PT. Pertamina Retail, sebagai salah satu bisnis hilir PT. Pertamina
(Persero) membuka kesempatan bagi para profesional muda yang dinamis,
untuk bergabung di Perusahaan kami sebagai :
Asisten Manager Estimasi Perencanaan
Jakarta Raya
Pria / Wanita, usia min 30 thn
Pendidikan min S1 Teknik Mesin / Arsitek
Pengalaman min 5 thn di bidang mekanik dan maintenance , dengan 3
th di level supervisor
Menguasai MS.Office, AutoCAD,3D Land - Desktop , Struktur
perangkat lunak analisis
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
Mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan pengelolaan peluang
resiko dari segi teknis dan lingkungan operasi
Memiliki keterampilan seperti inisiatif, teknis, pemecahan
masalah, berpikir kreatif
Memiliki kemampuan pemantauan perencanaan & pengorganisasian,
memperhatikan detail, pertemuan fasilitasi dan negosiasi
Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Memiliki kemampuan menyusun proposal estimasi proyek
Memiliki kemampuan Feasibilitas Proyek
Memiliki kemampuan Mengembangkan Rencana Manajemen Mutu Proyek
termasuk program evaluasi
Kirimkan Application Letter, CV dan portfolio anda ke :
31 May 2012
Urgently nedeed Kindergarten Teacher, Women, Min D3
Urgently nedeed Kindergarten Teacher at Kelapa Gading Area, North Jakarata.
1. Women
2. Min D3
3. Able to speak English
4. Able to work in a team
5. Love childrens
If you Match with our requirement, please send your complete CV with detail previous to or you can send it to
Jl. Pelepah Elok 2 QB 1 No. 3. Kelapa Gading Permai. Jakarta Utara.
BB pin 29283C46
Terima Kasih
Senior Analyst New & Renewable Energy - Gas & Power PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO)
Pertamina mencari individu-individu berbakat dan berpotensi yang mampu
mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang
mengakselerasi pencapaian visi Pertamina: menjadi perusahaan migas
nasional kelas dunia. Kembangkanlah ide, kreativitas dan inovasi anda
sebagai solusi dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas operasional sampai
dengan pengembangan bisnis. Temukan berbagai pekerjaan dan tugas yang
menantang dan berbagai pilihan tempat bekerja. Anda akan bekerja sama
dengan rekan kerja dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, profesi
dan budaya. Temukan pengalaman berharga dan rasakan bagaimana semua
hal tersebut dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dan kompetensi anda.
Bergabunglah bersama kami untuk membangun perusahaan migas nasional
kelas dunia!!
Senior Analyst New & Renewable Energy - Gas & Power ( E-GASPRE2 )
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi perumusan rencana
strategi dan kebijakan pemasaran Energi Baru Terbarukan
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi strategi serta
kegiatan pengembangan usaha baru terkait Energi Baru Terbarukan
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi hubungan bisnis antara
perusahaan dengan key account customers dan mengidentifikasi
kebutuhan-kebutuhan bisnis pelanggan dan mencari tahu bagaimana
perusahaan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kebutuhan mereka
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan suplai dan
distribusi Energi Baru Terbarukan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pelanggan
melalui perencanaan logistik dan transportasi yang efisien dan
Pendidikan :
S1/S2 Teknik Kimia/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Industri
Kemampuan & Kompetensi :
Mampu merekomendasi dari hasil pengelolaan riset, pengembangan &
evaluasi teknologi-teknologi baru dalam pengadaan bahan mentah &
produksi Energi baru terbarukan
Mampu mengarahkan usulan rumusan kebijakan standarisasi teknologi
Energi baru terbarukan
Mampu mengarahkan usulan produk-produk baru yg inovatif utk
mendukung diversifikasi sumber energi
Mampu merekomendasikan tindakan yg harus diambil utk memitigasi
risiko dari hasil pemantauan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yg
berhubungan dengan EBT
Memiliki Score Bahasa Inggris (TOEFL >500)
Pengalaman :
Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 8 tahun di Bidang
Engineering/Maintenance/ Manajemen Proyek/Operasi Kilang LNG/Gas
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) hanya mengundang pelamar terbaik untuk
mengikuti seleksi. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan
hasil seleksi merupakan hak dari PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), serta tidak
dapat diganggu gugat. Dalam proses seleksi, PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO)
tidak melayani surat menyurat dan tidak memungut biaya apapun
(hati-hati dengan penipuan!).
http: //www. jobstreet. co. id/jobs/2012/5/p/40/499789.htm?fr=21&src=16&srcr=12
mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang
mengakselerasi pencapaian visi Pertamina: menjadi perusahaan migas
nasional kelas dunia. Kembangkanlah ide, kreativitas dan inovasi anda
sebagai solusi dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas operasional sampai
dengan pengembangan bisnis. Temukan berbagai pekerjaan dan tugas yang
menantang dan berbagai pilihan tempat bekerja. Anda akan bekerja sama
dengan rekan kerja dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, profesi
dan budaya. Temukan pengalaman berharga dan rasakan bagaimana semua
hal tersebut dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dan kompetensi anda.
