PT Resindo Resources Indonesia is a project and technology specialist Indonesian company, employing dedicated and experienced personnel.
We specialize in Consulting, Project Implementation & Operational support for
Mining & Minerals and Power Generation projects throughout Indonesia.
Need Positions:
1. Study Manager
Qualification :
- Experience in studies or project management in field of minerals plant and minerals insfrastructure development
- at least 8-10 years experience
- Background in Civil Eng. and Mechanical Eng.
2. Sr. E&I Engineer
Qualification :Experience at least 5-7 years in our sector as above, design for actual projects
3. Contracts Engineer
Qualification :
- at least 5-7 years experience in our sector
- actual projects English & Indonesia Document
- for placement in project Wetar, Maluku
4. QA Manager
Qualification :
- Min 5-7 years experience in actual projects
- Ability to write, re-drafts documents English & Indonesia Documents
5. Estimator / Project Engineer
Qualification : Must have field experience as Project Engineer
6. Eartworks Supervisor
Qualification : Min 5-7 years in filed management of civil and eartworks, mainly site based, in between in Jakarta Office
7. Project Engineer
- For reielf field work on projects and Jakarta office works
- Prefer 5-7 years with structural, mechanical, piping
- Type background Civil Engineer & Mechanical Engineer
Please send your resume or CV to our email address at cc
30 March 2012
Lowongan Journalist Media
Dibutuhkan seorang Journalist Media dengan Kualifikasi sbb :
· Lulusan S1
· Wanita/Pria, usia max 30 tahun
· Memiliki keterampilan berkomunikasi dan dapat menjalin hubungan dengan baik
· Memiliki koneksi /jaringan yang luas
· Mempunyai kemampuan dalam menulis dan analisis dengan baik
· Memelihara dan menangani pembuatan artikel tiap bulan
· Mampu bekerja baik dibawah tekanan dan memenuhi target waktu yang ditentukan.
· Menguasai bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
· Memiliki kepribadian yang baik dan mudah beradaptasi
· Pengalaman minimal 1 th untuk pekerjaan yang sama
· Memiliki motor sendiri dan bersedia pergi melakukan wawancara dan meliput event
Kirimkan CV & Application Letter ke email :
atau kirim langsung ke :
Institute of Technology Purwadhika Nusantara
Menara Prima 11th Floor
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Blok 6.2
Jakarta 12950
· Lulusan S1
· Wanita/Pria, usia max 30 tahun
· Memiliki keterampilan berkomunikasi dan dapat menjalin hubungan dengan baik
· Memiliki koneksi /jaringan yang luas
· Mempunyai kemampuan dalam menulis dan analisis dengan baik
· Memelihara dan menangani pembuatan artikel tiap bulan
· Mampu bekerja baik dibawah tekanan dan memenuhi target waktu yang ditentukan.
· Menguasai bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
· Memiliki kepribadian yang baik dan mudah beradaptasi
· Pengalaman minimal 1 th untuk pekerjaan yang sama
· Memiliki motor sendiri dan bersedia pergi melakukan wawancara dan meliput event
Kirimkan CV & Application Letter ke email :
atau kirim langsung ke :
Institute of Technology Purwadhika Nusantara
Menara Prima 11th Floor
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Blok 6.2
Jakarta 12950
Vacancy in coal mining company PT. BARADINAMIKA MUDASUKSES
Kami bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubara sejak 1992 dengan sistem terintegrasi dalam penyediaan batubara untuk mencapai kualitas mutu yang tinggi demi kepuasan pelanggan. Kami selalu ingin berbenah dan menjadi lebih baik.
Dengan meningkatnya target produksi batubara, saat ini kami sedang mencari individu-individu yang luar biasa dan professional untuk mengisi posisi posisi sebagai berikut :
People Development Manager (PDM)
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. S1 Jurusan Psikologi.
• Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun dibidangnya.
• Memahami konsep program pengembangan dan training karyawan.
• Mengusai dengan baik job deskripsi, job analisis, job evaluasi dan grading karyawan.
CSR Manager (CSR)
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. S1
• Pengalaman Min. 3 tahun dibidang CSR.
• Mempunyai konsep pengembangan masyarakat di lingkungan tambang dan sekitarnya yang komprehensif untuk jangka pendek, menengah maupun panjang.
• Mampu mengembangkan serta mengaplikasikan program-program CSR secara efektif.
• Mampu memberikan dukungan kepada manajemen dalam mempromosikan citra dan reputasi perusahaan yang positif.
Senior Mine Planner ( Code : SMP )
Kualifikasi :
Pria, Min usia 27 Thn.
Pendidikan lebih disukai S1 Teknik Pertambangan.
Pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun diposisi yang sama diperusahaan tambang batubara.
Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengoperasikan mining software.
Dapat membuat plan proses tambang yang bersifat long term, middle dan short term.
Dapat menyusun serta membuat laporan data-data hasil pengamatan lapangan.
Junior Mine Planner ( Code : JMP )
Kualifikasi :
Pria, Min usia 25 Thn.
Pendidikan lebih disukai S1 Teknik Pertambangan.
Pengalaman 1 - 2 Tahun diposisi yang sama diperusahaan tambang batubara.
Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengoperasikan mining software.
Dapat membuat plan proses tambang yang bersifat long term, middle dan short term.
Dapat menyusun serta membuat laporan data-data hasil pengamatan lapangan.
Surveyor ( Code : SV )
Kualifikasi :
· Pria, Usia Min. 22 Tahun.
· Pendidikan Min. SMU sederajat, lebih disukai D3/S1 Teknik Geodesi.
· Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun diposisi yang sama dipertambangan batubara.
· Mampu memproses data survey dan analisanya dengan baik.
· Menguasai alat-alat survey dan mampu mengaplikasikan dengan baik.
Civil Dept. Head ( Code : CDH )
Kualifikasi :
· Pria, Usia Min. 30 Tahun.
· Pendidikan Min. S1 Teknik Civil.
· Pengalaman Min. 4 tahun diposisi yang sama diperusahaan tambang batu bara atau civil kontraktor sekala besar.
· Memahami teknis tentang desain, konstruksi, dan perbaikan struktural.
· Mampu mengendalikan, mengelola dan mengontrol kegiatan proyek infrastruktur untuk menunjang kegiatan tambang dan proyek infrastruktur lainnya.
Cost Control Engineer ( Code : CCE )
Kualifikasi :
· Pria, Usia Min. 27 Tahun.
· Pendidikan Min. S1 Civil/ Teknik Tambang/ Teknik Industri.
· Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun diposisi yang sama di perusahaan tambang batu bara.
· Mampu membuat kajian operasional yang efektif.
· Mempunyai kemampuan analisa yang baik.
Stockpile & Barging Supervisor ( Code : SBS )
Kualifikasi :
• Laki-laki, Usia Min. 27 tahun.
• Pendidikan lebih disukai Min. D3
• Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun di posisi yang sama.
• Menguasai teknis loading dan unloading Batubara.
• Memamahi coal stockpile management.
HRD Officer / Supervisor (HRO)
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 26 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. S1 Jurusan Psikologi.
• Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun dibidangnya.
• Memahami prinsip prinsip pengembangan SDM.
• Mengusai dengan baik test tools untuk aktifitas Recruitment dan Assesment.
Heavy Equipment Maintenance Supervisor ( HEMS )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. STM lebih disukai D3/S1 Tehnik Mesin.
• Pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun di posisi yang sama, lebih disuka yang pernah berpengalaman sebagai mekanik alat berat.
• Menguasai mekanikal dan elektrik alat berat, DumpTruck dan light vehicle.
Conveyor & Crusher Maintenance Supervisor ( CCMS )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. STM lebih disukai D3/S1 Tehnik Mesin.
• Pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun di posisi yang sama, lebih disuka yang pernah berpengalaman dipertambangan.
• Menguasai mekanikal dan elektrik khususnya conveyor dan crusher.
Kualifikasi Umum untuk semua posisi :
Menguasai bahasa Inggris, min. pasif.
Dapat menggunakan perangkat komputer (Word, Excel).
• Memiliki jiwa kepimpinan yang tinggi.
Mampu bekerja secara team maupun individual.
• Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
• Aktif, inovatif, dan berdedikasi tinggi.
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi tambang Loreh – Malinau ( KalTim ).
Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, dapat mengirimkan CV Lengkap dan Foto terbaru ke alamat email kami di bawah ini, dengan mencantumkan nama posisi atau code posisi yang di lamar pada subject email :
Paket remunerisasi yang menarik akan kami tawarkan kepada kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan kami.
"Mohon maaf bagi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tidak akan kami proses"
Kami bergerak di bidang pertambangan batubara sejak 1992 dengan sistem terintegrasi dalam penyediaan batubara untuk mencapai kualitas mutu yang tinggi demi kepuasan pelanggan. Kami selalu ingin berbenah dan menjadi lebih baik.
Dengan meningkatnya target produksi batubara, saat ini kami sedang mencari individu-individu yang luar biasa dan professional untuk mengisi posisi posisi sebagai berikut :
People Development Manager (PDM)
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. S1 Jurusan Psikologi.
• Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun dibidangnya.
• Memahami konsep program pengembangan dan training karyawan.
• Mengusai dengan baik job deskripsi, job analisis, job evaluasi dan grading karyawan.
CSR Manager (CSR)
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. S1
• Pengalaman Min. 3 tahun dibidang CSR.
• Mempunyai konsep pengembangan masyarakat di lingkungan tambang dan sekitarnya yang komprehensif untuk jangka pendek, menengah maupun panjang.
• Mampu mengembangkan serta mengaplikasikan program-program CSR secara efektif.
• Mampu memberikan dukungan kepada manajemen dalam mempromosikan citra dan reputasi perusahaan yang positif.
Senior Mine Planner ( Code : SMP )
Kualifikasi :
Pria, Min usia 27 Thn.
Pendidikan lebih disukai S1 Teknik Pertambangan.
Pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun diposisi yang sama diperusahaan tambang batubara.
Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengoperasikan mining software.
Dapat membuat plan proses tambang yang bersifat long term, middle dan short term.
Dapat menyusun serta membuat laporan data-data hasil pengamatan lapangan.
Junior Mine Planner ( Code : JMP )
Kualifikasi :
Pria, Min usia 25 Thn.
Pendidikan lebih disukai S1 Teknik Pertambangan.
Pengalaman 1 - 2 Tahun diposisi yang sama diperusahaan tambang batubara.
Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam mengoperasikan mining software.
Dapat membuat plan proses tambang yang bersifat long term, middle dan short term.
Dapat menyusun serta membuat laporan data-data hasil pengamatan lapangan.
Surveyor ( Code : SV )
Kualifikasi :
· Pria, Usia Min. 22 Tahun.
· Pendidikan Min. SMU sederajat, lebih disukai D3/S1 Teknik Geodesi.
· Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun diposisi yang sama dipertambangan batubara.
· Mampu memproses data survey dan analisanya dengan baik.
· Menguasai alat-alat survey dan mampu mengaplikasikan dengan baik.
Civil Dept. Head ( Code : CDH )
Kualifikasi :
· Pria, Usia Min. 30 Tahun.
· Pendidikan Min. S1 Teknik Civil.
· Pengalaman Min. 4 tahun diposisi yang sama diperusahaan tambang batu bara atau civil kontraktor sekala besar.
· Memahami teknis tentang desain, konstruksi, dan perbaikan struktural.
· Mampu mengendalikan, mengelola dan mengontrol kegiatan proyek infrastruktur untuk menunjang kegiatan tambang dan proyek infrastruktur lainnya.
Cost Control Engineer ( Code : CCE )
Kualifikasi :
· Pria, Usia Min. 27 Tahun.
· Pendidikan Min. S1 Civil/ Teknik Tambang/ Teknik Industri.
· Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun diposisi yang sama di perusahaan tambang batu bara.
· Mampu membuat kajian operasional yang efektif.
· Mempunyai kemampuan analisa yang baik.
Stockpile & Barging Supervisor ( Code : SBS )
Kualifikasi :
• Laki-laki, Usia Min. 27 tahun.
• Pendidikan lebih disukai Min. D3
• Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun di posisi yang sama.
• Menguasai teknis loading dan unloading Batubara.
• Memamahi coal stockpile management.
HRD Officer / Supervisor (HRO)
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 26 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. S1 Jurusan Psikologi.
• Pengalaman Min. 2 tahun dibidangnya.
• Memahami prinsip prinsip pengembangan SDM.
• Mengusai dengan baik test tools untuk aktifitas Recruitment dan Assesment.
Heavy Equipment Maintenance Supervisor ( HEMS )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. STM lebih disukai D3/S1 Tehnik Mesin.
• Pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun di posisi yang sama, lebih disuka yang pernah berpengalaman sebagai mekanik alat berat.
• Menguasai mekanikal dan elektrik alat berat, DumpTruck dan light vehicle.
Conveyor & Crusher Maintenance Supervisor ( CCMS )
Kualifikasi :
• Pria, Usia Min. 28 Tahun.
• Pendidikan Min. STM lebih disukai D3/S1 Tehnik Mesin.
• Pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun di posisi yang sama, lebih disuka yang pernah berpengalaman dipertambangan.
• Menguasai mekanikal dan elektrik khususnya conveyor dan crusher.
Kualifikasi Umum untuk semua posisi :
Menguasai bahasa Inggris, min. pasif.
Dapat menggunakan perangkat komputer (Word, Excel).
• Memiliki jiwa kepimpinan yang tinggi.
Mampu bekerja secara team maupun individual.
• Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
• Aktif, inovatif, dan berdedikasi tinggi.
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi tambang Loreh – Malinau ( KalTim ).
Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas, dapat mengirimkan CV Lengkap dan Foto terbaru ke alamat email kami di bawah ini, dengan mencantumkan nama posisi atau code posisi yang di lamar pada subject email :
Paket remunerisasi yang menarik akan kami tawarkan kepada kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan kami.
"Mohon maaf bagi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tidak akan kami proses"
Sales engineer PT Power Sumber Solusindo
PT. Power Sumber Solusindo is a Jakarta, Indonesia-based Industrial Supply Company specialized in trading industrial equipments and consumables. Our clients are mainly EPC companies as well as some oil and gas companies.
We currently need 2 sales engineers with requirements as follow:
1) Female/Male
2) S1 majoring Mechanical Engineering (Preferable), Petroleum Engineering, Fresh graduate from reputable Univ are welcome to apply (Preferable graduated from UGM, UNDIP, UI, UPN, ITB, TRISAKTI)
3) Proficient in English both oral and written is a MUST
4) Computer and internet literate
Maximum age is 30 years old
5) Good communication/interpersonal skills, proactive and hardworking, reliable, initiative
6) Ready to work in team and independently, highly motivated
7) Willing to travel
8). Get along quickly with new environment
9) Will be located in South Jakarta
Qualified candidates should apply with complete cv, recent photograph.
Email to: (no later 5April 2012) - max.2 MB
vessel & heat exchanger manufacturing company
Our client, International Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing Company and are looking for an experienced person to join us at our facility on the island of Batam, Indonesia.
