki-laki, maksimal usia 28 tahun
- Berpendidikan minimal D3 ( Hukum lebih disukai )
- Memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab General Affairs
- Mempunyai karakter yang sekaligus ramah, helpful namun tegas.
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris.
- Terbiasa mengolah data dengan komputer ( Bisa Open Office lebih disukai )
Kondisi umum :
1. Masa kontrak satu tahun dengan kemungkinan perpanjangan.
2. Lokasi kerja di Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cibitung Jawa Barat
3. Lokasi apartemen tersebar di areal DKI Jakarta.
4. Bisa bekerja sesegera mungkin.
Silahkan mengunjungi untukmempelajari profil kami.
Lamaran beserta CV silahkan ditujukan kepada dan cc ke selambat-lambatnya pada hari Selasa, tanggal 1 Februari 2011.
Tuliskan Posisi yang dilamar sebagai Message Subject. Hanya kandidat yang sesuai dengan persyaratan akan dihubungi untuk proses selanjutnya.
Semua berkas lamaran akan diperlakukan dengan hormat dan rahasia.
Vacancy Process Engineer
PT. Petrotechindo Utama is recognized as a well established independent company that has been actively providing specialized engineering and management services in the oil and gas Industry for both onshore and offshore projects since 2002. We are urgently seeking professional candidates for the following position: Job title : PROCESS ENGINEER Type : CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS : · Min. Undergraduate (S-1) in Chemical Engineering · Min. 10 years experience in process design and simulation, engineering and construction for oil, gas and LNG facility project · Possess working knowledge of the codes and standards issued by the following : o American Petroleum Institute (API) o American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and ISO standard related to process engineering · Experience in the use of process engineering software · Fluent in English Communication (Verbal and Written) Human Resources Department PT. PETROTECHINDO UTAMA Email :
If you meet those requirements and interested on the challenges, please send your full resume by quoting the job title in the subject to:
Vacancy Admission (Front Office)
Eka Hospital Group berkomitmen memberikan pelayanan kesehatan berkualitas dari staf berdedikasi dan profesional dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini dan standar fasilitas kesehatan tertinggi. Eka Hospital membutuhkan tenaga profesional dan dinamis dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Admission Staff :
21 January 2011
We, a growing national service company in oil and gas industry, are seeking qualified candidates to fill the position in our company as:
1. Fresh graduate from reputable university Hold Bachelor degree (S-1) majoring technical ( industry, electronics, petroleum ) , GPA min . 3.00
2. Maximum 25 years old
3. Well organize, strong motivated, discipline, independent and can working under pressure
4. Computer literate
5. Fluent in English, oral and written
If you are interested in carrier opportunity with us please submit your resume or CV, copy of academic certificate, transcript and recent photograph not later than Januari 23, 2011 (post stamp) to PT. EXSPAN PETROGAS INTRANUSA, Graha Niaga Lt. 16, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 58, Jakarta 12910, for attention Mr. Primbono – Contract Administration & Purchasing Head or e-mail : and please put job code as email subject.
Only short listed candidate will be notified for interview.
Human Resources Staff
Don't send CV to my email.
Technical Mgr - Shipping Company
We are a reputable Multinational Shipping Company, urgently seeking for a highly motivated and qualified professional to be positioned as: Technical Manager & Safety Specialist.
Qualifications : 1. Aged 30 – 45 2. Certificate ATT- I / ATT-II for Technical Manager 3. Certificate ANT-II for Safety Specialist 3. Having minimum 3 years experience at the same position in Shipping Company 4. Good organization, problem solving skills, and detail oriented 5. Familiar with PSM system. 6. Good command in English both oral and written. 7. Willing work in Samarinda / Banjarmasin
Please send your complete job application to: before January 30th 2011 and put the position title as your email subject or send mail to PO BOX 8620/JKSGR, Jakarta 12980. |
Vacancy Geologist
PT Telen Orbit Prima (Strategic Business Unit of PT United Tractors Tbk) is one of Indonesia's coal producers located in Kapuas District of Central Kalimantan. To achieve our vision, we have following position to offer for the right person that we can develop and grow together:
Qualification :
· Male/Female,
· S1 degree from reputable university majoring in Geology
· Familiar with MineScape (Core/Strat Model/Open Cut)
· Fluency in English (oral & written)
· Good interpersonal skill
· Assignment at Head Office Jakarta
We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package. Please send your comprehensive resume (with position code as email subject) together with a copy of your related certificates not later than 31 Januari 2011 from the date of this advertisement to:
Human Capital – Recruitment
PT. Telen Orbit Prima
Jalan Raya Bekasi Km 22 Jakarta Timur 13910
(Inspiring Technology Center Building)
Up. Doddy Satria
or e-mail
Survey Supervisor
· S1 Degree in geodetic engineering
· Minimal 2 years experience as surveyor or survey supervisor in coal mining industry
· Good interpersonal skill
· Dynamic presentation & communication skill
· Willing to work at mine site.