Bergabunglah bersama kami untuk membangun perusahaan migas nasional
kelas dunia!!
Senior Analyst New & Renewable Energy - Gas & Power ( E-GASPRE2 )
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi perumusan rencana
strategi dan kebijakan pemasaran Energi Baru Terbarukan
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi strategi serta
kegiatan pengembangan usaha baru terkait Energi Baru Terbarukan
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi hubungan bisnis antara
perusahaan dengan key account customers dan mengidentifikasi
kebutuhan-kebutuhan bisnis pelanggan dan mencari tahu bagaimana
perusahaan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kebutuhan mereka
Mengendalikan, mengarahkan dan mengevaluasi kegiatan suplai dan
distribusi Energi Baru Terbarukan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pelanggan
melalui perencanaan logistik dan transportasi yang efisien dan
Pendidikan :
S1/S2 Teknik Kimia/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Industri
Kemampuan & Kompetensi :
Mampu merekomendasi dari hasil pengelolaan riset, pengembangan &
evaluasi teknologi-teknologi baru dalam pengadaan bahan mentah &
produksi Energi baru terbarukan
Mampu mengarahkan usulan rumusan kebijakan standarisasi teknologi
Energi baru terbarukan
Mampu mengarahkan usulan produk-produk baru yg inovatif utk
mendukung diversifikasi sumber energi
Mampu merekomendasikan tindakan yg harus diambil utk memitigasi
risiko dari hasil pemantauan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yg
berhubungan dengan EBT
Memiliki Score Bahasa Inggris (TOEFL >500)
Pengalaman :
Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 8 tahun di Bidang
Engineering/Maintenance/ Manajemen Proyek/Operasi Kilang LNG/Gas
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) hanya mengundang pelamar terbaik untuk
mengikuti seleksi. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan
hasil seleksi merupakan hak dari PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), serta tidak
dapat diganggu gugat. Dalam proses seleksi, PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO)
tidak melayani surat menyurat dan tidak memungut biaya apapun
(hati-hati dengan penipuan!).
http: //www. jobstreet. co. id/jobs/2012/5/p/40/499789.htm?fr=21&src=16&srcr=12
30 May 2012
Vacancy telkomsigma, RPG Programmer Trainee
Telkomsigma, member of Telkom Group, are a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more than 24 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical systems to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:
RPG Programmer Trainee
Banten - Bumi Serpong Damai
Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
At least Diploma/Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or equivalent with minimum GPA 3.00
Having basic programming skill & database.
Good knowledge of SQL and Query.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
Self motivated, independent, team player and quick learner.
Good command in English.
Must be willing to be trained and work in Bumi Serpong Damai - Tangerang
If your qualifications meet our requirement please send your Curriculum Vitae no more than 800 KB with code "RPG Trainee" in subject to : before June 1, 2012
RPG Programmer Trainee
Banten - Bumi Serpong Damai
Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
At least Diploma/Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or equivalent with minimum GPA 3.00
Having basic programming skill & database.
Good knowledge of SQL and Query.
Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
Self motivated, independent, team player and quick learner.
Good command in English.
Must be willing to be trained and work in Bumi Serpong Damai - Tangerang
If your qualifications meet our requirement please send your Curriculum Vitae no more than 800 KB with code "RPG Trainee" in subject to : before June 1, 2012
Job vacancies in mining contractor
PT. TATABARA UTAMA sebuah perusahaan kontraktor tambang (mining contractor) yang sedang berkembang dengan berbagai proyek pertambangan yang tersebar di Sumatera, Sulawesi dan Kalimantan sedang membutuhkan para tenaga-tenaga muda yang dinamis untuk bergabung dan membangun karir bersama dengan kami, antara lain :
• Laki-laki
• Pendidikan Minimal : SLTA, D3 jurusan pertambangan
• Pengalaman minimal 2-3 tahun dibidang yang sama (terutama dibidang pertambangan).