(1). Project Manager
(2). Design Engineer
(3). Welding Engineer
(4). QC Inspector
(5). HR Clerk
- Degree/Diploma holder of any discipline with 3 years same
experience in Oil & Gas Industry (all)
- Having knowledge of Pressure Vessel (all)
- Having knowledge of Column, Shell & Tube, Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
- Having good knowledge in technical & applicable codes - standards,
such as ASME, TEMA, ANSI, API, etc. In Mechanical design software
such as Compress, PV-Elite, Microprotol & AutoCAD (2)
- Certified of Welding Engineer (3)
- All applicants must be fluent in English and good in MS Office (all)
- Good interpersonal skill and able to work independently (all)
- Able to work under pressure& irregular hours (all)
forward CV to :
(1). Project Manager
(2). Design Engineer
(3). Welding Engineer
(4). QC Inspector
(5). HR Clerk
- Degree/Diploma holder of any discipline with 3 years same
experience in Oil & Gas Industry (all)
- Having knowledge of Pressure Vessel (all)
- Having knowledge of Column, Shell & Tube, Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
- Having good knowledge in technical & applicable codes - standards,
such as ASME, TEMA, ANSI, API, etc. In Mechanical design software
such as Compress, PV-Elite, Microprotol & AutoCAD (2)
- Certified of Welding Engineer (3)
- All applicants must be fluent in English and good in MS Office (all)
- Good interpersonal skill and able to work independently (all)
- Able to work under pressure& irregular hours (all)
forward CV to :
HRIS Specialist, Recruitment Specialist
Star Energy as a leading Asian energy Company, create competitive and balanced value for our investors, our Employees, the Country and the Community.
We believe that the road to success lies in gaining the respect of and being the partner of choice and placed our people as part of the future that makes our long term value is reachable.
Come join our Company and be a part of Star Energy's future.
HRIS Specialist (HRISS)
Jakarta Raya
Oversee technology projects including ensuring quality, timeliness and use of HR information
Taken from the system (SAP), update employee data and review prioritize the maintenance of the system
Maintain & monitor HR system to ensure the security of HR information.
Integration, upgrades, modifications, additions, etc., and participate in the tracking problem and formulate a resolution for all HR systems.
Works on problems of various scopes where analysis of situations or data requires a review of identifiable factors; exercises judgment within defined procedures and practices to determine appropriate action; may recommend changes to existing procedures and practices based on analysis of data.
Insures the integrity of the HR data system.
Researches new techniques in the development of systems and maintains knowledge of current trends and strategies in technology fields relating to HRIS.
strategies in the areas of technology related to HRIS
Requires a minimum of Bachelor's Degree (S1) in Engineering, IT or Management
Minimum 5 (five) years experience in developing Human Resources Information System (SAP base), HR report, business process and data analysis.
Have keen knowledge on HR Strategic such as HR Planning, Learning & Development, Career & Succession Planning, Compensation and Benefit, Talent Management, Competency Management, Recruitment and fully understand on HR Policy & Procedure and Company policy
Proficiency in MS Office.
1 Full-Time position(s) available
Recruitment Specialist (RS)
Jakarta Raya
Sets short term goals for the assigned area/s of responsibility, monitors progress, and ensures that objectives are being met on time, within the approved budget and in compliance with the pertinent policy and procedures.
Prepares and implements the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with regards to recruitment & selection processes and activities, and identifies opportunities to continuously improve the performance of the recruitment and selection business processes
Administers Recruitment process accurately and on timely basis to ensure deadlines are met and recruitment standards followed. Tasks involved but not limited to the followings:
Keeps abreast of applicable laws and regulations that apply to the HRD.
Requires a minimum of Bachelor's Degree (S1) in Psychology or Management
Minimum 5 (five) years experience in handling recruitment and selections of people in the Oil and Gas industry or recruitment agency is preferred.
1 Full-Time position(s) available.
If you think you are the right person please send your application, CV and copy of your professional qualifications to:
or you may see on below links:
Star Energy as a leading Asian energy Company, create competitive and balanced value for our investors, our Employees, the Country and the Community.
We believe that the road to success lies in gaining the respect of and being the partner of choice and placed our people as part of the future that makes our long term value is reachable.
Come join our Company and be a part of Star Energy's future.
HRIS Specialist (HRISS)
Jakarta Raya
Oversee technology projects including ensuring quality, timeliness and use of HR information
Taken from the system (SAP), update employee data and review prioritize the maintenance of the system
Maintain & monitor HR system to ensure the security of HR information.
Integration, upgrades, modifications, additions, etc., and participate in the tracking problem and formulate a resolution for all HR systems.
Works on problems of various scopes where analysis of situations or data requires a review of identifiable factors; exercises judgment within defined procedures and practices to determine appropriate action; may recommend changes to existing procedures and practices based on analysis of data.
Insures the integrity of the HR data system.
Researches new techniques in the development of systems and maintains knowledge of current trends and strategies in technology fields relating to HRIS.
strategies in the areas of technology related to HRIS
Requires a minimum of Bachelor's Degree (S1) in Engineering, IT or Management
Minimum 5 (five) years experience in developing Human Resources Information System (SAP base), HR report, business process and data analysis.
Have keen knowledge on HR Strategic such as HR Planning, Learning & Development, Career & Succession Planning, Compensation and Benefit, Talent Management, Competency Management, Recruitment and fully understand on HR Policy & Procedure and Company policy
Proficiency in MS Office.
1 Full-Time position(s) available
Recruitment Specialist (RS)
Jakarta Raya
Sets short term goals for the assigned area/s of responsibility, monitors progress, and ensures that objectives are being met on time, within the approved budget and in compliance with the pertinent policy and procedures.
Prepares and implements the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with regards to recruitment & selection processes and activities, and identifies opportunities to continuously improve the performance of the recruitment and selection business processes
Administers Recruitment process accurately and on timely basis to ensure deadlines are met and recruitment standards followed. Tasks involved but not limited to the followings:
Keeps abreast of applicable laws and regulations that apply to the HRD.
Requires a minimum of Bachelor's Degree (S1) in Psychology or Management
Minimum 5 (five) years experience in handling recruitment and selections of people in the Oil and Gas industry or recruitment agency is preferred.
1 Full-Time position(s) available.
If you think you are the right person please send your application, CV and copy of your professional qualifications to:
or you may see on below links:
VACANCY Network Engineer (NE)
Neuviz is a leading network provider specializing in helping small- and medium-sized businesses deliver cost-effective communication solutions. We are currently seeking highly motivated individuals to join us for the following position:
Network Engineer (NE)
( Installation & Tech Support )
Requirements :
· Male/Female, minimum D3 or S1 degree from communication or related discipline
· Young, dynamic, have a great people skill and excellent communication skill both in English and Bahasa Indonesia
· Positive working attitude, flexible, pleasant personality and able to work in both team and independently
· Experience on computer networking LAN/Wireless LAN, Windows and Linux operating system, Router Device , Switching Device, DSLAM Device
( experience in ISP environment will be preferred )
· Able to work under limited guidance
· Available working in shift time
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview.
If you have the relevant requirements above, please send your complete resume, CV and recent photograph via email and write down the position code as an email subject:
or send to:
NEUVIZ (PT. Prestasi Piranti Informasi)
Graha Aktiva 2nd Floor
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Block X-1 Kav 3
Jakarta 12950
Network Engineer (NE)
( Installation & Tech Support )
Requirements :
· Male/Female, minimum D3 or S1 degree from communication or related discipline
· Young, dynamic, have a great people skill and excellent communication skill both in English and Bahasa Indonesia
· Positive working attitude, flexible, pleasant personality and able to work in both team and independently
· Experience on computer networking LAN/Wireless LAN, Windows and Linux operating system, Router Device , Switching Device, DSLAM Device
( experience in ISP environment will be preferred )
· Able to work under limited guidance
· Available working in shift time
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview.
If you have the relevant requirements above, please send your complete resume, CV and recent photograph via email and write down the position code as an email subject:
or send to:
NEUVIZ (PT. Prestasi Piranti Informasi)
Graha Aktiva 2nd Floor
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Block X-1 Kav 3
Jakarta 12950
HHRMA BALI HOTEL VACANCY, Nikko Bali Resort and Spa
Nikko Bali Resort and Spa, needs some employees for positions below :
1. Training Manager
2. Chef De Cuisine
3. Assistant Chief Security
General Qualifications :
1. Male/Female, ( 1,2 ), Male ( 3 ).
2. Energetic, honest, self motivated, pleasant personality, good team player.
3. Fluent in English both written and spoken.
4. Have 2-3 years experience in same position
5. Able to cook European, continental, middle east & Asian ( 2 ).
6. Security certificate ( 3 )
7. Flexible in working shift (2,3) .
8. Min diploma III / Hotel school graduated ( 1,2)
Interest candidate are invited to send CV& recent photo to :
Human Resources Department
Jl. Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, PO BOX 18.
Nusa Dua 80363, Bali - Indonesia.
Tel : ( 62-361) 773377.
Email : or
Nikko Bali Resort and Spa, needs some employees for positions below :
1. Training Manager
2. Chef De Cuisine
3. Assistant Chief Security
General Qualifications :
1. Male/Female, ( 1,2 ), Male ( 3 ).
2. Energetic, honest, self motivated, pleasant personality, good team player.
3. Fluent in English both written and spoken.
4. Have 2-3 years experience in same position
5. Able to cook European, continental, middle east & Asian ( 2 ).
6. Security certificate ( 3 )
7. Flexible in working shift (2,3) .
8. Min diploma III / Hotel school graduated ( 1,2)
Interest candidate are invited to send CV& recent photo to :
Human Resources Department
Jl. Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, PO BOX 18.
Nusa Dua 80363, Bali - Indonesia.
Tel : ( 62-361) 773377.
Email : or
28 March 2012
Project Manager, Business Development, Account Executive, VAS and Content Specialist
1. Project Manager (PM)
- Direct and manage project development from beginning to end.
- Manage project resource allocation.
- Draft and submit budget proposals, and recommend subsequent budget
changes where necessary.
- Make sure the project timeline and deliverables.
- Develop and maintain relationship with suppliers, sub-contractors, and
- Develop and deliver progress reports, proposals, requirements
documentation, and presentations.
- Manage several medium projects or one large project, involves work on
important day to day systems in the sense of cost, resource, and time
- University Degree in Engineering, Technology or related field.
- Experienced coordinating and/supporting IT business processes.
- Experienced at working both independently and in a team-oriented,
collaborative environment is essential.
- Strong organizational, presentation, and customer service skills.
- People Management Skills and Business Management Skills
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills.
2. Business Development (BD)
- Develop new business opportunities.
- Identify and solicit new market opportunities.
- Analyze potential business partners for products distribution deals.
- Develop strategy and implement plans and partnerships around product
- Communicate opportunities across the organization Structure, negotiate
and close new business deals working in conjunction with All team.
- Initiate, develop and manage strong internal partnerships with key
stakeholders throughout the organization in order to successfully lead
activities and efforts to increase innovation and creativity in identifying
new business opportunities.
- Continually analyze market opportunities, new clients, products report
and maintain an updated marketing plan based on the analysis.
- University Degree in Business / Informatics Management, or related field,
or equivalent work experience.
- Good knowledge on the business development methodology.
- Strong organizational, presentation, and customer service skills.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills.
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
3. Account Executive (AE)
- Developing marketing campaigns that promote a product, service or idea.
- Provide planning, advertising, public relations, organising events,
product development, distribution, sponsorship and research.
- Liaising and networking with a range of stakeholders, e.g. customers,
colleagues, suppliers and partner organisations;
- Arranging for the effective distribution of marketing materials;
- Maintaining and updating customer databases;
- Contributing to and developing marketing plans and strategies;
- Evaluating marketing campaigns;
- Monitoring competitor activity;
- University Degree in Computer Science or equivalent is required.
- At least one year experience in the same role.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills.
- Strong organizational, presentation, and customer service skills.
4. .NET Engineer (DEV)
- University Degree in Computer Science or equivalent is required.
- Min 1 year experienced, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Experienced in .NET based development: C#/VB, ASP.NET, SharePoint etc.
- Must be a self-starter with the ability to learn quickly.
- Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
- Able to manage time effectively and work independently, but within a team.
- Have strong problem solving ability, is able to find creative solutions
to challenging technical problems.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills
5. VAS and Content Specialist (VS)
- Understanding and Maintaining VAS Content daily activity.
- Provide all related Content
- Review traffic management and system performance reports .
- Handle heavy work load effectively and efficiently.
- University Degree in Computer Science or equivalent is required.
- At least one year experience in the same role.
- Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
- Have strong problem solving ability, is able to find creative solutions
to challenging technical problems.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills
please submit your latest photo with CV to
- Direct and manage project development from beginning to end.
- Manage project resource allocation.
- Draft and submit budget proposals, and recommend subsequent budget
changes where necessary.
- Make sure the project timeline and deliverables.
- Develop and maintain relationship with suppliers, sub-contractors, and
- Develop and deliver progress reports, proposals, requirements
documentation, and presentations.
- Manage several medium projects or one large project, involves work on
important day to day systems in the sense of cost, resource, and time
- University Degree in Engineering, Technology or related field.
- Experienced coordinating and/supporting IT business processes.
- Experienced at working both independently and in a team-oriented,
collaborative environment is essential.
- Strong organizational, presentation, and customer service skills.
- People Management Skills and Business Management Skills
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills.
2. Business Development (BD)
- Develop new business opportunities.
- Identify and solicit new market opportunities.
- Analyze potential business partners for products distribution deals.
- Develop strategy and implement plans and partnerships around product
- Communicate opportunities across the organization Structure, negotiate
and close new business deals working in conjunction with All team.
- Initiate, develop and manage strong internal partnerships with key
stakeholders throughout the organization in order to successfully lead
activities and efforts to increase innovation and creativity in identifying
new business opportunities.
- Continually analyze market opportunities, new clients, products report
and maintain an updated marketing plan based on the analysis.
- University Degree in Business / Informatics Management, or related field,
or equivalent work experience.
- Good knowledge on the business development methodology.
- Strong organizational, presentation, and customer service skills.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills.
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
3. Account Executive (AE)
- Developing marketing campaigns that promote a product, service or idea.
- Provide planning, advertising, public relations, organising events,
product development, distribution, sponsorship and research.
- Liaising and networking with a range of stakeholders, e.g. customers,
colleagues, suppliers and partner organisations;
- Arranging for the effective distribution of marketing materials;
- Maintaining and updating customer databases;
- Contributing to and developing marketing plans and strategies;
- Evaluating marketing campaigns;
- Monitoring competitor activity;
- University Degree in Computer Science or equivalent is required.
- At least one year experience in the same role.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills.
- Strong organizational, presentation, and customer service skills.
4. .NET Engineer (DEV)
- University Degree in Computer Science or equivalent is required.
- Min 1 year experienced, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- Experienced in .NET based development: C#/VB, ASP.NET, SharePoint etc.
- Must be a self-starter with the ability to learn quickly.
- Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
- Able to manage time effectively and work independently, but within a team.
- Have strong problem solving ability, is able to find creative solutions
to challenging technical problems.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills
5. VAS and Content Specialist (VS)
- Understanding and Maintaining VAS Content daily activity.
- Provide all related Content
- Review traffic management and system performance reports .
- Handle heavy work load effectively and efficiently.
- University Degree in Computer Science or equivalent is required.
- At least one year experience in the same role.
- Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
- Have strong problem solving ability, is able to find creative solutions
to challenging technical problems.
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skills
please submit your latest photo with CV to
27 March 2012
Vacancy in an International IT Company, Software Developer to be placed in Jakarta
A strong international culture
Our company, Oberthur Technologies, with more than 6,800 people in 40 countries, are a unique multi-cultural group welcoming talented men and women from all nationalities. Professionalism and excellence are a shared characteristics of all our employees worldwide.
Present on all continents, Oberthur Technologies offers a wide range of opportunities for career and personal development. With the presence of a global clientele and products adapted to regional characteristics, Oberthur Technologies draws on this international culture to enable employees to evolve in a unique atmosphere with rewarding opportunities to enhance skills and seek new horizons. We attach great value to promoting individual performance within the global collective success.