We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package. Please send your comprehensive resume (with position code as email subject) together with a copy of your related certificates not later than 31 Januari 2011 from the date of this advertisement to:
Human Capital – Recruitment
PT. Telen Orbit Prima
Jalan Raya Bekasi Km 22 Jakarta Timur 13910
(Inspiring Technology Center Building)
Up. Doddy Satria
or e-mail
18 January 2011
Vacancy Distributor Antivirus
Founded in 1990, Panda Security is the world's leading provider of cloud-based security solutions. Panda Security was the first IT security company to harness the power of cloud computing with its Collective Intelligence technology. This innovative security model can automatically analyze and classify thousands of new malware samples every day, guaranteeing corporate customers and home users the most effective protection against Internet threats with minimum impact on system performance.
QWERTY System, a fast growing distribution company which appointed to become Panda Security's distributor, is seeking for qualified and motivated candidates for joining our team as:
Account Manager - Corporate (Code AM-C)
· Develop strategies and achieve sales target, by increase market and meet revenue target
· Create new business opportunity
· Meet with key prospects, made proposal, making presentation, customer service, maintaining good relations with existing and prospective customers and also negotiating contracts and prices
· Responsible for attaining sales quota and direct activities of all sales and marketing support
· Male/ Female, max 30 years old
· Min. diploma degree in business, computing or related discipline
· Min. 1 year experience in corporate, industrial or government sales
· Posses own vehicle
· Literacy of MS word, Excel and Power Point
· Fluent in English, both in written and oral (preferably)
· Excellent in sales, interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
· Ready to work under pressure with proactive action
Account Manager - OEM (Code AM-OEM)
· Develop strategies and achieve sales target, by increase market and meet revenue target
· Create business and maintain relationship with main dealers, distributor and/ or hardware principles
· Meet with key prospects, made proposal, making presentation, customer service, maintaining good relations with existing and prospective partners and also negotiating contracts and prices
· Responsible for attaining sales quota and direct activities of all sales and marketing support
· Male/ Female, max 30 years old
· Min. diploma degree in business, computing or related discipline
· Min. 1 year experience in sales (possess existing relationship with hardware principles is preferably)
· Posses own vehicle
· Literacy of MS word, Excel and Power Point
· Fluent in English, both in written and oral (preferably)
· Excellent in sales, interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
· Ready to work under pressure with proactive action
Interested candidates are invited to send a comprehensive resume with recent photograph to :
Vacancy for Several Positions (2011)
Please kindly forward below vacancy to all mailing list members. Thank you.
We are a fast growing event management company, urgently needed several positions ;
Finance & Administration
Requirement :
- Female
- Age range : 20-27 Years Old
- Educational background : D1 / D3 (Accounting / Taxation / Finance Administration)
- Good Personality, good communications skill, good attitude
- Honest, energetic, hard worker, able to work with tight deadline & under pressure
- Have a great skill operating all MS. Office Program (Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Preferable have 1 Years experience as administration staff.
3D Creative Designer
Requirement :
- Male
- Age range : 23-27 Years Old
- Single
- Educational Background: Undergraduate (S1) Or Diploma (D3) from Visual Communications Design / Graphic Design / Interior Design
- Have great skill in operating: Adobe / Corel Draw & 3D Max / Auto Cad / Sketch Up
- Highly creative, good personality, mature, honest, hard worker, have great taste in graphic & 3D Design, keen interest in creative development, able to work in tight deadline & under pressure.