• Mampu mengoperasikan heavy equipment (excavator, dozer, DT) merupakan nilai tambah
• Jujur dan disiplin
• Mampu bekerja secara individu/team dan di bawah tekanan dan target produksi
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lapangan
• Laki-laki
• Pendidikan Minimal : SLTA
• Pengalaman minimal 2-3 tahun dibidang yang sama (terutama dibidang pertambangan)
• Jujur dan disiplin
• Mampu bekerja secara individu/team dan di bawah tekanan
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lapangan
• Lulusan S1 Geologi
• Memiliki pengalaman Min. 1 tahun sebagai Geologist di Tambang Mineral dan Batubara
• Familiar dengan program computer (minescap, autocad, Arc View, Map Info)
• Jujur, komunikatif, mampu bekerja secara team
• Mampu bekerja dengan target waktu
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
• Lulusan S1 Geologi
• Memiliki pengalaman Min. 5 tahun sebagai Geologist di Tambang Mineral dan Batubara
• Familiar dengan program computer (minescap, autocad, Arc View, Map Info)
• Mampu mengatur pekerjaan dengan bawahan (team work)
• Diutamakan yang mengetahui tentang JORC
• Mampu bekerja dengan target waktu
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
• Pendidikan Minimal : S1 Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan atau Teknik Geologi
• Memiliki pengalaman 1-2 tahun di bidang pertambangan (diutamakan pengalaman di Tambang Batubara atau Nikel)
• Mengetahui proses penambangan dan memahami peralatan pertambangan.
• Mampu melakukan perancanaan tambang (Short/Long Term Planning)
• Mampu mengoperasikan software pertambangan (terutama MINESCAPE/SURPAC/DATAMINE)
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
• Pendidikan Minimal : S1 Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan
• Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di bidang pertambangan
• Diutamakan mempunyai sertifikat POP (Pengawas Operational Pratama) dari Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
• Mempunyai keahlian di perencanaan tambang (Short/Long Term Planning)
• Memahami prinsip dasar pertambangan, konsep design tambang dan metode penambangan, memahami peraturan dalam operasi pertambangan
• Mampu mengoperasikan software pertambangan (terutama MINESCAPE/SURPAC/DATAMINE)
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
Kirim Curriculum Vitae, photo terakhir dan Referensi/surat pengalaman kerja ke : /
• Laki-laki
• Pendidikan Minimal : SLTA, D3 jurusan pertambangan
• Pengalaman minimal 2-3 tahun dibidang yang sama (terutama dibidang pertambangan).
• Mampu mengoperasikan heavy equipment (excavator, dozer, DT) merupakan nilai tambah
• Jujur dan disiplin
• Mampu bekerja secara individu/team dan di bawah tekanan dan target produksi
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lapangan
• Laki-laki
• Pendidikan Minimal : SLTA
• Pengalaman minimal 2-3 tahun dibidang yang sama (terutama dibidang pertambangan)
• Jujur dan disiplin
• Mampu bekerja secara individu/team dan di bawah tekanan
• Bersedia ditempatkan di lapangan
• Lulusan S1 Geologi
• Memiliki pengalaman Min. 1 tahun sebagai Geologist di Tambang Mineral dan Batubara
• Familiar dengan program computer (minescap, autocad, Arc View, Map Info)
• Jujur, komunikatif, mampu bekerja secara team
• Mampu bekerja dengan target waktu
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
• Lulusan S1 Geologi
• Memiliki pengalaman Min. 5 tahun sebagai Geologist di Tambang Mineral dan Batubara
• Familiar dengan program computer (minescap, autocad, Arc View, Map Info)
• Mampu mengatur pekerjaan dengan bawahan (team work)
• Diutamakan yang mengetahui tentang JORC
• Mampu bekerja dengan target waktu
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
• Pendidikan Minimal : S1 Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan atau Teknik Geologi
• Memiliki pengalaman 1-2 tahun di bidang pertambangan (diutamakan pengalaman di Tambang Batubara atau Nikel)
• Mengetahui proses penambangan dan memahami peralatan pertambangan.