To support our growth and our world leader position, we are looking for talented professionals who will share our enthusiasm and contribute to develop the Group's and their own future.
Software Developer - to be placed in Jakarta
Job description :
Create unique applications and operating systems for Mobile Phones SIM card.
Job Requirements :
Have minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from IT, electrical engineering, computer science or related major.
Have experience in C/C++, Java and VB
Have experience in Embedded System / Microcontroller / Object Oriented Programming
Have minimum 2 years of experience in Software Development Life Cylce (SDLC) is preferred
Have minimum 1 years of experience in leading the team is preferred
English communication both in written and speech
Have good attitudes
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
If you feel that you are qualified for this position, please send your resume (not exceeding 500kB) to:
For further information regarding our company, kindly visit our website at:
www. oberthur. com
Our company, Oberthur Technologies, with more than 6,800 people in 40 countries, are a unique multi-cultural group welcoming talented men and women from all nationalities. Professionalism and excellence are a shared characteristics of all our employees worldwide.
Present on all continents, Oberthur Technologies offers a wide range of opportunities for career and personal development. With the presence of a global clientele and products adapted to regional characteristics, Oberthur Technologies draws on this international culture to enable employees to evolve in a unique atmosphere with rewarding opportunities to enhance skills and seek new horizons. We attach great value to promoting individual performance within the global collective success.
To support our growth and our world leader position, we are looking for talented professionals who will share our enthusiasm and contribute to develop the Group's and their own future.
Software Developer - to be placed in Jakarta
Job description :
Create unique applications and operating systems for Mobile Phones SIM card.
Job Requirements :
Have minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from IT, electrical engineering, computer science or related major.
Have experience in C/C++, Java and VB
Have experience in Embedded System / Microcontroller / Object Oriented Programming
Have minimum 2 years of experience in Software Development Life Cylce (SDLC) is preferred
Have minimum 1 years of experience in leading the team is preferred
English communication both in written and speech
Have good attitudes
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
If you feel that you are qualified for this position, please send your resume (not exceeding 500kB) to:
For further information regarding our company, kindly visit our website at:
www. oberthur. com
The Peak at Sudirman is looking for highly qualified candidates to fill in the following positions:
* Female or Male, age max 27 years
* Education from Tourism School/Academy (fresh graduates are welcome)
* Min 1 (one) year experience in Hotel/Apartment
* Proficient in English language
* Pleasant appearance with a minimum height of 158 cm for female and 165 cm for male
* Can communicate well with Client/Tenant
* Hard worker, honest, discipline
* Have leadership and able to work in the team
* S1 Engineering or HSE Science
* Male, age max 40 years
* Min 3 years as HSE Manager at Property
* Have certificate Basic Safety Training
* Able to communicate in English both oral an written
* Have a good knowledge of HSE Standards, administrative works of day to day camp operation and office computer skill
* Self starter and able to work under pressure and work immediately
* Able to work in the team
Please send your resume with a scanned recent photograph (stating expected salary) to (please put the position applied as the subject).
All applications will be treated with utmost confidentiality. In view of the volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will be notified and no telephone inquiries will be accepted.
* Female or Male, age max 27 years
* Education from Tourism School/Academy (fresh graduates are welcome)
* Min 1 (one) year experience in Hotel/Apartment
* Proficient in English language
* Pleasant appearance with a minimum height of 158 cm for female and 165 cm for male
* Can communicate well with Client/Tenant
* Hard worker, honest, discipline
* Have leadership and able to work in the team
* S1 Engineering or HSE Science
* Male, age max 40 years
* Min 3 years as HSE Manager at Property
* Have certificate Basic Safety Training
* Able to communicate in English both oral an written
* Have a good knowledge of HSE Standards, administrative works of day to day camp operation and office computer skill
* Self starter and able to work under pressure and work immediately
* Able to work in the team
Please send your resume with a scanned recent photograph (stating expected salary) to (please put the position applied as the subject).
All applications will be treated with utmost confidentiality. In view of the volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will be notified and no telephone inquiries will be accepted.
26 March 2012
URGENT Lowongan Kerja IT
a Prestigious Financial Services located in Jakarta is currently urgent seeking
a talent candidate for:
• Field incoming help requests from end users via telephone, helpdesk system and
e-mail in a courteous manner.
• Document all pertinent end user identification information, including name,
department, contact information, and nature of problem or issue.
• Build rapport and elicit problem details from help desk customers.
• Prioritize and schedule problems. Escalate problems (when required) to the
appropriately experienced technician.
• Record, track, and document the help desk request problem-solving process,
including all successful and unsuccessful decisions made, and actions taken,
through to final resolution.
• Apply diagnostic utilities to aid in troubleshooting.
• Access software updates, drivers, knowledge bases, and frequently asked
questions resources on the Internet to aid in problem resolution.
• Identify and learn appropriate software and hardware used and supported by the
• Perform hands-on fixes at the desktop level, mobile device, including
installing and upgrading software, installing hardware, implementing file
backups, and configuring systems and applications.
• Install & maintaining anti-virus software and its updates.
• Performing preventative maintenance, including checking and cleaning of
workstations, printers, and peripherals.
• Test fixes to ensure problem has been adequately resolved.
• Perform post-resolution follow-ups to help requests.
• Provide standard uses of Software and Hardware
• Develop & maintaining helpdesk system and frequently asked questions lists for
end users.
• Knowledge of computer hardware.
• Experience with desktop and server operating systems, including SQL Server,
Client-Server Programming, N-Tier Concept, Web Application.
• Knowledge of programming languages, including [Delphi, VB, Script]
• Working knowledge of a range of diagnostic utilities.
• Good understanding of the organization's goals and objectives.
• Exceptional written and oral communication skills.
• Exceptional interpersonal skills, with a focus on rapport-building, listening,
and questioning skills.
• Strong documentation skills.
• Manage servers, including e-mail, print, and backup servers and their
associated operating systems and software.
• Manage security solutions, including firewall, anti-virus, and intrusion
detection systems.
• Manage all network hardware and equipment, including routers, switches, hubs,
and UPSs.
• Ensure network connectivity of all servers.
• Administer all equipment, hardware and software upgrades.
• Practice network asset management, including maintenance of network component
inventory and related documentation and technical specifications information.
• Administer and maintain end user accounts, permissions, and access rights.
• Perform server and security audits.
• Perform system backups and recovery.
• Monitor and test network performance and provide network performance
statistics and reports.
• Recommend, schedule, and perform network improvements, upgrades, and repairs.
• Provide IT service delivery, in the area of IT infrastructure, Data Center,
Help- desk and IT operations as per agreed SLAs.
• Working technical knowledge of network and PC operating systems, including
Microsoft Windows Server, Redhat Enterprise Linux Server.
• Extensive application support experience with SQL Server and Oracle,
• Client-Server Programming, Web Server & Application, Microsoft .net Framework,
Java Framework.
• Working technical knowledge of current network hardware, protocols, and
standards, including TCP/IP, UDP.
• Hands-on hardware troubleshooting experience.
• Good understanding of the organization's goals and objectives.
• Knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws.
• Translate business requirements into system design
• Develop new Web System Solutions, Enhancements and Bug Fixes
• Perform Functional Test and Integration Test with other business applications
• Support user and fix identified bugs during User Acceptance Test
• Perform data conversion, together with the related users, during
implementation phase
• Prepare technical documentation for each new System Solution, Enhancement and
Bug Fixes as per approved standard
• Manage high quality deliverable before migration onto production environment
Java Web (J2EE), VB.Net(C#), MySQL, SQL2000-2008
• Provide report according to user requirements
• Maintain existing reporting system (OLAP, Automail report and Auto Response
• Design and develop report repositories
• Provide data for company portals and business user analysis
• Experience in custom web based application development and distributed
application design
• Proficient in MS SQL Server DTS and Transact SQL.
• Strong project management and documentation skills - disciplined, organized,
attentive to detail
• Strong business acumen with reasonable analytical skills, and excellent
problem solving and debugging skills
• Good interpersonal skills, and able to consolidate team
• Translate business requirements into system design
• Develop new System Solutions, Enhancements and Bug Fixes
• Perform Functional Test and Integration Test with other business applications
• Support user and fix identified bugs during User Acceptance Test
• Perform data conversion, together with the related users, during
implementation phase
• Prepare technical documentation for each new System Solution, Enhancement and
Bug Fixes as per approved standard
Delphi ,,SQL Server 2000/2005/2008
Send it to before Mar 30, 2012
Only shortlisted candidates who meet the strictly qualifications & requirements
will be notified.
Thank you.
a Prestigious Financial Services located in Jakarta is currently urgent seeking
a talent candidate for:
• Field incoming help requests from end users via telephone, helpdesk system and
e-mail in a courteous manner.
• Document all pertinent end user identification information, including name,
department, contact information, and nature of problem or issue.
• Build rapport and elicit problem details from help desk customers.
• Prioritize and schedule problems. Escalate problems (when required) to the
appropriately experienced technician.
• Record, track, and document the help desk request problem-solving process,
including all successful and unsuccessful decisions made, and actions taken,
through to final resolution.
• Apply diagnostic utilities to aid in troubleshooting.
• Access software updates, drivers, knowledge bases, and frequently asked
questions resources on the Internet to aid in problem resolution.
• Identify and learn appropriate software and hardware used and supported by the
• Perform hands-on fixes at the desktop level, mobile device, including
installing and upgrading software, installing hardware, implementing file
backups, and configuring systems and applications.
• Install & maintaining anti-virus software and its updates.
• Performing preventative maintenance, including checking and cleaning of
workstations, printers, and peripherals.
• Test fixes to ensure problem has been adequately resolved.
• Perform post-resolution follow-ups to help requests.
• Provide standard uses of Software and Hardware
• Develop & maintaining helpdesk system and frequently asked questions lists for
end users.
• Knowledge of computer hardware.
• Experience with desktop and server operating systems, including SQL Server,
Client-Server Programming, N-Tier Concept, Web Application.
• Knowledge of programming languages, including [Delphi, VB, Script]
• Working knowledge of a range of diagnostic utilities.
• Good understanding of the organization's goals and objectives.
• Exceptional written and oral communication skills.
• Exceptional interpersonal skills, with a focus on rapport-building, listening,
and questioning skills.
• Strong documentation skills.
• Manage servers, including e-mail, print, and backup servers and their
associated operating systems and software.
• Manage security solutions, including firewall, anti-virus, and intrusion
detection systems.
• Manage all network hardware and equipment, including routers, switches, hubs,
and UPSs.
• Ensure network connectivity of all servers.
• Administer all equipment, hardware and software upgrades.
• Practice network asset management, including maintenance of network component
inventory and related documentation and technical specifications information.
• Administer and maintain end user accounts, permissions, and access rights.
• Perform server and security audits.
• Perform system backups and recovery.
• Monitor and test network performance and provide network performance
statistics and reports.
• Recommend, schedule, and perform network improvements, upgrades, and repairs.
• Provide IT service delivery, in the area of IT infrastructure, Data Center,
Help- desk and IT operations as per agreed SLAs.
• Working technical knowledge of network and PC operating systems, including
Microsoft Windows Server, Redhat Enterprise Linux Server.
• Extensive application support experience with SQL Server and Oracle,
• Client-Server Programming, Web Server & Application, Microsoft .net Framework,
Java Framework.
• Working technical knowledge of current network hardware, protocols, and
standards, including TCP/IP, UDP.
• Hands-on hardware troubleshooting experience.
• Good understanding of the organization's goals and objectives.
• Knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws.
• Translate business requirements into system design
• Develop new Web System Solutions, Enhancements and Bug Fixes
• Perform Functional Test and Integration Test with other business applications
• Support user and fix identified bugs during User Acceptance Test
• Perform data conversion, together with the related users, during
implementation phase
• Prepare technical documentation for each new System Solution, Enhancement and
Bug Fixes as per approved standard
• Manage high quality deliverable before migration onto production environment
Java Web (J2EE), VB.Net(C#), MySQL, SQL2000-2008
• Provide report according to user requirements
• Maintain existing reporting system (OLAP, Automail report and Auto Response
• Design and develop report repositories
• Provide data for company portals and business user analysis
• Experience in custom web based application development and distributed
application design
• Proficient in MS SQL Server DTS and Transact SQL.
• Strong project management and documentation skills - disciplined, organized,
attentive to detail
• Strong business acumen with reasonable analytical skills, and excellent
problem solving and debugging skills
• Good interpersonal skills, and able to consolidate team
• Translate business requirements into system design
• Develop new System Solutions, Enhancements and Bug Fixes
• Perform Functional Test and Integration Test with other business applications
• Support user and fix identified bugs during User Acceptance Test
• Perform data conversion, together with the related users, during
implementation phase
• Prepare technical documentation for each new System Solution, Enhancement and
Bug Fixes as per approved standard
Delphi ,,SQL Server 2000/2005/2008
Send it to before Mar 30, 2012
Only shortlisted candidates who meet the strictly qualifications & requirements
will be notified.
Thank you.
Junior instrument engineer
PT. Promatcon Tepatguna are national EPC, Process Equipment Fabrication and Packager Contractor looking for Junior Instrument Engineer with minimum requirement as follow:
1. +/- 1 year exprerience.
2. Familiar with instruments selection base on application requirement, brand & model available on market and prepare ISA datasheet.
3. Familiar with general sizing software ex. instrucalc and vendor base sizing software ex. Firstvue, masterflo, sizemaster, etc.
4. Familiar to read PFD and Able to work in team with process and piping engineer in preparing P&ID.
Please sent your application letter completed with CV and expected salary to not later than April 9th, 2012.
1. +/- 1 year exprerience.
2. Familiar with instruments selection base on application requirement, brand & model available on market and prepare ISA datasheet.
3. Familiar with general sizing software ex. instrucalc and vendor base sizing software ex. Firstvue, masterflo, sizemaster, etc.
4. Familiar to read PFD and Able to work in team with process and piping engineer in preparing P&ID.
Please sent your application letter completed with CV and expected salary to not later than April 9th, 2012.
Lowongan operator PT. Darma Henwa, Tbk
Kami dari PT. Darma Henwa, Tbk membutuhkan banyak operator yg akan di tempatkan di site kami Bengalon Coal Project (BCP) - KPC, tepatnya di Bengalon - Kalimantan Timur.