- Fluent in English & Bahasa, both oral & written
- Fresh graduates are encourage to apply
Graphic Designer
Requirement :
- Male / Female
- Age range : 23-27 Years Old
- Single
- Educational Background: Undergraduate (S1) Or Diploma (D3) from Visual Communications Design / Graphic Design / Interior Design
- Have great skill in operating: Adobe / Corel Draw / Macromedia Freehand
- Highly creative, good personality, mature, honest, hard worker, have great taste in graphic design, keen interest in creative development, able to work in tight deadline & under pressure.
- Fluent in English & Bahasa, both oral & written
- Fresh graduates are encourage to apply
Event Program
Requirement :
- Male or Female
- Age range : 23-32 years old
- Preferably Single
- Educational Background: Undergraduate (S1) Or Diploma (DIII) from any majors with min. GPA 2.75
- Good personality, excellent communications skill & good Attitude
- Great skill in operating all MS. Office Programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Internet, etc.)
- Honest, energetic, hard worker, self starter, mature, able to work with tight deadline & under pressure.
- Min 2 years experience working as Creative Event / Creative Conceptor in Event Organizer or BTL Agency.
Account Executive
Requirement :
- Male or Female
- Age range : 23-27 years old
- Single
- Educational Background: Undergraduate (S1) Or Diploma (DIII) preferable from Marketing/ Communications Study with min. GPA 2.75
- Good personality, good appearance, excellent Communications skill & good Attitude
- Great skill in operating all MS. Office Programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Internet, etc.)
- Energetic, hard worker, self starter, mature, able to work with tight deadline & under pressure & Able to do great presentation.
- Min 1 Year Experience in Working with Event Organizer, Advertising Agency or PR Company
- Fluent in English and Bahasa, both Oral or Written
If you feel you are the one who have those requirement above, feel free to send your Application Letter, CV with Recent Photograph, and Portfolio (for Creative Designer only), to :
pls submit before 24 January, 2011.
Thank You
17 January 2011
Guest Lecturer in Logistic and Supply Chain Management
CKB Logistics (Trakindo Group) perusahaan logistik terkemuka yang dalam pengembangan Corporate University membutuhkan dosen tamu spesialisasi Logistic & Supply Chain Management untuk mengajar "Case Study in Logistic and Supply Chain Management Company" di Jakarta Selatan pada bidang-bidang berikut: - Sales and Marketing in Logistic Company - Human Resources Management in Logistic Company - Financial Management in Logistic Company - Operations in Logistic Company Persyaratan: 1. Berpendidikan Master atau Doktor dari Universitas/Institut pendidikan bereputasi baik di Indonesia/Luar Negeri 2. Berpengalaman dalam mengajar secara interaktif dan menggunakan metode studi kasus 3. Praktisi / Akademisi dengan track record managerial. Lamaran + CV dikirim ke: Subject Email : (GL) Nama Pelamar Profesional yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang kami undang untuk proses lebih lanjut. |
Asst. Director of Finance five stars performing hotel in Surabaya
http://www.jobislands. com
We are recruiting to be placed in Pontianak
VACANCY as IT Officer - URGENT!!!
DONATA SERVICES INDONESIA is recruiting IT Professionals! In order to help one of our client, a Multinational IT company whom needs professionals to be positioned as IT Officer, and to be located in the following area (preferable those from respective area to apply):
ITO-Pontianak (Code : ITO-Pnk)
a. Single, maximum age: 30 years old.
b. Education in IT (Informatics, Computer science, etc)
c. Communicate well in English and Bahasa
d. High motivation
e. Have knowledge in MS Operating System, LAN, WAN, and Internet setting.
f. Preferable those who has experience as IT Helpdesk minimum 1 (one) year.
If you have the above qualifications and willing to be relocated in that respective area, send your application letter and Resume/CV to: in MS Word (please limit your file to max 200 KB). Write down the Code in the subject of your e-mail and in your application letter. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
The candidate will be trained for 4 (four) weeks in Jakarta. The responsibilities of the candidates are: to install a self-build application program; synchronize the database; troubleshoot and maintain the program performance.
We prefer the candidate who is coming from those areas and would like to return back to their hometown or someone wants to take a challenge.
Recruitment Team
"We provide the Best HR Solution for you!"
