14 October 2011

Burung Indonesia Vacancy, BirdLife Indonesia Association


 Burung Indonesia's (BirdLife Indonesia Association) is recruiting energetic individuals with a concern for biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and community partnerships for the following positions:


1. Head of Resource Centre (HRC)

University degree in social sciences, communication, information or similar skills. Experience with knowledge management processes, infrastructure and principles; good project management experience.


2. Knowledge Management Officer (KMO)

University degree in communication, information, education or similar skills. Experience in developing and managing knowledge management and information systems; working knowledge in maintaining web-based information systems.


3. Forest Resource Management Specialist (FRMS)

Degree in forestry with professional experience and proven technical skills in production forest resources management. Thorough knowledge of multiple use forest resources management, protection and conservation; familiar with forest-climate issues.


4. Communication and Outreach Specialist (COS)

Bachelor of Arts degree, preferably in Communications, Journalism, or a PR related discipline. Experienced in design and production of  awareness/promotion materials; public awareness and outreach programs.


5. Community Partnerships Officer (CPO)

Social sciences degree with experience working in community development and planning practices; effective negotiation and mediation skills.


6. Research & Communication Officer (RCO)

Ecology, forestry, or conservation management related degree with experience working in natural resources management and development. Experience in identifying and analyzing priority conservation issues;  proven skills in developing conservation communication strategy.


General Qualifications:

• Willing to stay in the field for a long period or to travel frequently to the field.

• At least 5 years of relevant working experience is required for positions number 1, 2, and 3; position numbers 4, 5, and 6 require at least 4 years of relevant working experience.


Please submit application and CV to: recruit@burung.org at the latest by 20 October 2011.

For further details concerning the above job descriptions visit Burung Indonesia's website: www. burung. org  

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