Posisi yg kami butuhkan adalah :
1. Operator Excavator RH 340, RH 120
2. Operator Excavator PC 2000, PC 1800
3. Operator HD 785, HD 730, HD 685
4. Operator Dozer D10R, D10T, D11 R
1. Pria usia max 40 thn
2. Pendidikan min SMA
3. Memiliki SIM BII
4. Pengalaman min 2 thn
Lamaran dapat dikirim ke atau datang langsung ke:
I. Hotel Kutai Permai Sangata, KALTIM, tanggal 31 Maret 2012 jam 08.00 WITA
II. Hotel Grand Sawit Samarinda, KALTIM tanggal 01 Maret 2012 jam 08.00 WITA
Apabila ada yang berminat untuk posisi lain dapat di emailkan ke atau
Posisi yg kami butuhkan adalah :
1. Operator Excavator RH 340, RH 120
2. Operator Excavator PC 2000, PC 1800
3. Operator HD 785, HD 730, HD 685
4. Operator Dozer D10R, D10T, D11 R
1. Pria usia max 40 thn
2. Pendidikan min SMA
3. Memiliki SIM BII
4. Pengalaman min 2 thn
Lamaran dapat dikirim ke atau datang langsung ke:
I. Hotel Kutai Permai Sangata, KALTIM, tanggal 31 Maret 2012 jam 08.00 WITA
II. Hotel Grand Sawit Samarinda, KALTIM tanggal 01 Maret 2012 jam 08.00 WITA
Apabila ada yang berminat untuk posisi lain dapat di emailkan ke atau
RECEPTIONIST PT NSK Bearings Manufacturing Indonesia
PT NSK Bearings Manufacturing Indonesia were located in MM2100 Cibitung Bekasi requires professional, efficient and highly motivated individuals for RECEPTIONIST (RCP)
1. Female Max. 23 Years Old
2. Single
3. Min Education SMK/SMA
4. Experience at least 1 years as Receptionist, Fresh Graduated are welcome
5. Good in English, Good Looking, and Good interpersonal skill
6. Able to Work in Cibitung Bekasi
Please send your application, resume with recent photograph no later than April 14th, 2012
(Put the code RCP for subject email)
PT. NSK Bearings Manufacturing Indonesia
Kawasan Industri MM2100
PT NSK Bearings Manufacturing Indonesia were located in MM2100 Cibitung Bekasi requires professional, efficient and highly motivated individuals for RECEPTIONIST (RCP)
1. Female Max. 23 Years Old
2. Single
3. Min Education SMK/SMA
4. Experience at least 1 years as Receptionist, Fresh Graduated are welcome
5. Good in English, Good Looking, and Good interpersonal skill
6. Able to Work in Cibitung Bekasi
Please send your application, resume with recent photograph no later than April 14th, 2012
(Put the code RCP for subject email)
PT. NSK Bearings Manufacturing Indonesia
Kawasan Industri MM2100
HRD Supervisor Riau
We are a Rig owner company base in Riau-Sumatra, currently looking for professional to join us for position:
HRD Supervisor (Riau, Indonesia)
· The incumbent will be responsible all HR spectrum which includes the following :-
· Supervise the development of departmental goals, objectives and systems and ensure its alignment with the strategic and/or long-term goals of the company
· Responsible for the strategic planning of the human resource function
· Formulate policies and procedures and ensure they are complied with labor law and regulations
· Develop, communicate and implement the strategic direction of the operations
· Hold a bachelor or master degree from reputable university.
· Have a minimum of 5 years of HR working experience, especialy in the Oil & gas Industry
· Possess broad knowledge and experience in labor law, compensation, organizational planning and development, employee relations, and learning & development
· Have excellent oral and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal and coaching skills
· Have excellent organizational skills
· Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Please send your cv to
HRD Supervisor (Riau, Indonesia)
· The incumbent will be responsible all HR spectrum which includes the following :-
· Supervise the development of departmental goals, objectives and systems and ensure its alignment with the strategic and/or long-term goals of the company
· Responsible for the strategic planning of the human resource function
· Formulate policies and procedures and ensure they are complied with labor law and regulations
· Develop, communicate and implement the strategic direction of the operations
· Hold a bachelor or master degree from reputable university.
· Have a minimum of 5 years of HR working experience, especialy in the Oil & gas Industry
· Possess broad knowledge and experience in labor law, compensation, organizational planning and development, employee relations, and learning & development
· Have excellent oral and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal and coaching skills
· Have excellent organizational skills
· Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
Please send your cv to
22 March 2012
Lowongan Video Editor, Bandung
Kami adalah Perusahaan berkembang yang bergerak di bidang pengadaan media komunikasi QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment)/ K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja) untuk industri Migas, Manufaktur, dll.
Kami sedang membutuhkan staf untuk ditempatkan sebagai :
(Bandung – Jawa Barat)
Melakukan tugas rutin sebagai video editor
Membantu proses syuting apabila diperlukan
Menjadi bagian dari tim proyek pembuatan video dan tugas terkait produksi video lainnya
• Menguasai software video editing, diutamakan Edius Canopus dan Adobe Premiere
• Familiar dengan program pendukung editing, seperti Adobe Photoshop dan Adobe After Effect.
• Bisa menggunakan software 3D menjadi nilai plus
• Dapat mengoperasikan kamera camcorder dan SLR.
• Memiliki sense yang baik dalam penyusunan video dan sound directing
• Terbiasa bekerja dalam tim
• Terbiasa bekerja dengan timeline yang padat.
• Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
• Berbadan sehat,tidak mengidap penyakit
• Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Bandung
• Bersedia ditempatkan di Bandung
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, portofolio hasil editing (dapat berupa link di internet), gaji yang diharapkan beserta CV lengkap dengan pas foto terbaru, segera sebelum 26 Maret 2012 ke
HRD Manager
Lorco Menara Multimedia
www .lorco. co. id
alamat email:
dengan subject email: VED
Kami sedang membutuhkan staf untuk ditempatkan sebagai :
(Bandung – Jawa Barat)
Melakukan tugas rutin sebagai video editor
Membantu proses syuting apabila diperlukan
Menjadi bagian dari tim proyek pembuatan video dan tugas terkait produksi video lainnya
• Menguasai software video editing, diutamakan Edius Canopus dan Adobe Premiere
• Familiar dengan program pendukung editing, seperti Adobe Photoshop dan Adobe After Effect.
• Bisa menggunakan software 3D menjadi nilai plus
• Dapat mengoperasikan kamera camcorder dan SLR.
• Memiliki sense yang baik dalam penyusunan video dan sound directing
• Terbiasa bekerja dalam tim
• Terbiasa bekerja dengan timeline yang padat.
• Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
• Berbadan sehat,tidak mengidap penyakit
• Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Bandung
• Bersedia ditempatkan di Bandung
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, portofolio hasil editing (dapat berupa link di internet), gaji yang diharapkan beserta CV lengkap dengan pas foto terbaru, segera sebelum 26 Maret 2012 ke
HRD Manager
Lorco Menara Multimedia
www .lorco. co. id
alamat email:
dengan subject email: VED
Electrical Engineer, PT Powertech Indonesia
We, PT. Powertech Indonesia, specialized in Engineering, Purchasing & Construction
for the Power Plant and Chemical Plant, are looking for professionals to join
our team in fields of
Job Desc:
1. Making Estimation for Tender or Quotation
2. Making Schedule of ManPower
3. Purchasing material
4. Making Daily and Progress report
1. Male, Max. 32 years old
2. Bachelor Degree in Electrical major
3. Minimum 2 years Experience in Contractor Company or
Fresh graduate are welcomed apply
4. Proficient in Microsoft Office (Microsoft Excel is a must)
5. Preferably live in Jakarta
6. Can work under pressure
7. Having capability working in team and individual
Please send your latest CV and write your expected salary to
with Subject : Electrical Engineer
for the Power Plant and Chemical Plant, are looking for professionals to join
our team in fields of
Job Desc:
1. Making Estimation for Tender or Quotation
2. Making Schedule of ManPower
3. Purchasing material
4. Making Daily and Progress report
1. Male, Max. 32 years old
2. Bachelor Degree in Electrical major
3. Minimum 2 years Experience in Contractor Company or
Fresh graduate are welcomed apply
4. Proficient in Microsoft Office (Microsoft Excel is a must)
5. Preferably live in Jakarta
6. Can work under pressure
7. Having capability working in team and individual
Please send your latest CV and write your expected salary to
with Subject : Electrical Engineer
Vacancy in DHL
At DHL, people mean the world to us. That's why our goal has always
been to attract and retain the best talent the world over. We provide
challenge and opportunity for personal and professional development.
We recognize the difference you bring to our business, and together we
share the pride of building THE logistics company for the world.
Working for DHL Global Forwarding means working for the global market
leader in air and ocean freight. At DHL Global Forwarding, our
expertise lies in the fast and flexible transportation of goods and
merchandise across all continents. We not only supply comprehensive
international logistic services, but also play an active role in
reducing C02 emissions as seen in our Go Green product portfolio.
Currently we are looking for high qualified to be hired under DHL :
Pricing Sales Support
Key Responsibilities :
• Provide the quotations that meet the requirement of the sales
organization and the needs of customers within range of standardized
• Ensuring rates requests to be responded in timely manner and profitable
• Responsible for the establishment and update of the sales filling
and reporting system that are relating to tender
• Provide quotations that meet RFQ from customer within range of standardized
Requirements :
• Male, Bachelor Degree in any discipline with 2 years working
experiences in same position from Forwarding company, max.32 years old
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
• Have a good time management in handle huge workload
Key Responsibilities :
• Handle incoming calls and enquiry from customers
• Arrange and updates Sales appointment with customers
• Assist Trade Lane Manager to follow up on suspended invoices
• Solicit rate from operations Department of Overseas offices
Requirements :
• Bachelor Degree in any discipline with 2 working experiences in same
position (handling sales commercial & operation) in Forwarding company
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
• Good communication, interpersonal, and negotiation skill
• Time management – meeting deadline, hitting target and personal objectives
Key Responsibilities:
• Release cash against payment voucher approved
• Receive documents from operations for customer's collections in
exchange for payments received
• Cash keeping and reconcile records/documents
• Issue VAT invoice
• Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of day to ensure that
amounts are correct and that there is adequate change
• Report to superior continuously in a good time of concurrence
within his/her area responsibility
• Bachelor Degree in Finance / Accounting, max.30 years old
• Having minimum 2 years experiences as Cashier, preferably from
Forwarding company
• Computer literate and detail oriented
IT Internship
Responsibilities :
• Supporting in IT Department for installation, troubleshooting, etc
Requirements :
• Fresh graduates or students in final year of University majoring in
Information Technology / Computer Science / related major, with last
GPA 2,75
• Internship / temporary employee for 3-6 months
We are also looking for qualified individual to be hired as
outsourcing employee in DHL for the following position :
Billing Admin
Responsibilities :
• Setting and photocopy documents
• Creating TRA for invoice
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Female, Diploma / Bachelor Degree with 1 year working
experience in the same position
• Having PPJK certified and Oil & Energy knowledge
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
PIB Admin
Responsibilities :
• Prepare PIB and checking documents
• Coordinate with field operation and road freight
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Male, Diploma / Bachelor Degree with 1 year working
experience in the same position
• Having PPJK certified would be a plus
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
Data Entry
Responsibilities :
• Entry data to meet the target
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Male, Diploma Degree, max.30 years old
• Having working experience min.1 year in the same position
• Computer Literate
Transport Staff
Responsibilities :
• Entry data to meet the target
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Male, Diploma Degree, max.30 years old
• Having working experience min.1 year in the same position
• Computer Literate
For interested and qualified candidates, please send your
comprehensive resume with job title in the e-mail subject to :
To know more about our company, kindly visit us at : www. dhl. com
been to attract and retain the best talent the world over. We provide
challenge and opportunity for personal and professional development.
We recognize the difference you bring to our business, and together we
share the pride of building THE logistics company for the world.
Working for DHL Global Forwarding means working for the global market
leader in air and ocean freight. At DHL Global Forwarding, our
expertise lies in the fast and flexible transportation of goods and
merchandise across all continents. We not only supply comprehensive
international logistic services, but also play an active role in
reducing C02 emissions as seen in our Go Green product portfolio.
Currently we are looking for high qualified to be hired under DHL :
Pricing Sales Support
Key Responsibilities :
• Provide the quotations that meet the requirement of the sales
organization and the needs of customers within range of standardized
• Ensuring rates requests to be responded in timely manner and profitable
• Responsible for the establishment and update of the sales filling
and reporting system that are relating to tender
• Provide quotations that meet RFQ from customer within range of standardized
Requirements :
• Male, Bachelor Degree in any discipline with 2 years working
experiences in same position from Forwarding company, max.32 years old
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
• Have a good time management in handle huge workload
Key Responsibilities :
• Handle incoming calls and enquiry from customers
• Arrange and updates Sales appointment with customers
• Assist Trade Lane Manager to follow up on suspended invoices
• Solicit rate from operations Department of Overseas offices
Requirements :
• Bachelor Degree in any discipline with 2 working experiences in same
position (handling sales commercial & operation) in Forwarding company
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
• Good communication, interpersonal, and negotiation skill
• Time management – meeting deadline, hitting target and personal objectives
Key Responsibilities:
• Release cash against payment voucher approved
• Receive documents from operations for customer's collections in
exchange for payments received
• Cash keeping and reconcile records/documents
• Issue VAT invoice
• Count money in cash drawers at the beginning of day to ensure that
amounts are correct and that there is adequate change
• Report to superior continuously in a good time of concurrence
within his/her area responsibility
• Bachelor Degree in Finance / Accounting, max.30 years old
• Having minimum 2 years experiences as Cashier, preferably from
Forwarding company
• Computer literate and detail oriented
IT Internship
Responsibilities :
• Supporting in IT Department for installation, troubleshooting, etc
Requirements :
• Fresh graduates or students in final year of University majoring in
Information Technology / Computer Science / related major, with last
GPA 2,75
• Internship / temporary employee for 3-6 months
We are also looking for qualified individual to be hired as
outsourcing employee in DHL for the following position :
Billing Admin
Responsibilities :
• Setting and photocopy documents
• Creating TRA for invoice
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Female, Diploma / Bachelor Degree with 1 year working
experience in the same position
• Having PPJK certified and Oil & Energy knowledge
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
PIB Admin
Responsibilities :
• Prepare PIB and checking documents
• Coordinate with field operation and road freight
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Male, Diploma / Bachelor Degree with 1 year working
experience in the same position
• Having PPJK certified would be a plus
• Good command in English (oral and written) and Computer Literate
Data Entry
Responsibilities :
• Entry data to meet the target
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Male, Diploma Degree, max.30 years old
• Having working experience min.1 year in the same position
• Computer Literate
Transport Staff
Responsibilities :
• Entry data to meet the target
• Filling documents
Requirements :
• Preferably Male, Diploma Degree, max.30 years old
• Having working experience min.1 year in the same position
• Computer Literate
For interested and qualified candidates, please send your
comprehensive resume with job title in the e-mail subject to :
To know more about our company, kindly visit us at : www. dhl. com
Vacancy as HR Admin for temporary
PT johnson & johnson, located in south jakarta has a vacancy for:
HR. Admin
- background in administration
- 2 years experience
- having experience in HR.
- 26- 30 years old
Job description:
know how to maintain confidential documents and information, filling, prepare training venues and materials, interview schedules, conduct employees program, meeting arrangement, etc.
know how to operate excell, power point, word, and comfortable with system. Attention to details and patience to handle employee's complaints.
English is required to have for formal and informal letters, deal with expats, visitors.
If you interest, please send your application and cv by email to: ,attn: mrs. Wida winanda , latest : March 27, 2012.
HR. Admin
- background in administration
- 2 years experience
- having experience in HR.
- 26- 30 years old
Job description:
know how to maintain confidential documents and information, filling, prepare training venues and materials, interview schedules, conduct employees program, meeting arrangement, etc.
know how to operate excell, power point, word, and comfortable with system. Attention to details and patience to handle employee's complaints.
English is required to have for formal and informal letters, deal with expats, visitors.
If you interest, please send your application and cv by email to: ,attn: mrs. Wida winanda , latest : March 27, 2012.
Vacancy for Maven Hotel
Maven Hospitality is Leading Indonesian owned and operated Hotel,
Condotel, Residences& Resort Consultant Management. Currently we have
managed several properties all over Indonesia such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta,
Surabaya, Pulau Buru, Bandung and Bali.
We are currently looking for potential candidate with good communication
skills and service oriented to apply for following positions:
1. General Manager
2. Hotel Manager (HM)
3. Resident Manager (RM)
4. Executive Assistant Manager (EAM)
5. Rooms Division Manager (RDM)
6. Financial Controller (FC)
7. Human Resources Manager (HRM)
8. Chief Engineering (CE)
9. Executive Housekeeper (EHK)
10. Executive Chef (EC)
11. Director of Sales (DOS)
12. F & B Manager (FBM)
13. Front Office Manager (FOM), Duty Manager (DM)
14. Supervisor / Rank & File for all Division
General Requirements for managerial position:
1. Good Leadership ( managerial level )
2. Having at least 10 years experiences for GM/ Hotel Manager/EAM, 5 years
experiences for Managerial level, and 2 years for others.