SITE HR and EHS Advisor
A Multinational Mining Service Company is seeking skilled, experienced, and qualified professionals for the following position:
To qualify for the post, the applicants need to have minimum requirements as follows:
a) Bachelor degree (S1) from any engineering major and/or Occupational health and Safety (EHS) and Management / Economics / Human Resources / Law Management/Psychology (HR)
b) Having 3-5 years experience as Safety Officer at a mining, O&G industries, manufacturing and/or heavy equipment industry (EHS) and Min 4 years experience in the field (Payroll, Petty cash, Logistic, General Affair, Jamsostek, Law of labor & Recruitment (HR)
c) Preference will be given to the candidate who is currently holding these positions
d) Max age of 35 years and Familiar with ISO18001 and ISO14001 (EHS)
e) Trained and certified K3 (General, EHS)
f) English and computer literacy are a must for both positions.
g) Ready to work at the site / field office on a roster scheme.
Please send your complete application including your recent photograph within 2 weeks from the date of advertisement at
16 January 2011
JOb Weatherford Indonesia: looking for Technical Sales Engineer Jakarta Base
As one of the largest global providers, Weatherford helps build innovative mechanical solutions, technology applications, and services for all phases of oil and gas developments. Weatherford operates in over 100 countries and employs more than 40,000 people worldwide.
We are seeking to find highly qualified candidates for the following position:
4+ years business development experience or equivalent (inc. specific knowledge of Pipeline Product Line)
Degree in Technical subject however Sales, Business, or Marketing acceptable if technical ability can be demonstrated
Knowledge of other Weatherford PSS products and services
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Excellent interpersonal and persuasive skills
Good computer skills
Willingness to travel
We offer career growth in an exciting, challenging and rewarding professional environment both in the position advertised and beyond.
To apply, please send your application and CV with Technical Sales Engineer as subject before
30th January 2011 to
NOTE: Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted
Weatherford is an equal opportunity employer.
Legal Counsel for Jakarta office
PT. JDA-Indonesia is manpower consultants for the Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industries within Indonesia . JDA has been servicing the Indonesian Oil & Gas, Mining, Manufacturing and Construction industry for 20 years.
Our client, a multinational gold and base metal mining company is seeking a talented person for the position:
Legal Counsel, Jakarta based (Code: LCO)
Summary of Role:
·Provide expert legal services and advice covering regulations, contracts and interpretations to one or more departments engaged in the mining industry in Indonesia
·The individual will be a recognized expert and have an in depth understanding of mining practice gained from fulfilling a similar role in an operating company in Indonesia
Specific Duties:
·Work closely with officers and top management to advise them on changes in mining laws and regulations, evaluate their impact to the company
·Needs to have the ability to give immediate answers from accumulated knowledge and exp without the opportunity to research the law
·Prepare initial drafts of legal document covering tenders, bid contracts etc. as well as having the ability to examine and review all legal documents and contracts for legal proficiency
·Negotiate and prepare drafts documentation for various company transaction including bid rounds, acquisitions and divestitures.
·Provides legal advice to several commercial sections of the company and in administrative matters relating to personnel, property leases etc.
Job Requirements:
· Qualified practicing lawyer/attorney with a good knowledge of legal skills, developed though working in mining industry in Indonesia
· Have a thorough understanding of the regulations and laws covering terms mining Contracts
· Have 5-8 years experience in the same field (mining and laws)
· Fluency in spoken and written English
· Computer literate is a must
· Be an Indonesian national.
Salary: ± IDR 10 Million (nett)
Only qualified candidate should apply
Please email your comprehensive resume, recent photograph, current and expected remuneration and put the position code in the email subject immediately to:
15 January 2011
Vacant for Geotech & Hydro Engineer PT BHAKTI ENERGI PERSADA
PT. Bhakti Energi Persada is one of Indonesia's newest growing coal mining enterprises and is targeted to be the largest coal producer in Indonesia.
To support our rapid establishment and expansion of the business entities and projects, we are seeking senior qualified professionals to join with our team.