• Mampu melakukan perancanaan tambang (Short/Long Term Planning)
• Mampu mengoperasikan software pertambangan (terutama MINESCAPE/SURPAC/DATAMINE)
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
• Pendidikan Minimal : S1 Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan
• Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di bidang pertambangan
• Diutamakan mempunyai sertifikat POP (Pengawas Operational Pratama) dari Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
• Mempunyai keahlian di perencanaan tambang (Short/Long Term Planning)
• Memahami prinsip dasar pertambangan, konsep design tambang dan metode penambangan, memahami peraturan dalam operasi pertambangan
• Mampu mengoperasikan software pertambangan (terutama MINESCAPE/SURPAC/DATAMINE)
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah project
Kirim Curriculum Vitae, photo terakhir dan Referensi/surat pengalaman kerja ke : /
Urgently Needed, Collection at PT. Medco Sarana Kalibaru
PT. Medco Sarana Kalibaru is a national company focuses on the distribution of consumable energy products. Due to our rapid growth we require young professional, and highly motivated person to join with us as :
Male, age 25 - 37 years old.
Min. Bachelor Degree inFinance/Accounting background.
Having min. 2 years experience in the same position,
preferably from banking (not credit card) or retail industry or,
Having a collections training certificate.
vHaving passion to grow for a career in the field of
Posses the ability to work well individually or as a
member of a collections team.
Honest, must be persistent and professional
· Review / identify
record ofcustomer payments, before Sales Order is approved.
· Createand publish daily report of Accounts Receivable (AR)
and coordinate the collection of
information from the relevant
· Performcollection to the customer in accordance with the
standards specified collection firms via phone / email.
· Release issuance of a default letter, and joint visits with sales to customers for
the settlement of billing problems.
· Monitor & reportcustomer payment trends by presenting information days outstanding, collection days, cost
of funds, and the pattern of late payments for the purposes of decision-making change in Terms of Payment and General Customer Profile.
Suitable candidate should submit an application letter together
with comprehensive curriculum vitae within 14 days. To :
Male, age 25 - 37 years old.
Min. Bachelor Degree inFinance/Accounting background.
Having min. 2 years experience in the same position,
preferably from banking (not credit card) or retail industry or,
Having a collections training certificate.
vHaving passion to grow for a career in the field of
Posses the ability to work well individually or as a
member of a collections team.
Honest, must be persistent and professional
· Review / identify
record ofcustomer payments, before Sales Order is approved.
· Createand publish daily report of Accounts Receivable (AR)
and coordinate the collection of
information from the relevant
· Performcollection to the customer in accordance with the
standards specified collection firms via phone / email.
· Release issuance of a default letter, and joint visits with sales to customers for
the settlement of billing problems.
· Monitor & reportcustomer payment trends by presenting information days outstanding, collection days, cost
of funds, and the pattern of late payments for the purposes of decision-making change in Terms of Payment and General Customer Profile.
Suitable candidate should submit an application letter together
with comprehensive curriculum vitae within 14 days. To :
Vacancy Senior Process Engineer, Project Planner
KBR is a leading global engineering, construction and service company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government service and civil infrastructure sectors. To fulfill the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the Jakarta Engineering Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the following positions:
Senior Process Engineers
The candidate should be a graduate from reputable University with the following qualifications:
1. Having at least 10 years of relevant experience in multinational and/or local EPC companies related to process design for Offshore / Onshore Oil & Gas Facilities, Refining and Petrochemical Projects with emphasis on Design Engineering (FEED or Basic Engineering, Detailed Engineering) and construction
2. Familiar with Codes and Standards for the Oil & Gas industry, such as API, ASME, TEMA, etc.
3. Strong leadership and team alignment skills
4. Capable of providing technical guidance and consultation to designers, engineers, associates and others on technical interpretations
5. Capable of generating PFD, UFD, Heat and Material Balance (HMB), P& ID development, equipment sizing, hydraulic calculation and line sizing, relieve valve sizing and blow down calculation
6. Capable of providing process deliverables and datasheet for equipment (pump, special piping item and instrumentations)
7. Experience in HAZOP meeting, deliver Safe Chart, Cause & Effect, ESD Logic Diagram, study reports and analysis for Process and Utility Systems
8. Software skill required: HYSYS (Process Design Simulations), Flare net, PIPESIM, PIPEHASE, PRO/II and Aspen Plus
Project Planner
Bachelor Degree (S1) Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering
At least 3 Years of Experience in Engineering Company
Computer literacy: Primavera 6
1. Good command of both written and spoken English & Bahasa Indonesia
2. Good communication skills and team player
3. Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy
4. Willing to take overseas Assignment
Interested candidates should send their resume in English to:
Mentioning the position applied in the subject email
Not later than 1 week after this advertisement.