3. Fluent in English both oral and written
4. Good communication skills
5. Willing to be located within Indonesia
Please submit your resume and put the position code not later than 24
March 2011to :
Human ResourcesMaven Hospitality
Email :
Maven Hospitality
Sampoerna Strategic Square, Level 30
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46
Jakarta 12930
P +62 21 2993 0992-3
F +62 21 2993 0888
M +62 821 2200 3349
www. mavenhospitality. com
Maven Hospitality is Leading Indonesian owned and operated Hotel,
Condotel, Residences& Resort Consultant Management. Currently we have
managed several properties all over Indonesia such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta,
Surabaya, Pulau Buru, Bandung and Bali.
We are currently looking for potential candidate with good communication
skills and service oriented to apply for following positions:
1. General Manager
2. Hotel Manager (HM)
3. Resident Manager (RM)
4. Executive Assistant Manager (EAM)
5. Rooms Division Manager (RDM)
6. Financial Controller (FC)
7. Human Resources Manager (HRM)
8. Chief Engineering (CE)
9. Executive Housekeeper (EHK)
10. Executive Chef (EC)
11. Director of Sales (DOS)
12. F & B Manager (FBM)
13. Front Office Manager (FOM), Duty Manager (DM)
14. Supervisor / Rank & File for all Division
General Requirements for managerial position:
1. Good Leadership ( managerial level )
2. Having at least 10 years experiences for GM/ Hotel Manager/EAM, 5 years
experiences for Managerial level, and 2 years for others.
3. Fluent in English both oral and written
4. Good communication skills
5. Willing to be located within Indonesia
Please submit your resume and put the position code not later than 24
March 2011to :
Human ResourcesMaven Hospitality
Email :
Maven Hospitality
Sampoerna Strategic Square, Level 30
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46
Jakarta 12930
P +62 21 2993 0992-3
F +62 21 2993 0888
M +62 821 2200 3349
www. mavenhospitality. com
20 March 2012
Industrial Engineering PMA Furniture Yogyakarta
Our client, one of a distinguished high end furniture manufacturing Foreign Investment Companies, is currently in high need to recruit a highly motivated professional to take the challenge in the capacity as:
Report directly to the Manager, the appointed candidate will be in charge of Technical Aspects of manufacture and some PPIC function to support smooth factory operations.
· University graduate preferably from Industrial Technology
· Understand construction principles and functionality of furniture manufacture and machinery
· Minimum 3 years of experience from furniture manufacturing company or other related industry is a must
· Proven track record of material consumption, productivity improvement and monitoring
· Outstanding communication and inter-personal skills
The appointed candidates will be offered an attractive compensation package along with long term career prospect.
To apply, please EMAIL your resume to:
Report directly to the Manager, the appointed candidate will be in charge of Technical Aspects of manufacture and some PPIC function to support smooth factory operations.
· University graduate preferably from Industrial Technology
· Understand construction principles and functionality of furniture manufacture and machinery
· Minimum 3 years of experience from furniture manufacturing company or other related industry is a must
· Proven track record of material consumption, productivity improvement and monitoring
· Outstanding communication and inter-personal skills
The appointed candidates will be offered an attractive compensation package along with long term career prospect.
To apply, please EMAIL your resume to:
19 March 2012
Lowongan BUMN PT Askes (Persero) 2012
PT Askes (Persero) merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara, yang bergerak dalam bidang Asuransi Kesehatan. Pada saat ini PT Askes (Persero)
Kantor Pusat membutuhkan :
1. Staff Teknologi Informasi (Kode TI), pendididikan : D III Tehnik Informatika, D III Manajemen Informatika, D III Tehnik Komputer;
2. Staff Akunting / Keuangan (kode AKI), pendididikan : D III Ekonomi Akuntansi, D III Akuntansi Komputer;
3. Staff Arsip (Kode ARS), pendidikan : D III Kearsipan;
4. Staff Adnimistrasi (Kode ADM), pendididikan : D III Segala jurusan;
5. Staff Sekretaris (Kode SKR), pendidikan : D III
Sekretaris, D III Administrasi Perkantoran dan Seketaris, minimal
pengalaman kerja sebagai sekretaris selama 1 tahun;
6. Staff Desain Grafis (Kode DSG), pendidikan : D III Desain Grafis, D III Tehnik Informatika peminatan Desain Grafis;
7. Staff Resepsionis (Kode RES), pendidikan SMK Perhotelan, D III Perhotelan;
8. Staff Teknisi (Kode TEK), pendidikan : STM jurusan Sipil/Listrik/Mesin
Persyaratan :
* Pria dan Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
* Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) Minimal 2,75 bagi lulusan PTN dan 3,00 bagi lulusan PTS kecuali STM/SMK rata rata NEM 6
* Status Single
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif sangat baik untuk staff Sekretaris
* Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (MS.Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint)
* Berpenampilan menarik dan proporsional
* Bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama 1 tahun
* Diutamakan bagi yang sudah mempunyai pengalaman minimal 1 tahun, namun untuk fresh graduate dipersilahkan mendaftar
* Khusus untuk staff Teknologi Informasi (Kode TI) diharapkan mengerti programming, database manajemen system, dan jaringan.
* Khusus untuk staff Desain Grafis (Kode DSG) diharapkan menguasai
aplikasi Desain grafis seperti auto cad, corel draw, photoshop dll.
Kelengkapan Berkas Lamaran adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Lamaran Pekerjaan
2. Curicullum Vitae
3. Fotocopi Ijazah terakhir dan transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir
4. Fotocopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
5. Pas Foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
Lamaran dapat disampaikan ke Grup Organisasi dan SDM PT Askes
(Persero) dengan alamat Jl. Jend Suprapto Po Box 1391/JKT Jakarta Pusat
10510 paling lambat tanggal 27 Maret 2012.
Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak PT Askes (Persero) serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
PT Askes (Persero) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan dalam proses seleksi
ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Kantor Pusat membutuhkan :
1. Staff Teknologi Informasi (Kode TI), pendididikan : D III Tehnik Informatika, D III Manajemen Informatika, D III Tehnik Komputer;
2. Staff Akunting / Keuangan (kode AKI), pendididikan : D III Ekonomi Akuntansi, D III Akuntansi Komputer;
3. Staff Arsip (Kode ARS), pendidikan : D III Kearsipan;
4. Staff Adnimistrasi (Kode ADM), pendididikan : D III Segala jurusan;
5. Staff Sekretaris (Kode SKR), pendidikan : D III
Sekretaris, D III Administrasi Perkantoran dan Seketaris, minimal
pengalaman kerja sebagai sekretaris selama 1 tahun;
6. Staff Desain Grafis (Kode DSG), pendidikan : D III Desain Grafis, D III Tehnik Informatika peminatan Desain Grafis;
7. Staff Resepsionis (Kode RES), pendidikan SMK Perhotelan, D III Perhotelan;
8. Staff Teknisi (Kode TEK), pendidikan : STM jurusan Sipil/Listrik/Mesin
Persyaratan :
* Pria dan Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
* Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) Minimal 2,75 bagi lulusan PTN dan 3,00 bagi lulusan PTS kecuali STM/SMK rata rata NEM 6
* Status Single
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif sangat baik untuk staff Sekretaris
* Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (MS.Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint)
* Berpenampilan menarik dan proporsional
* Bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama 1 tahun
* Diutamakan bagi yang sudah mempunyai pengalaman minimal 1 tahun, namun untuk fresh graduate dipersilahkan mendaftar
* Khusus untuk staff Teknologi Informasi (Kode TI) diharapkan mengerti programming, database manajemen system, dan jaringan.
* Khusus untuk staff Desain Grafis (Kode DSG) diharapkan menguasai
aplikasi Desain grafis seperti auto cad, corel draw, photoshop dll.
Kelengkapan Berkas Lamaran adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Lamaran Pekerjaan
2. Curicullum Vitae
3. Fotocopi Ijazah terakhir dan transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir
4. Fotocopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
5. Pas Foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
Lamaran dapat disampaikan ke Grup Organisasi dan SDM PT Askes
(Persero) dengan alamat Jl. Jend Suprapto Po Box 1391/JKT Jakarta Pusat
10510 paling lambat tanggal 27 Maret 2012.
Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak PT Askes (Persero) serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
PT Askes (Persero) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan dalam proses seleksi
ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Security untuk Stockpile, PT Bara Indah
PT Bara Indah adalah perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan bisnis utamanya di batubara, saat ini membutuhkan:
Security untuk Stockpile
Tugas dan Tanggungjawab:
· Melaksanakan tugas pengamanan fisik dilingkungan di stockpile.
· Mengambil langkah-langkah awal dalam mengatasi masalah di stockpile yang muncul,
serta melaporkan pada Kepala Stockpile, jika ada hal-hal yang tidak dapat diatasi secara
langsung untuk mendapatkan petunjuk langkah yang harus dilakukan.
Tegas dalam bersikap
Berusia antara 30-40 years.
Bersedia ditempatkan Cilegon
Kirim lamaran dan daftar riwayat hidup ke:
Security untuk Stockpile
Tugas dan Tanggungjawab:
· Melaksanakan tugas pengamanan fisik dilingkungan di stockpile.
· Mengambil langkah-langkah awal dalam mengatasi masalah di stockpile yang muncul,
serta melaporkan pada Kepala Stockpile, jika ada hal-hal yang tidak dapat diatasi secara
langsung untuk mendapatkan petunjuk langkah yang harus dilakukan.
Tegas dalam bersikap
Berusia antara 30-40 years.
Bersedia ditempatkan Cilegon
Kirim lamaran dan daftar riwayat hidup ke:
Lowongan Kerja IT
URGENT Lowongan Kerja IT
a Prestigious Financial Services located in Jakarta is currently urgent seeking
a talent candidate for:
• Field incoming help requests from end users via telephone, helpdesk system and
e-mail in a courteous manner.
• Document all pertinent end user identification information, including name,
department, contact information, and nature of problem or issue.
• Build rapport and elicit problem details from help desk customers.
• Prioritize and schedule problems. Escalate problems (when required) to the
appropriately experienced technician.
• Record, track, and document the help desk request problem-solving process,
including all successful and unsuccessful decisions made, and actions taken,
through to final resolution.
• Apply diagnostic utilities to aid in troubleshooting.
• Access software updates, drivers, knowledge bases, and frequently asked
questions resources on the Internet to aid in problem resolution.
• Identify and learn appropriate software and hardware used and supported by the
• Perform hands-on fixes at the desktop level, mobile device, including
installing and upgrading software, installing hardware, implementing file
backups, and configuring systems and applications.
• Install & maintaining anti-virus software and its updates.
• Performing preventative maintenance, including checking and cleaning of
workstations, printers, and peripherals.
• Test fixes to ensure problem has been adequately resolved.
• Perform post-resolution follow-ups to help requests.
• Provide standard uses of Software and Hardware
• Develop & maintaining helpdesk system and frequently asked questions lists for
end users.
• Knowledge of computer hardware.
• Experience with desktop and server operating systems, including SQL Server,
Client-Server Programming, N-Tier Concept, Web Application.
• Knowledge of programming languages, including [Delphi, VB, Script]
• Working knowledge of a range of diagnostic utilities.
• Good understanding of the organization's goals and objectives.
• Exceptional written and oral communication skills.
• Exceptional interpersonal skills, with a focus on rapport-building, listening,
and questioning skills.
• Strong documentation skills.
• Manage servers, including e-mail, print, and backup servers and their
associated operating systems and software.
• Manage security solutions, including firewall, anti-virus, and intrusion
detection systems.
• Manage all network hardware and equipment, including routers, switches, hubs,
and UPSs.
• Ensure network connectivity of all servers.
• Administer all equipment, hardware and software upgrades.
• Practice network asset management, including maintenance of network component
inventory and related documentation and technical specifications information.
• Administer and maintain end user accounts, permissions, and access rights.
• Perform server and security audits.
• Perform system backups and recovery.
• Monitor and test network performance and provide network performance
statistics and reports.
• Recommend, schedule, and perform network improvements, upgrades, and repairs.
• Provide IT service delivery, in the area of IT infrastructure, Data Center,
Help- desk and IT operations as per agreed SLAs.
• Working technical knowledge of network and PC operating systems, including
Microsoft Windows Server, Redhat Enterprise Linux Server.
• Extensive application support experience with SQL Server and Oracle,
• Client-Server Programming, Web Server & Application, Microsoft .net Framework,
Java Framework.
• Working technical knowledge of current network hardware, protocols, and
standards, including TCP/IP, UDP.
• Hands-on hardware troubleshooting experience.
• Good understanding of the organization's goals and objectives.
• Knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws.
• Translate business requirements into system design
• Develop new Web System Solutions, Enhancements and Bug Fixes
• Perform Functional Test and Integration Test with other business applications
• Support user and fix identified bugs during User Acceptance Test
• Perform data conversion, together with the related users, during
implementation phase
• Prepare technical documentation for each new System Solution, Enhancement and
Bug Fixes as per approved standard
• Manage high quality deliverable before migration onto production environment
Java Web (J2EE), VB.Net(C#), MySQL, SQL2000-2008
• Provide report according to user requirements
• Maintain existing reporting system (OLAP, Automail report and Auto Response
• Design and develop report repositories
• Provide data for company portals and business user analysis
• Experience in custom web based application development and distributed
application design
• Proficient in MS SQL Server DTS and Transact SQL.
• Strong project management and documentation skills - disciplined, organized,
attentive to detail
• Strong business acumen with reasonable analytical skills, and excellent
problem solving and debugging skills
• Good interpersonal skills, and able to consolidate team
• Translate business requirements into system design
• Develop new System Solutions, Enhancements and Bug Fixes
• Perform Functional Test and Integration Test with other business applications
• Support user and fix identified bugs during User Acceptance Test
• Perform data conversion, together with the related users, during
implementation phase
• Prepare technical documentation for each new System Solution, Enhancement and
Bug Fixes as per approved standard
Delphi ,,SQL Server 2000/2005/2008
Send it to before Mar 30, 2012
Only shortlisted candidates who meet the strictly qualifications & requirements
will be notified.
Thank you.
We are a well known Consultant Engineering Company at
Jakarta seeking for highly motivated and qualified person to fill the
following position :
Key Accountabilities:
* Will responsible and report to the Project Manager
* Excellent skill in all aspects of Water –Wastewater Sanitation Calculation (i.e
Epanet,Work in flow,Water Modeling,NRW ,DED and FS etc )
* Excellent Coordination with
Intitusional (PDAM) and Government Sector
* Excellent Organizational skills with meetings,report and, management project
consultancy, etc.
* Very good Oral & Written skills and Interpretation in English and Bahasa
* Pleasant nature and excellent communication skill.
Specific Requirements:
* Male/Female, min. 35 years old,
* Minimum S1 from
Technic Civil/Environmental Engineering
* Having experience min. 10 year in project
consultancy or same field
* Ability to use MS. Office, Ms. Word, others Water - Wastewater –Municipal Sanitation
* Well organizer, trustworthy, honest and securing confidential matters
* Smart, highly self motivated person, good communication skill, pleasant
nature, good initiative & teamwork
* Work location : Project Location and Jakarta Office
If your qualifications meet the requirements above, please
send your application with a comprehensive resume and recent photograph to
To: Dehave
We are a well known Consultant Engineering Company at
Jakarta seeking for highly motivated and qualified person to fill the
following position :
Key Accountabilities:
* Will responsible and report to the Project Manager
* Excellent skill in all aspects of Water –Wastewater Sanitation Calculation (i.e
Epanet,Work in flow,Water Modeling,NRW ,DED and FS etc )
* Excellent Coordination with
Intitusional (PDAM) and Government Sector
* Excellent Organizational skills with meetings,report and, management project
consultancy, etc.