Send your CV to
Various leader positions Located in Salatiga
Located in Salatiga, Indonesia, Formulatrix is fast growing robotic automation equipment manufacturer and software solutions provider to leading pharmaceutical companies and academic research institutions. We cater to clients in the highly specialized life sciences industry with our client base comprised of major Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies. The Company has experienced aggressive historic double digit growth with healthy profits because of our industry recognized patented technology and superior software delivery services. The industry recognizes our products and services due to our dedication to producing the "best breed of products". Our business operations are international in scope with business units located in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
We are seeking qualified hands on, top-notch, and dynamic
Qualifications: 1) Excellent English communication skills 2) Proven leadership abilities 3) Highly motivated, strong team player 4) Extremely well organized with exceptional attention to detail 5) Ability to multi-task and remain flexible in a fast-paced, dynamic work environment 6) Minimum 2 years experiences with similar position 7) Will be located in Salatiga
Detail Information's and Apply please follow this link |
Pipipeline , Civil Engineer and Contract Manager
PT. PROSYS BANGUN PERSADA is a leading Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, Construction and Properties is growing very fast in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction area, currently searching for highly qualified candidate for the following position: 1. Piping & Pipeline Engineer Qualification: - D3 or S1 Graduate Majoring in Mechanical Engineering from reputable University with more than 8 years experience in Oil & Gas Project (S1) or more than 15 years experience. - Maximum of Age 45 years old 2. Civil Engineer Qualification: - D3 or S1 Graduate Majoring in Civil Engineering from reputable University with more than 8 years experience in Oil & Gas Project (S1) or more than 15 years experience. - Maximum of Age 45 years old
3. Contract Manager (CM) - S1 From Reputable University - Having an Experience as a Contract Manager at least 8 Years in Oil & Gas Project - Having a good leadership
if you meet the requirement above please download our application form in and send with your complete CV to:
13 January 2011
Lowongan Bank BNI
Bank BNI
Berdiri sejak 1946, BNI yang dahulu dikenal sebagai Bank Negara Indonesia, merupakan bank pertama yang didirikan dan dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Indonesia.Pada tahun 2004, identitas perusahaan yang diperbaharui mulai digunakan untuk menggambarkan prospek masa depan yang lebih baik, setelah keberhasilan mengarungi masa-masa yang sulit. Sebutan 'Bank BNI' dipersingkat menjadi 'BNI', sedangkan tahun pendirian - '46' - digunakan dalam logo perusahaan untuk meneguhkan kebanggaan sebagai bank nasional pertama yang lahir pada era Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Berangkat dari semangat perjuangan yang berakar pada sejarahnya, BNI bertekad untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi negeri, serta senantiasa menjadi kebanggaan negara.
IT Development Program
Persyaratan :
* Lulusan minimal S1 dari Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektro/Statistik/Teknik Industri/Ilmu Komputer/Elektronika/Teknik Fisika/Matematika dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang terkemuka capable di bidang IT.
* Syarat IPK yaitu : PTN minimal 2,75; PTS minimal 3,00
* Menguasai minimal salah satu bahasa pemrograman : Cobol, C++, Java, MS Dot Net, PHP, Web, MS SQL Server, Platform UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux), TACL, PHP, SAS, PL SQL.
* Pengalaman kerja programming minimal 1 tahun.
* Nilai tambah bagi yang menguasai : Development Tools, OS Platform UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux)/OS Windows Server/Data Base Oracle/SQL Server atau mengerti konsep TCPIP/Management Data Base/Project Management Tools
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
* Usia maksimal 28 tahun
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Setiap pelamar harus melengkapi data : Lampiran surat lamaran, CV dan dokumen-dokumen lain yang diperlukan (sertifikat, ijazah yang dilegalisir dll).
Data tersebut diatas dapat disampaikan melalui email
12 January 2011
Operation Manager, Sales & Marketing Executive
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di industry Foof & Beverage yang berlokasi di jakarta. saat ini kami membutuhkan beberapa staff untuk posisi-posisi sebagai berikut.