* Very good Oral & Written skills and Interpretation in English and Bahasa
* Pleasant nature and excellent communication skill.
Specific Requirements:
* Male/Female, min. 35 years old,
* Minimum S1 from
Technic Civil/Environmental Engineering
* Having experience min. 10 year in project
consultancy or same field
* Ability to use MS. Office, Ms. Word, others Water - Wastewater –Municipal Sanitation
* Well organizer, trustworthy, honest and securing confidential matters
* Smart, highly self motivated person, good communication skill, pleasant
nature, good initiative & teamwork
* Work location : Project Location and Jakarta Office
If your qualifications meet the requirements above, please
send your application with a comprehensive resume and recent photograph to
To: Dehave
Lowongan kerja di PT AKR Corporindo Tbk
(Duniaindustri. com) AKR is the leading distributor of energy products,
including refined petroleum products in Indonesia, the company was the
first private distributors of refined petroleum products in Indonesia,
since the deregulation of petroleum distribution in Indonesia. AKR supplies
non-subsidized petroleum products, like high speed diesel, fuel oil and
industrial oil, to many customers, in mining, industrial, power, and bunker
sectors, which contribute significant sales revenue to the company. In
2009, AKR awarded the right to distribute subsidized petroleum in Indonesia
for 2010 period. And in 2010, once again AKR awarded the right to
distribute subsidized petroleum for 2011 period. We are seeking highly
qualified candidates to join our team as:
Branch Manager (SBMA)
Financial Controler (FFCO)
Accounting Manager (FACM)
HR – GA Manager (PHRM)
Investor Relation Manager (FIRL)
Head Of Operation (OHOP)
Head Of Tank Terminal (OHTT)
Project Engineer (OPRE)
Architech (OACT)
Receivable Management Officer (FRAR)
Risk Management Director (FRMD)
Risk Management Manager (FRMM)
Secretary (LSEC)
Sales (SSLS)
Transport Supervisor (OPTO)
Transport Maintenance Supervisor (OPTM)
Accounting Supervisor (FASP)
Industrial Relation Supervisor (BLIR)
Safety Engineer (OSEG)
Operator Tank Terminal (OOTT)
Operator Crane (OHMC)
Operation Director Sea Transport (SODR)
Head of Operation Sea Transport (SHOP)
Crew Management Sea Transport (SCMT)
For all position, you must:
Come from reputable university with minimum GPA 2,5
Please forward your application with complete CV and most recent photograph
(max size 2 MB) to:
People development
Put the job code as your email subject
including refined petroleum products in Indonesia, the company was the
first private distributors of refined petroleum products in Indonesia,
since the deregulation of petroleum distribution in Indonesia. AKR supplies
non-subsidized petroleum products, like high speed diesel, fuel oil and
industrial oil, to many customers, in mining, industrial, power, and bunker
sectors, which contribute significant sales revenue to the company. In
2009, AKR awarded the right to distribute subsidized petroleum in Indonesia
for 2010 period. And in 2010, once again AKR awarded the right to
distribute subsidized petroleum for 2011 period. We are seeking highly
qualified candidates to join our team as:
Branch Manager (SBMA)
Financial Controler (FFCO)
Accounting Manager (FACM)
HR – GA Manager (PHRM)
Investor Relation Manager (FIRL)
Head Of Operation (OHOP)
Head Of Tank Terminal (OHTT)
Project Engineer (OPRE)
Architech (OACT)
Receivable Management Officer (FRAR)
Risk Management Director (FRMD)
Risk Management Manager (FRMM)
Secretary (LSEC)
Sales (SSLS)
Transport Supervisor (OPTO)
Transport Maintenance Supervisor (OPTM)
Accounting Supervisor (FASP)
Industrial Relation Supervisor (BLIR)
Safety Engineer (OSEG)
Operator Tank Terminal (OOTT)
Operator Crane (OHMC)
Operation Director Sea Transport (SODR)
Head of Operation Sea Transport (SHOP)
Crew Management Sea Transport (SCMT)
For all position, you must:
Come from reputable university with minimum GPA 2,5
Please forward your application with complete CV and most recent photograph
(max size 2 MB) to:
People development
Put the job code as your email subject
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITM) Recruitment
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITM), a leading supplier of coal to the world s energy market invites you to join us as we expand our very successful operations.
All our activities are conducted in close collaboration with host communities and other stakeholders. We have a track-record of strong growth over the last five years – and we are preparing for further expansion in the years ahead.
The company was listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in December 2007. As a subsidiary of BANPU, an energetic energy provider in Asia, we are ready to give attractive opportunity for your career development for the following qualified personnel :
1. Dept. Head Compliance Checking (Code: CC)
S1 degree in Legal, internal Audit
Having mm 6 years experiences in the compliance area know well about operational process and mining regulatory
Understanding in compliance process, experience with the compliance process in the mining business will be preferred
Precise and accurate in managing the data
2. Dept. Head Risk Management (Code: RM)
S1 degree in Business/ Economy Management
Having min 6 years experiences in enterprise risk management and or mining operation
Understanding and experience in managing the risk management system (ISO 31000)
3. Contractor Management Analyst (Code: CMA)
Bachelor degree in Legal
Master degree in Business Administration or Management will be of advantage
2-3 years of work experience in related fields (Contract Management, Procurement, Operations, Business Development)
Excellent in English
Willing to travel
Candidates from other industries are welcome to apply
Good interpersonal and organizational skills
Highly self-motivated and strong analytical skills
Computer literate (MS Office)
Creative, self-starter, team player and having self-integrity
4. Good Corporate Governance Compliance Officer (Code: GCG)
S1 degree in Management and legal
Having min 4 years experiences in the area of GCG in a public company
To ensure corporate governance compliance
To ensure and update with corporate governance developments
To manage adoption of corporate governance best practices
To review and update corporate governance manuals from time to time
5. Change Management Manager (Code CMM)
S1 degree in Business / Economy Management
Having min 7 years experiences in Project management by PMBOK
Good Understanding of Business Process Management Concept (BPM)
Good analytical skill and proper business conceptual (lean six sigma, bsc,ssnd spss,vbm,)
Have basic knowledge of mining, power generation and related field
Good Communication and interpersonal skills
Develop change management plan
6. Performance Management Analyst (Code: PMA)
Analysing Business and Operations Performance
Perform financial analysis
Improve business performance through process improvements
Risk Analysis
7. Senior OHS Specialist (Code: OHS)
Min S1 safety engineer, chemical engineer,
Having min 6 years OHS experience preferably in area with exposure to Operations
A minimum of 2 year international exposure.
Should have held similar managerial position previously in an oil & gas, petrochemical or mining setting
Good verbal, written, and Interpersonal communication skills; proficiency in written and spoken English essential (mm 750 TOEIC score)
Having OHS risk assessment skills, coaching skills, project management skills
8. Coal Sampling & Analysis (Code CSA)
S1 degree chemical
Having min.2 years experiences and having basic knowledge of calibration
Understanding coal
Manage spare part & consumable
9. Dept. Head Mine Plan Engineer (Code: MPE)
S1 degree in mining major
Having min 7 years experiences in mine planning
Provide yearly and quarterly plan
Ensure production capacity in term of tong term production
Develop and maintain mine planning procedure.
10. Senior Mine Engineering (Code: SME)
S1 Degree in Mine-Engineering
Min. 5 years experiences in Mine Planning
For Mine Planning experience in long term mine planning mining engineering support, mining engineering project study/evaluation project
Familiar with mining software (Minescape, Vulcan, Surpac, Minex)
11. IT infrastructure (Code: ITI)
Bachelor Degree in Information technology
More than 2 years experience as network development
Actively participate and govern in application and infrastructure fleet management system configuration, master data fleet management system and application information security management
Actively participate in fleet management system report customization
Accountable for application sustainable program after the implementation phase e.g application and infrastructure configuration, system extension, etc
Good communication in both written and spoken English
Good interpersonal and organizational skills
Highly self-motivated and strong analytical skills
Computer literate (MS Office)
Creative, self-starter, team player and having self-integrity
Number 1 – 7 for placement at Jakarta Office
Number 8 – 11 for placement at Site/ Kalimantan Timur
Only qualified candidates with the qualification above that will be processed to the next step
Please send your application with a comprehensive CV {include Salary Expectation} and a recent photograph, not later than 31 March 2012 with email address:
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk
(Please write Position Name and Code in email subject)
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process
Vacancy for Security Risk Analys Officer
Our client is a leading international oil & gas company with an attractive portfolio of exploration and development projects, urgently need following position below:
Job Title : Security Risk Analys Officer
Profil required
1. Formal Education : graduate in Engineering degree
2. Brief JD:
- To conduct security risk analysis
- To conduct study and analysis of the existing security system & the requirement for the new system
- To prepare the complete proposal of the improved and new system and present to management
- To develop the new system and the improved system as the follow up of the security risk analysis & study
- To develop required procedure & guideline for the implementation of the new security system
3. Appropriate level of communication skills in English
4. Working Location : Balikpapan
5. Computer Literate : MS Office
If you are suitable candidate please send your application and resume at the latest 21 March 2012 to ;
email :
Job Title : Security Risk Analys Officer
Profil required
1. Formal Education : graduate in Engineering degree
2. Brief JD:
- To conduct security risk analysis
- To conduct study and analysis of the existing security system & the requirement for the new system
- To prepare the complete proposal of the improved and new system and present to management
- To develop the new system and the improved system as the follow up of the security risk analysis & study
- To develop required procedure & guideline for the implementation of the new security system
3. Appropriate level of communication skills in English
4. Working Location : Balikpapan
5. Computer Literate : MS Office
If you are suitable candidate please send your application and resume at the latest 21 March 2012 to ;
email :
17 March 2012
URGENTLY REQUIRED SECRETARY female, min. 25 years old
We are a well known Services Oil Company at Jakarta seeking for highly motivated and qualified person to fill the following position :
Key Accountabilities:
* Will responsible and report to Director
* Excellent skill in all aspects of secretarial duties (i.e answering phone, processing reports, sorting mail in accurate and timely manner, filling systems, administration, etc)
* Excellent typing skills and ability to take accurate minutes
* Excellent Organizational skills with meetings, travel, management, etc.
* Very good Oral & Written skills and Interpretation in English and Bahasa
* Pleasant nature and excellent communication skill.
Specific Requirements:
* Female, min. 25 years old, preferable single
* Minimum D3 from reputable secretarial academy
* Having experience min. 2 year in secretarial or same field
* Ability to use MS. Office, Ms. Word,
* Well organizer, trustworthy, honest and securing confidential matters
* Smart, highly self motivated person, good communication skill, pleasant nature, good initiative & teamwork
* Work location : Jakarta Office
If your qualifications meet the requirements above, please send your application with a comprehensive resume and recent photograph to
We are a well known Services Oil Company at Jakarta seeking for highly motivated and qualified person to fill the following position :
Key Accountabilities:
* Will responsible and report to Director
* Excellent skill in all aspects of secretarial duties (i.e answering phone, processing reports, sorting mail in accurate and timely manner, filling systems, administration, etc)
* Excellent typing skills and ability to take accurate minutes
* Excellent Organizational skills with meetings, travel, management, etc.
* Very good Oral & Written skills and Interpretation in English and Bahasa
* Pleasant nature and excellent communication skill.
Specific Requirements:
* Female, min. 25 years old, preferable single
* Minimum D3 from reputable secretarial academy
* Having experience min. 2 year in secretarial or same field
* Ability to use MS. Office, Ms. Word,
* Well organizer, trustworthy, honest and securing confidential matters
* Smart, highly self motivated person, good communication skill, pleasant nature, good initiative & teamwork
* Work location : Jakarta Office
If your qualifications meet the requirements above, please send your application with a comprehensive resume and recent photograph to
16 March 2012
PT. Kajima Indonesia, TELECOM ENGINEER, Control System
Our client in Control System, Telecommunications Integrator and an E&I Contracting Company is seeking for :
Qualification Required :
* Min Diploma / University
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English
Experience :
* At least 5 years work engineering experience in Consultant Company
* PATLOSS software CISCO Router configuration
* PDH and SDH multiplex er
* VDIP Telephone Systems
* E1 Communications
* LAN and WAN architecture design
* PABX Integration / Design
- Design PABX System from client specification and vendor data
- Design CCTV System from client specification and vendor data
- Design Radio system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Telephone system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Public Address/General Alarm (PA/GA) system
- Design office computer network
- Create following engineering document :
* Telecom system architecture
* Telecom system specification, requisition, telecom architecture
Drawing, Antena, Radio, Route, Telephone & Data Sheet
- Perform Factory Acceptance Test at Vendor
- Perform Site Acceptance test and precommissioning tests on job
site further to installation
* Plan control system architecture depending on project requirement
* Create / modify control system configuration
* C++ knowledge is an advantage
* Create / Modify control system configuration
* Update existing systems configuration graphics depending on project
* Implementation and testing on site
- Create following engineering documents
System specification, system requisition, system functional
design specification, I/O Assignment, typical configuration block
diagram, cabinet lay out
* Knowledge of instrument database software (such as "INTOOLS" will
be highly appreciated
* Perform factory acceptance test at vendor
* Perform site acceptance test and pre-commissioning tests on job
site further to installation
Please send your email and photograph to
Qualification Required :
* Min Diploma / University
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English
Experience :
* At least 5 years work engineering experience in Consultant Company
* PATLOSS software CISCO Router configuration
* PDH and SDH multiplex er
* VDIP Telephone Systems
* E1 Communications
* LAN and WAN architecture design
* PABX Integration / Design
- Design PABX System from client specification and vendor data
- Design CCTV System from client specification and vendor data
- Design Radio system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Telephone system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Public Address/General Alarm (PA/GA) system
- Design office computer network
- Create following engineering document :
* Telecom system architecture
* Telecom system specification, requisition, telecom architecture
Drawing, Antena, Radio, Route, Telephone & Data Sheet
- Perform Factory Acceptance Test at Vendor
- Perform Site Acceptance test and precommissioning tests on job
site further to installation
* Plan control system architecture depending on project requirement
* Create / modify control system configuration
* C++ knowledge is an advantage
* Create / Modify control system configuration
* Update existing systems configuration graphics depending on project
* Implementation and testing on site
- Create following engineering documents
System specification, system requisition, system functional
design specification, I/O Assignment, typical configuration block
diagram, cabinet lay out
* Knowledge of instrument database software (such as "INTOOLS" will
be highly appreciated
* Perform factory acceptance test at vendor
* Perform site acceptance test and pre-commissioning tests on job
site further to installation
Please send your email and photograph to
Looking for HTML Specialist, Jakarta Area
Looking for HTML Specialist
Core Responsibility:
To develop HTML web pages ensuring strong optimisation (eg. Online, tablet and mobile) and functionality
Brilliant practice of building web by utilising HTML, XHTML, HTML5, other programming languages such as Javascript, Jquery, XML and RSS Feed.
Ability to understand the exact requirement of the project.
Work in a variety of development frameworks including .NET, PHP and off-the-shelf CMS tool.