- Pria/Wanita
- Berpengalaman sebagai Operation Manager Min 1 tahun
- Aktif berbahasa Inggris
- Menguasai prosedur kerja perkantoran
- Dapat mengorganize dan memanage team operational
- High leadership
- Wanita
- Berpenampilan Menarik
- Pengalaman sebagai sales & marketing minimal 1 tahun
- Mempunyai relasi yang luas
- Berpengalam sebagai PR diutamakan
- Berbahasa Inggris dengan baik
Bagi yang berminta mohon kirimkan CV anda melalui email ke sebelum 20 Januari 2011
Terima Kasih
Lowongan TV Lokal Surabaya
Talent Development Center for Human Champion Management Salah satu klien kami sebuah TV Swasta Lokal Jawa Timur, memerlukan beberapa posisi sebagai berikut : 1. Finance & Accounting Manager (usia maks. 37 thn, pengalaman min 3 thn di bidang yg sama) 2. Budget & Cost Control Specialist (usia maks 30 thn, memahami Budget Cost Control) 3. Legal Specialist (usia maks. 30 thn, menguasai Legal Corporate dan Legal Business) 4. Marketing Head (usia maks. 30 thn, pengalaman Marketing dan punya jaringan luas di Jawa Timur) 5. Marketing Officer (usia maks. 30 thn, memahami dunia marketing dan target oriented) 6. General Affairs Specialist (usia maks. 30 thn, pengalaman bidang kerja General Affairs) 7. Fresh Graduate yang berminat bekerja di bidang TV Broadcasting di wilayah Jawa Timur (IPK. Min. 2.75 skala 4, usia maks. 27 thn)
Syarat Umum : Pria / Wanita Pendidikan minimal Diploma 3 Bersedia bekerja di wilayah Jawa Timur
Kirim lamaran lengkap anda maksimal tanggal 20 Januari 2011 Kami akan mengudang anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi.
IT Support
PT. CIRCLE K INDONESIA merupakan perusahaan terkemuka yang bergerak di bidang retail. Membutuhkan IT SUPPORT dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut
(Fungsi Jabatan)
Membantu operasional kantor, toko dan gudang dalam hal IT sesuai dengan area.
Membantu pembukaan GO dalam instalasi hardware dan software toko
( Spesifikasi Jabatan)
1. Pendidikan DIII/S1 Manajemen Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Komputer.
2. Usia Min. 25 – 30 thn.
3. Fresh Graduate tetapi diutamakan memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun di bidang Support.
4. Memiliki leadership yang kuat.
5. Memiliki management skill yang baik.
Dapat melakukan problem solving mulai dari menentukan masalah, penyebab dan menanganinya secara akurat dan tuntas dalam masalah-masalah hardware dan penggunaan computer
Dapat melatih teknik operasi penggunaan hardware dan software kepada users
8. Sering menangani project management.
9. Memiliki kemampuan analisa software dan hardware skill dibidang retail.
10. Menguasai bahasa pemograman.
11. Dapat bekerja sendiri atau team.
12. Dapat mengendarai kendaraan roda dua dan roda empat serta memiliki SIM A atau C.
(Sasaran dan Tanggung Jawab)
1. Memastikan kegiatan operasional kantor, toko dan gudang dapat berjalan dengan baik.
2. Memastikan laporan-laporan permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan IT dapat terselesaikan dengan baik dan cepat.
3. Memastikan pembukaan GO dalam instalasi hardware dan software toko sesuai dengan prosedur dan tepat waktu.
Kirim lamaran lengkap anda berikut CV ke email :
*Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
* Tulis posisi yang dilamar pada kolom subject
Looking for professionals to be placed at our Clients
Prominent Consult, a Recruitment Company, is looking for professionals to be placed at our Clients:
I. Consumer Goods Company
Senior Brand Manager
- As a Brand / Product Manager minimum handling 2 Consumer Good's brands more than 1 year
II. Medical Equipment Company
Business Development Manager
- Minimum 3 years as a Business Development / Sales Manager in Medical Equipment
Product Specialist (Jakarta, Yogyakarta & Medan)
- 3 – 5 years as a Product Specialist / Sales in Medical Equipment
III. Pump and Valve Manufacturing and Distributor Company
PPC Manager (Cikarang)
- Minimum 3 years as a PPC Manager in Manufacturing
Sales Engineer (Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, Oil & Gas)
- 2 – 3 years as a Sales Engineer in Manufacturing
Please send your update CV to or kindly visit our Website at
Kami ZPO Creative Factory,
sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Graphic Design dan Printing, yang berlokasi di daerah warung buncit menawarkan kesempatan kepada Anda untuk bergabung bersama kami.
Kami membutuhkan tenaga Sales Marketing dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
- Laki - laki/ Wanita
- Umur Max 35 thn
- Lulusan minimal diploma atau jika SMU berpengalaman dalam bidang penjualan
- Kami menerima Fresh Graduate, yang berpengalaman akan lebih diutamakan.