Support business services and project manager for presales (Provides reports to Project Manager and Business Service Team)
Passionate about digital and its trend (innovation)
Uphold high quality standard delivery (and web compliance)
Ability to think solutions creatively
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Take on the responsibility to effectively time manage.
2 -3 years commercial experience
Ability to work in a team environment, from making pixel perfect sites that meet the design requirements to integrating code with the back-end development team (.NET framework)
Strong HTML, XHTML and HTML5
Deep understanding of CSS inheritance and how to use it to your advantage
In depth knowledge of IE quirks and how to address them
Strong working knowledge of Photoshop, able to cut up from the design team
Ability to write cross-browser validating HTML and CSS
Good understanding of Jquery and Javascript
Ability to set HTML standards and mandate these standards
Pro-active and passionate about digital media initiative
Self motivated, driven and fast leaner
Ability to work independently and among teams
Ability to work on deadlines and under pressure
Ability to perform due diligence and standard admin
PLUS: Social app development â€" experience in building social sites or apps
Communications Skills:
Excellent verbal and written communications skills (English and Bahasa Indonesia)
Ability to present, negotiate and influence
Ability to clearly articulate technical and business terminologies
At least S1 in Information Technology, Computer Science, and Information System.
Desirable: International graduate is preferred
Working relationships:
Business Services, Team Members
Position dimension:
Direct reporting to: Operation Director
Send detail resume to
Core Responsibility:
To develop HTML web pages ensuring strong optimisation (eg. Online, tablet and mobile) and functionality
Brilliant practice of building web by utilising HTML, XHTML, HTML5, other programming languages such as Javascript, Jquery, XML and RSS Feed.
Ability to understand the exact requirement of the project.
Work in a variety of development frameworks including .NET, PHP and off-the-shelf CMS tool.
Support business services and project manager for presales (Provides reports to Project Manager and Business Service Team)
Passionate about digital and its trend (innovation)
Uphold high quality standard delivery (and web compliance)
Ability to think solutions creatively
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Take on the responsibility to effectively time manage.
2 -3 years commercial experience
Ability to work in a team environment, from making pixel perfect sites that meet the design requirements to integrating code with the back-end development team (.NET framework)
Strong HTML, XHTML and HTML5
Deep understanding of CSS inheritance and how to use it to your advantage
In depth knowledge of IE quirks and how to address them
Strong working knowledge of Photoshop, able to cut up from the design team
Ability to write cross-browser validating HTML and CSS
Good understanding of Jquery and Javascript
Ability to set HTML standards and mandate these standards
Pro-active and passionate about digital media initiative
Self motivated, driven and fast leaner
Ability to work independently and among teams
Ability to work on deadlines and under pressure
Ability to perform due diligence and standard admin
PLUS: Social app development â€" experience in building social sites or apps
Communications Skills:
Excellent verbal and written communications skills (English and Bahasa Indonesia)
Ability to present, negotiate and influence
Ability to clearly articulate technical and business terminologies
At least S1 in Information Technology, Computer Science, and Information System.
Desirable: International graduate is preferred
Working relationships:
Business Services, Team Members
Position dimension:
Direct reporting to: Operation Director
Send detail resume to
Vacant Positions at 4 Star Hotel, Accounting, Front Desk Agent, Pastry, Driver
Golden Boutique Hotel Melawai - Jakarta is currently seeking qualified candidate to fill the positions of:
- Male or female, max 30 years old
- Graduated from reputable university majoring accounting (IPK min: 3.00)
- Have good knowledge about tax
- Have experience in public accountant's office (2 - 3 years)
- Computer literate is a must
- Preferably have experience in the hospitality industry
- Male, max 25 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience at the same position
- Fluent in English
- Have a good ability to work both as team or individual
- Computer literate is a must
- Male or female, max 30 years old
- Minimum 2 years experience at the same position
- Creative
- Have a good ability to work both as team or individual
- Male, max 30 years old
- Have driving license (SIM A)
- Honest
Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your application with CV, recent photo and expected salary to: or (max: 200 kb, pdf or ms-word)
- Male or female, max 30 years old
- Graduated from reputable university majoring accounting (IPK min: 3.00)
- Have good knowledge about tax
- Have experience in public accountant's office (2 - 3 years)
- Computer literate is a must
- Preferably have experience in the hospitality industry
Front Desk Agent
Requirements:- Male, max 25 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience at the same position
- Fluent in English
- Have a good ability to work both as team or individual
- Computer literate is a must
- Male or female, max 30 years old
- Minimum 2 years experience at the same position
- Creative
- Have a good ability to work both as team or individual
- Male, max 30 years old
- Have driving license (SIM A)
- Honest
Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your application with CV, recent photo and expected salary to: or (max: 200 kb, pdf or ms-word)
14 March 2012
Receptionist Cum Admin Assistant for Fashion Company
If your goal is to work in an organisation that value personal
responsibility, individual development, and a challenging work tempo.
For the right person a career at H&M can create a variety of opportunities.
Does this sound appealing to you?
Apply now - tomorrow may be too late!
H&M is one of the world's leading garment retailers which are rapidly
growing in Indonesia.
We are as Representative Office, Puls Trading Far East Ltd in Jakarta
is looking for:
Receptionist Cum Admin Assistant
- Attractive, pleasant personality, customer service oriented
- Have a good communication skill
- Able to work as a team and work under pressure
- Experience in similar position at least 2 years
- Experience in handling travel booking with travel agent, and driver
- Require excellent command of English in written and spoken.
- Experience in dealing with Expat
Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your full
resume and recent photograph :
Please dont send your cv if you are not interest with this position
responsibility, individual development, and a challenging work tempo.
For the right person a career at H&M can create a variety of opportunities.
Does this sound appealing to you?
Apply now - tomorrow may be too late!
H&M is one of the world's leading garment retailers which are rapidly
growing in Indonesia.
We are as Representative Office, Puls Trading Far East Ltd in Jakarta
is looking for:
Receptionist Cum Admin Assistant
- Attractive, pleasant personality, customer service oriented
- Have a good communication skill
- Able to work as a team and work under pressure
- Experience in similar position at least 2 years
- Experience in handling travel booking with travel agent, and driver
- Require excellent command of English in written and spoken.
- Experience in dealing with Expat
Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your full
resume and recent photograph :
Please dont send your cv if you are not interest with this position
Urgently Required for Telecommunication/Control System Eng.
Our client in Control System, Telecommunications Integrator and an E&I Contracting Company is seeking for :
Qualification Required :
* Min Diploma / University
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English
Experience :
* At least 5 years work engineering experience in Consultant Company
* PATLOSS software CISCO Router configuration
* PDH and SDH multiplex er
* VDIP Telephone Systems
* E1 Communications
* LAN and WAN architecture design
* PABX Integration / Design
- Design PABX System from client specification and vendor data
- Design CCTV System from client specification and vendor data
- Design Radio system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Telephone system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Public Address/General Alarm (PA/GA) system
- Design office computer network
- Create following engineering document :
* Telecom system architecture
* Telecom system specification, requisition, telecom architecture
Drawing, Antena, Radio, Route, Telephone & Data Sheet
- Perform Factory Acceptance Test at Vendor
- Perform Site Acceptance test and precommissioning tests on job
site further to installation
* Plan control system architecture depending on project requirement
* Create / modify control system configuration
* C++ knowledge is an advantage
* Create / Modify control system configuration
* Update existing systems configuration graphics depending on project
* Implementation and testing on site
- Create following engineering documents
System specification, system requisition, system functional
design specification, I/O Assignment, typical configuration block
diagram, cabinet lay out
* Knowledge of instrument database software (such as "INTOOLS" will
be highly appreciated
* Perform factory acceptance test at vendor
* Perform site acceptance test and pre-commissioning tests on job
site further to installation
Please send your email and photograph to
Tika - CSS
Qualification Required :
* Min Diploma / University
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English
Experience :
* At least 5 years work engineering experience in Consultant Company
* PATLOSS software CISCO Router configuration
* PDH and SDH multiplex er
* VDIP Telephone Systems
* E1 Communications
* LAN and WAN architecture design
* PABX Integration / Design
- Design PABX System from client specification and vendor data
- Design CCTV System from client specification and vendor data
- Design Radio system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Telephone system from client specification and vendor data
- Design Public Address/General Alarm (PA/GA) system
- Design office computer network
- Create following engineering document :
* Telecom system architecture
* Telecom system specification, requisition, telecom architecture
Drawing, Antena, Radio, Route, Telephone & Data Sheet
- Perform Factory Acceptance Test at Vendor
- Perform Site Acceptance test and precommissioning tests on job
site further to installation
* Plan control system architecture depending on project requirement
* Create / modify control system configuration
* C++ knowledge is an advantage
* Create / Modify control system configuration
* Update existing systems configuration graphics depending on project
* Implementation and testing on site
- Create following engineering documents
System specification, system requisition, system functional
design specification, I/O Assignment, typical configuration block
diagram, cabinet lay out
* Knowledge of instrument database software (such as "INTOOLS" will
be highly appreciated
* Perform factory acceptance test at vendor
* Perform site acceptance test and pre-commissioning tests on job
site further to installation
Please send your email and photograph to
Tika - CSS
VACANCIES PT. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk
PT. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk Vacancy
PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk is one of Indonesia's prominent palm oil and rubber producers with plantations in Sumatera and Kalimantan islands of Indonesia. The company's main businesses are in rubber plantation and oil palm plantation, production of crude palm oil (CPO), palm kernel (PK) and germinated oil palm seeds.
We are offers a wide range of opportunities for career and personal development and draws on this company culture to enable employees to evolve in a unique atmosphere with rewarding opportunities to enhance skills and seek new horizons. We attach great value to promoting individual performance within the global collective success.
To support our growth and our world leader position, we are IMMEDIATELY looking for talented professionals who will share our enthusiasm and contribute to develop the Group's and their own future.
We are looking for highly qualified team member to fill in the positions as :
1. IT Officer (Code : IT)
· Male, age 27 - 35 years old
· Min. Diploma Degree majoring in Information Technology / Computer
· Experienced min. 1 year in similar position
· Having software development skills including analysis, programming, testing, debugging, implementation and documentation.
· Advance understanding of systems, application and/or networks.
2. Safety & Security Officer & Head (Code : SS)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Preferably graduated from SECAPA (Academic of Military)
· Experienced min. 1 year (Officer) & 3 years (Head) in similar position
· Having experience in approved & execute safety & security procedures and patrol also monitoring & prepare safety & security tools and report.
3. Community Development Officer (Code : CD)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree any major, preferably in social science, PR, Law
· Experienced min. 1 year in similar position in plantation / oil company
· Support and implement, in Community Relations, conflict resolution, with the Site Project areas, that may arise from local communities to ensure community development efforts are fully productive and aligned
4. Verification Control Officer (Code : VC)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance / Accounting
· Experienced min. 1 year in similar position
· Experience in Accounting/Treasury; Able to prepare/verify payment invoice/voucher and having experience in working with ERP
5. Accounting Senior Officer (Code : AC)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting
· Experienced min. 2 years in similiar position, preferably in preparing financial/tax reports / auditor, Account Receivable & Payable, cash management, journal ledger, inventory control in plantation industry
6. Finance & Admin Division Head (Code : FA)
· Male / Female, age 35-40 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance / Accountancy / Management
· Experienced min. 5 years in similar position
· Strong technical Cost Control & Process Improvement for Area Finance and Admin Department;
· Understanding of accounting and auditing processes and procedures (PSAK, IFRS, financial report)
7. Legal & Land Acquisition (Code : LG)
· Male, age 30 – 40 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Law
· Experienced min. 3 years in similar position
Experience about land acquisition, administration and procedural and have negotiation skill with a strong commercial and legal argument.
8. Business Development Head (Code : BD)
· Male / Female, age 30 – 35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree of any major, preferably in Management Business
· Experienced min. 3 years in similar position
· Develop and secure profitable business for the division with the objective of achieving the company's profitability and growth objectives
9. EHS Department Head (Code : EHS)
· Male / Female, age 30 – 35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree of any major, preferably in safety science
· Experienced min. 3 years in similar position, preferably in oil/plantation company
· Experience in ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 & Having a government certificate of AK3 (an expert of EHS)
General Requirements :
· Having ability to work in a team, and is independent, honest, and objective in performing its duties
· A strong leadership, presentation, communication and managerial skill
· Able to work independently, highly motivated person, creative, excellent interpersonal skills, accurate, team work and hard working
· Computer literate (Ms. Office); Fluent in both writing and speak English; Well administrative and paperwork
· Willing to be placed & relocated in any site
If you meet these requirements, please send your comprehensive application and resume and most recent photograph within 10 days of this advertisement to:
(Please put code on the subject of email)
*only the successful candidate will be notified
PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk is one of Indonesia's prominent palm oil and rubber producers with plantations in Sumatera and Kalimantan islands of Indonesia. The company's main businesses are in rubber plantation and oil palm plantation, production of crude palm oil (CPO), palm kernel (PK) and germinated oil palm seeds.
We are offers a wide range of opportunities for career and personal development and draws on this company culture to enable employees to evolve in a unique atmosphere with rewarding opportunities to enhance skills and seek new horizons. We attach great value to promoting individual performance within the global collective success.
To support our growth and our world leader position, we are IMMEDIATELY looking for talented professionals who will share our enthusiasm and contribute to develop the Group's and their own future.
We are looking for highly qualified team member to fill in the positions as :
1. IT Officer (Code : IT)
· Male, age 27 - 35 years old
· Min. Diploma Degree majoring in Information Technology / Computer
· Experienced min. 1 year in similar position
· Having software development skills including analysis, programming, testing, debugging, implementation and documentation.
· Advance understanding of systems, application and/or networks.
2. Safety & Security Officer & Head (Code : SS)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Preferably graduated from SECAPA (Academic of Military)
· Experienced min. 1 year (Officer) & 3 years (Head) in similar position
· Having experience in approved & execute safety & security procedures and patrol also monitoring & prepare safety & security tools and report.
3. Community Development Officer (Code : CD)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree any major, preferably in social science, PR, Law
· Experienced min. 1 year in similar position in plantation / oil company
· Support and implement, in Community Relations, conflict resolution, with the Site Project areas, that may arise from local communities to ensure community development efforts are fully productive and aligned
4. Verification Control Officer (Code : VC)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance / Accounting
· Experienced min. 1 year in similar position
· Experience in Accounting/Treasury; Able to prepare/verify payment invoice/voucher and having experience in working with ERP
5. Accounting Senior Officer (Code : AC)
· Male, age 27-35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Accounting
· Experienced min. 2 years in similiar position, preferably in preparing financial/tax reports / auditor, Account Receivable & Payable, cash management, journal ledger, inventory control in plantation industry
6. Finance & Admin Division Head (Code : FA)
· Male / Female, age 35-40 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Finance / Accountancy / Management
· Experienced min. 5 years in similar position
· Strong technical Cost Control & Process Improvement for Area Finance and Admin Department;
· Understanding of accounting and auditing processes and procedures (PSAK, IFRS, financial report)
7. Legal & Land Acquisition (Code : LG)
· Male, age 30 – 40 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree majoring in Law
· Experienced min. 3 years in similar position
Experience about land acquisition, administration and procedural and have negotiation skill with a strong commercial and legal argument.