- Berdomisili di Jakarta Selatan.
- diutamakan mempunyai kendaraan pribadi, SIM C
Kirimkan CV anda ke :
ZPO Creative Factory
jl. Buncit Raya 301 B
Jakarta Selatan
atau via email di:
Pengiriman CV paling lambat 2 minggu setelah lowongan ini ditampilkan
- Restaurant Manager.
- Restaurant Supervisor
- Restaurant Captain
- Bar Manager.
- Bar Supervisor
- Bar Captain
- Waiter/waitress.
- Bartender
- Restaurant Greeter.
General requirement:
- Max age 35 years old.
- Fluent in English
- Nice Person and good looking.Ready to be place in Bali
Ruth Triyana
Human Resources Director
Potato Head Beach Club Bali
Jalan Petitenget, Seminyak, Bali 80361
P. +62 361 737 979
F. +62 361 730 548
E. /
11 January 2011
engineering mgr & sales mgr
PT Saberindo Pacific,
sebuah perusahaan terdepan dalam bidang distribusi dan penjualan maupun instalasi produk fire protection di indonesia
Info lebih lanjut dapat membuka website kami di
Saat ini kami sedang membuka lowongan dengan detail sbb :
Engineering Manager
a. Pria (>35 - 40 th)
b. pendidikan min S1 Mechanical / electrical Engineering
c. pengalaman min 8 th di bisnis fire protection atau kontraktor M&E
d. pengalaman dalam membuat design, proposal dan melakukan presentasi
e. mengerti Mechanical and Electrical piping design and system
h. mampu menjadi leader
sales manager
- Pria (>35 - 40 th)
- pendidikan min S1 semua jurusan
- berpengalaman min 10 th di bidang industrial - manufacturing market
- mempunyai kendaraan sendiri
- mampu menjadi leader
segera kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV serta pas photo terbaru ke
untuk info lebih lanjut klik
Required For Project Scheduler
We are an Engineering Consulting who need many engineers in various fields and will be placed in several mining site locations in Indonesia, looking for qualified candidates to fill the position for:
Project Scheduler
1. Male or Female
2. Bachelor degree (S1) in engineering
3. Min 3 years experience in Engineering related Projects
4. Understand the function of philosophy and scheduling principal
5. Have training in Primavera (Enterprise)
6. Able to use MS Project, Power point, MS Word, MS Excel, etc
7. Technical, detail oriented problem solver, hard worker and under pressure
8. Fluent in English (oral & written)
An attractive remuneration package commensurating with experience will be offered to the successful candidate. Your application will be treated confidentially and only shorted listed candidate will be followed up.
Click here to apply now!
Or email to with subject "Application for Job-ID 211-68"
10 January 2011
PT. Global Niaga Bersama (Integrated Logistics & Shipping Company), is seeking the suitable candidate to join the best team for the position below:
Requirements :
- Minimum D3 from Secretarial background
- Computer Literate - Enthusiastic and result oriented
- Good interpersonal and communication skill
- Hard worker and willing to learn
- Fluent in English, both verbal and written
If you believe that you are suitable for this positions, please submit your comprehensive resume within 14 days to:
All applicants will be treated in confidence and only short listed candidates will be notified, thanks.
08 January 2011
Weatherford Indonesia: Looking for Field Engineer Wireline (Jakarta Base)
As one of the largest global providers, Weatherford helps build innovative mechanical solutions, technology applications, and services for all phases of oil and gas developments. Weatherford operates in over 100 countries and employs more than 40,000 people worldwide.
We are seeking to find highly qualified candidates for the following position:
· Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Science, Engineering, Physics or Mathematics · Experience in Open hole logging is a must · Experience in Pipe conveyed logging is prefer · At least 2 years experience · Ability to work under pressure · Able to travel to customer well site locations at short notice · Willingness to work in varying conditions · Must be safety conscious as each assignment will involve the implementation of health, safety and environmental procedures · Team worker - ability to work in team to achieve shared goals · Must be willing to spend extended periods of time at any field location
We offer career growth in an exciting, challenging and rewarding professional environment both in the position advertised and beyond.
To apply, please send your application and CV with Field – Engineer Wireline as subject before 23rd January 2011 to
NOTE: Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted
Weatherford is an equal opportunity employer. |
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