8. Business Development Head (Code : BD)
· Male / Female, age 30 – 35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree of any major, preferably in Management Business
· Experienced min. 3 years in similar position
· Develop and secure profitable business for the division with the objective of achieving the company's profitability and growth objectives
9. EHS Department Head (Code : EHS)
· Male / Female, age 30 – 35 years old
· Min. Bachelor Degree of any major, preferably in safety science
· Experienced min. 3 years in similar position, preferably in oil/plantation company
· Experience in ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 & Having a government certificate of AK3 (an expert of EHS)
General Requirements :
· Having ability to work in a team, and is independent, honest, and objective in performing its duties
· A strong leadership, presentation, communication and managerial skill
· Able to work independently, highly motivated person, creative, excellent interpersonal skills, accurate, team work and hard working
· Computer literate (Ms. Office); Fluent in both writing and speak English; Well administrative and paperwork
· Willing to be placed & relocated in any site
If you meet these requirements, please send your comprehensive application and resume and most recent photograph within 10 days of this advertisement to:
(Please put code on the subject of email)
*only the successful candidate will be notified
13 March 2012
Urgently Needed Reservation PT. Pacto Ltd
PT. Pacto Ltd, Destination Management Company (DMC)inviting candidates to fill these following positions:
With Basic Qualification:
1. D3 / S1 Degree
2. Male / Female
3. Fresh graduated are welcome
4. Fluent in English both oral and written
5. Computer literate
6. Have experience in the same position (trainee)
7. Good grooming
8. Able work as team
9. Able work under pressure
Qualified candidate should sent Curriculum Vitae, Application Letter and current color photograph to email
Only short listed candidates will be notified
With Basic Qualification:
1. D3 / S1 Degree
2. Male / Female
3. Fresh graduated are welcome
4. Fluent in English both oral and written
5. Computer literate
6. Have experience in the same position (trainee)
7. Good grooming
8. Able work as team
9. Able work under pressure
Qualified candidate should sent Curriculum Vitae, Application Letter and current color photograph to email
Only short listed candidates will be notified
Vacancy Perdana Karya Perkasa
PT Perdana Karya Perkasa, 10 positions
With more than 20 years of experience, based on honesty and being trusty to stakerholders and clients, PT PERDANA KARYA PERKASA Tbk, has established its reputation as one of the prominent contractors in oil & gas business, coal mine, land preparation works for oil & gas industry, mining and plantation. Now we are looking for professional candidates with advance skill for positions:
1. Site Manager
2. Project Control
3. Civil Engineer
4. Civil Supervisor
5. Civil Inspector
6. Surveyor
7. Safetyman
8. Materialman (Onshore materials)
9. Finance & Accounting Officer
10. Project Admin
• Maximum age 45 Years Old (1-8)
• Maximum 30 years Old, (9-10)
• Min Degree in Related field from reputable University with min GPA 3.0 (1-10)
• Min 2 years of working experience in Oil & Gas area with same position applied (1-10)
• Having relevant (with position applied) certificates
• Good to operate Ms Office & relevant (with position applied) software, (for 2, 10 Ms. Project, Primavera)
• Willing to be located at our site Muara Badak, Mutiara East Kalimantan & Muara Teweh
The successful candidate will receive an attractive and competitive remuneration and benefits package. Please complete your resume with;
1. Current and expected salary,
2. Professional references, relevant certificates, recent photograph and telephone number
(All in one file; doc/docx/pdf Max 500 kb)
Maximum of 2 weeks from our announcement to the following address:, Please put position title as the email subject. Only shortlisted-candidates will be notified.
Closing date: March 21, 2012
With more than 20 years of experience, based on honesty and being trusty to stakerholders and clients, PT PERDANA KARYA PERKASA Tbk, has established its reputation as one of the prominent contractors in oil & gas business, coal mine, land preparation works for oil & gas industry, mining and plantation. Now we are looking for professional candidates with advance skill for positions:
1. Site Manager
2. Project Control
3. Civil Engineer
4. Civil Supervisor
5. Civil Inspector
6. Surveyor
7. Safetyman
8. Materialman (Onshore materials)
9. Finance & Accounting Officer
10. Project Admin
• Maximum age 45 Years Old (1-8)
• Maximum 30 years Old, (9-10)
• Min Degree in Related field from reputable University with min GPA 3.0 (1-10)
• Min 2 years of working experience in Oil & Gas area with same position applied (1-10)
• Having relevant (with position applied) certificates
• Good to operate Ms Office & relevant (with position applied) software, (for 2, 10 Ms. Project, Primavera)
• Willing to be located at our site Muara Badak, Mutiara East Kalimantan & Muara Teweh
The successful candidate will receive an attractive and competitive remuneration and benefits package. Please complete your resume with;
1. Current and expected salary,
2. Professional references, relevant certificates, recent photograph and telephone number
(All in one file; doc/docx/pdf Max 500 kb)
Maximum of 2 weeks from our announcement to the following address:, Please put position title as the email subject. Only shortlisted-candidates will be notified.
Closing date: March 21, 2012
Building Engineer JGC Indonesia
PT JGC Indonesia Building Engineer
Client Satisfaction through the Most Reliable Services in Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Project Management
We are reputable Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Company especially for Oil and Gas industry is seeking high caliber candidates to fill vacancies for the following positions:
› Bachelor Degree
› Minimum 5 years experience in design structure especially Building in the related Oil & Gas and petrochemical area
› Preferable Fluent in English (writing and speaking), have TOEIC score 700 preferred
› Strong interpersonal skills and organization experience
› Self – starting and motivated as well as able to work in demanding area
If you would like to take the challenges, please APPLY on line
Click: or
Write the position code on top-left corner of the envelope to:
PT. JGC Indonesia
Ged JGC, Jl. TB Simatupang 7B – 12430
Closing date: March 21, 2012
Premier Oil, closing date 30 March 2012
Premier Oil is growing, come and join us
Premier is a leading FTSE 250 independent exploration and productions company with gas and oil interest in the Middle East, Pakistan, the North Sea and West Africa. Within Asia we have offices and operations across Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore.
With record operating result for 2008, the recent acquisition of Oilexco with extensive North Sea interest, long term gas supply contract is place and almost US$800M of development funding in place, Premiers future outlook is very strong.
Our exploration, development and production plans are exciting, and will reinforce Indonesia as playing a key part in Premiers global success.
We now seek a number of experienced Indonesian with strong upstream experience, good English skill and relevant qualifications. We also welcome applications from Indonesia working overseas. Attractive remuneration package is on offer to successful candidates commensurate with your experience and qualifications. Please provide a comprehensive CV (English)
1. Cost Control Supervisor
2. Cost Control (Office Support)
3. Fixed Asset Accountant
For information & apply for other opening please visit :
www. jobstreet. com/id/premieroil.htm
CV or Resume in English not more than 100kb, closing date 30 March 2012
Premier is a leading FTSE 250 independent exploration and productions company with gas and oil interest in the Middle East, Pakistan, the North Sea and West Africa. Within Asia we have offices and operations across Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore.
With record operating result for 2008, the recent acquisition of Oilexco with extensive North Sea interest, long term gas supply contract is place and almost US$800M of development funding in place, Premiers future outlook is very strong.
Our exploration, development and production plans are exciting, and will reinforce Indonesia as playing a key part in Premiers global success.
We now seek a number of experienced Indonesian with strong upstream experience, good English skill and relevant qualifications. We also welcome applications from Indonesia working overseas. Attractive remuneration package is on offer to successful candidates commensurate with your experience and qualifications. Please provide a comprehensive CV (English)
1. Cost Control Supervisor
2. Cost Control (Office Support)
3. Fixed Asset Accountant
For information & apply for other opening please visit :
www. jobstreet. com/id/premieroil.htm
CV or Resume in English not more than 100kb, closing date 30 March 2012
12 March 2012
Appreciate if you could forward the following vacancies to your colleagues, friends or relatives………
Our client, 5 Star Luxury Resort in Fujairah, UAE is looking for:
Interested candidates are required to apply with comprehensive resume with current photograph to; Lazuardi.
Email: or
Lowongan kerja terbaru 2012, PT Pertamina EP
PT Pertamina EP Lowongan kerja terbaru
A subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) engaged in upstream oil and gas sector in
Indonesia. In order to meet the needs of workers who are both reliable
quantity and quality, PT Pertamina EP provides the opportunity for
son daughter Indonesia to join a worker through the Program
Fresh Graduate recruitment of workers to be placed around the work area
PT Pertamina EP.
Graduate Field of Study:
A. Petroleum engineering
2. Mining techniques
3. Engineering geology
4. Geodetic techniques
5. Industrial engineering
6. Engineering
7. Chemical engineering
8. Metallurgical engineering
9. Engineering physics
10. Civil engineering
11. Electrical engineering - strong currents
12. Law
13. Science communication
14. Economics - Management
15. Psychology
Online submission of application, the terms and conditions further
can be accessed via:
later than the date of March 24, 2012
10 March 2012
URGENTLY Required Instrument Engineer
PT. Yudistira Energy (Yudistira) is a private Indonesian company with main business to establish Investment for Oil & Gas development projects.
We are looking candidate for instrument engineer,
Req. Qualification:
· Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Electro/Physics Engineering or related engineering disciplines
· At least min 2 years experience for EPC Upstream / Downstream Oil & Gas project
· Familiar with International standard ISA, API RP 14C/550/551/552/554, AGA-3/8/9, MPMS, IEC 61508/61511, NFPA 72
· Familiar with DCS/ESD/FGS/RTU, Field Bus Module
· Familiar with Gas & Liquid Metering System by USM/Coriolis/Turbine
· Familiar with field instrument, major for Transmitter,SDV/BDV/Control Valve, PSV, USM-Flaremeter/Flowmeter
· Familiar with Smart Plant / Intools , Instrucalc & RS Logic.
Please indicate:
Current salary
Expected salary
Please send your CV to:
Email :
We are looking candidate for instrument engineer,
Req. Qualification:
· Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Electro/Physics Engineering or related engineering disciplines
· At least min 2 years experience for EPC Upstream / Downstream Oil & Gas project
· Familiar with International standard ISA, API RP 14C/550/551/552/554, AGA-3/8/9, MPMS, IEC 61508/61511, NFPA 72
· Familiar with DCS/ESD/FGS/RTU, Field Bus Module
· Familiar with Gas & Liquid Metering System by USM/Coriolis/Turbine
· Familiar with field instrument, major for Transmitter,SDV/BDV/Control Valve, PSV, USM-Flaremeter/Flowmeter
· Familiar with Smart Plant / Intools , Instrucalc & RS Logic.
Please indicate:
Current salary
Expected salary
Please send your CV to:
Email :
Distributor Ultrajaya company with Head Office in Jakarta is currently in need of professional personnel to fill positions:
- Female, max 26 years
- S1 Finance / Accounting
- Experienced min. 2 years
- Honest and Thorough
- Willing to be placed in the branch office Cibitung
For candidates who are interested in joining us, please send Application (with photo) to:
personalia.pgd @
cc to: indri.pramesthi @
Later than the date of March 15, 2012
- Female, max 26 years
- S1 Finance / Accounting
- Experienced min. 2 years
- Honest and Thorough
- Willing to be placed in the branch office Cibitung
For candidates who are interested in joining us, please send Application (with photo) to:
personalia.pgd @
cc to: indri.pramesthi @
Later than the date of March 15, 2012
Vacancy Receptionist PT Transavia Otomasi Pratama
PT Transavia Otomasi Pratama is urgently seeking for :
- Min. Diploma
- Female, max. age of 23 years old
- Min. 1 years working experience with the same position
- Able to speak in English
- Familiar with MS Office (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Highly motivated, pleasant personality, good appearance, good communication
- Self Starter and fast learner
Please send your details resume immediately to :
09 March 2012
Programmer PHP
PHP Programmer Jobs
A company engaged in the training and consultation needed IMMEDIATELY a PHP Programmer (full-time) to manage the company's internal applications and Internet web sites.
General Qualifications:
· Age maximum 28 years.
· Minimum D3 Computer.
· Can speak English passive.
· Have a high motivation to learn and work in a team.
Skill Qualifications:
· Understand HTML and CSS.
· Mastering PHP-based web programming and MySQL database
· Understand the trouble-shooting computers, computer networks (LAN), and willing to help the team support when needed.
Enthusiasts are welcome to submit an application and full CV to the email address:
Qualified candidates will be called to test the ability of PHP and interviews.
A company engaged in the training and consultation needed IMMEDIATELY a PHP Programmer (full-time) to manage the company's internal applications and Internet web sites.
General Qualifications:
· Age maximum 28 years.
· Minimum D3 Computer.
· Can speak English passive.
· Have a high motivation to learn and work in a team.
Skill Qualifications:
· Understand HTML and CSS.
· Mastering PHP-based web programming and MySQL database
· Understand the trouble-shooting computers, computer networks (LAN), and willing to help the team support when needed.
Enthusiasts are welcome to submit an application and full CV to the email address:
Qualified candidates will be called to test the ability of PHP and interviews.
Vacancy Reporter
Bermula dari Intisari, terbit pertama kali pada 7 Agustus 1963, kini Gramedia Majalah– Kompas Gramedia tetap menjaga komitmen awal untuk menerbitkan produk – produk yang memberikan informasi berkualitas dengan memperhatikan nilai-nilai yang berlaku di masyarakat.
Basis usaha Gramedia Majalah – Kompas Gramedia adalah penerbitan periodikal. Sampai saat ini Gramedia Majalah memiliki lebih dari 40 tabloid dan majalah. Kedepan, Gramedia Majalah akan masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada dan berada pada posisi market leader.
Untuk memperkuat posisi, Gramedia Majalah – Kompas Gramedia masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada sesuai dengan basis usaha dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan pasar dan teknologi seperti media cetak, media elektronik, digital initiative, events dan comunities serta berada pada posisi market leader.
Saat ini kami, Kompas Gramedia-Gramedia Majalah sedang mencari :
- Pendidikan S1 Jurnalistik/ Desain Interior/ Teknik Arsitektur
- Senang menulis dan tertarik dengan dunia arsitektur dan interior
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris/asing lainnya
- Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman
- Mengikuti perkembangan bidang interior/arsitektur/properti
Lampirkan : Contoh artikel karya Anda sendiri dengan tema arsitektur/interior!
Kirimkan berkas lamaran, CV lengkap, dan pas foto terbaru Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi (Rep-RMH) pada amplop atau e-mail subject, paling lambat 2 minggu setelah lowongan ini ditayangkan ke :
HR Department
Kompas Gramedia - Group of Magazine
Gd. Kompas Gramedia, Unit I Lt. 8
Jl. Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530
Email : atau
Basis usaha Gramedia Majalah – Kompas Gramedia adalah penerbitan periodikal. Sampai saat ini Gramedia Majalah memiliki lebih dari 40 tabloid dan majalah. Kedepan, Gramedia Majalah akan masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada dan berada pada posisi market leader.
Untuk memperkuat posisi, Gramedia Majalah – Kompas Gramedia masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada sesuai dengan basis usaha dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan pasar dan teknologi seperti media cetak, media elektronik, digital initiative, events dan comunities serta berada pada posisi market leader.
Saat ini kami, Kompas Gramedia-Gramedia Majalah sedang mencari :
- Pendidikan S1 Jurnalistik/ Desain Interior/ Teknik Arsitektur
- Senang menulis dan tertarik dengan dunia arsitektur dan interior
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris/asing lainnya
- Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman
- Mengikuti perkembangan bidang interior/arsitektur/properti
Lampirkan : Contoh artikel karya Anda sendiri dengan tema arsitektur/interior!
Kirimkan berkas lamaran, CV lengkap, dan pas foto terbaru Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi (Rep-RMH) pada amplop atau e-mail subject, paling lambat 2 minggu setelah lowongan ini ditayangkan ke :
HR Department
Kompas Gramedia - Group of Magazine
Gd. Kompas Gramedia, Unit I Lt. 8
Jl. Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530
Email : atau
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