DO NOT attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted
Senior Process Engineers
The candidate should be a graduate from reputable University with the following qualifications:
1. Having at least 10 years of relevant experience in multinational and/or local EPC companies related to process design for Offshore / Onshore Oil & Gas Facilities, Refining and Petrochemical Projects with emphasis on Design Engineering (FEED or Basic Engineering, Detailed Engineering) and construction
2. Familiar with Codes and Standards for the Oil & Gas industry, such as API, ASME, TEMA, etc.
3. Strong leadership and team alignment skills
4. Capable of providing technical guidance and consultation to designers, engineers, associates and others on technical interpretations
5. Capable of generating PFD, UFD, Heat and Material Balance (HMB), P& ID development, equipment sizing, hydraulic calculation and line sizing, relieve valve sizing and blow down calculation
6. Capable of providing process deliverables and datasheet for equipment (pump, special piping item and instrumentations)
7. Experience in HAZOP meeting, deliver Safe Chart, Cause & Effect, ESD Logic Diagram, study reports and analysis for Process and Utility Systems
8. Software skill required: HYSYS (Process Design Simulations), Flare net, PIPESIM, PIPEHASE, PRO/II and Aspen Plus
Project Planner
Bachelor Degree (S1) Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering
At least 3 Years of Experience in Engineering Company
Computer literacy: Primavera 6
1. Good command of both written and spoken English & Bahasa Indonesia
2. Good communication skills and team player
3. Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy
4. Willing to take overseas Assignment
Interested candidates should send their resume in English to:
Mentioning the position applied in the subject email
Not later than 1 week after this advertisement.
DO NOT attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted
PT. Yama Engineering VACANCY, Material Control, Logistic
PT. Yama Engineering
Engineering & EPC projects, maintenance and construction companies that are developing.
We need experienced in the same field and position in Oil and Gas, motivated person and target progress oriented to join and fill the positions as follow :
1. Material Control (code: MC )
2. Logistic (code : L )
- Minimum of 3 years experiences in Onshore Project
- Familiar with CNG Project
If you meet the requirements, please submit your CV with code to
As you may already know, LivingSocial is the second largest Group Sales company in the world, operating in 25 countries, 575 markets and with 46 million members.
Now we are actively looking to fill GREETER & FRONT LINE CUSTOMER SERVICE position in our Jakarta office.
This job consists of :
- handling incoming calls and walking customers
- handling incoming & outgoing mails
- handling customers' complaint
- handling customer inquiries
- assist in the administration duties
In general, LivingSocial prides itself on finding people who make strong moves, champion good ideas, and are hungry to work hard / play hard and reap the benefits of their efforts. Our Jakarta office is hip and fun; with corporate culture resembling Facebook or Google's.
If you interest to apply for this position, please submit your resume to: wahyu.handayani@dealkeren. com
And please feel free to read more about our company at http: //corporate. livingsocial. com/ourcompany or visit our site at www. livingsocial. co. id
Now we are actively looking to fill GREETER & FRONT LINE CUSTOMER SERVICE position in our Jakarta office.
This job consists of :
- handling incoming calls and walking customers
- handling incoming & outgoing mails
- handling customers' complaint
- handling customer inquiries
- assist in the administration duties
In general, LivingSocial prides itself on finding people who make strong moves, champion good ideas, and are hungry to work hard / play hard and reap the benefits of their efforts. Our Jakarta office is hip and fun; with corporate culture resembling Facebook or Google's.
If you interest to apply for this position, please submit your resume to: wahyu.handayani@dealkeren. com
And please feel free to read more about our company at http: //corporate. livingsocial. com/ourcompany or visit our site at www. livingsocial. co. id
29 May 2012
Lowongan di Padang
Kami Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Kontraktor Telekomunikasi. Saat ini sedang mencari Kandidat yang bersedia di tempatkan Di Daerah Padang - Sumatera Barat.
Sebagai :
1.Project Manager (PM-Padang)
2.Project Kordinator(PK-Padang)
3.Project Admin(PA-Padang)
Syarat :
1.Memiliki pengalaman di Telekomunikasi khususnya untuk Pekerjaan Ericsson.
2.Mengerti ITC ( installation, test & commissioning )
3.Memahami instalasi BTS & Microwave.
4.Berpengalaman sebagai Admin di Telekomunikasi untuk Project Admin.
Silahkan kirim CV lengkap dengan subject Posisi yang ada.
Contoh subject : PM - Padang
Kirim Ke :
Lowongan untuk COAL MANAGER
Job Description:
Ensure that safety, health, and environment (SHE) management issues are properly addressed
Carries clear responsibility and accountability for delivery of the Project's goals
Conducts regular meetings to review progress and discuss engineering, procurement and construction changes to project suggested by or recommended by the Company
Resolves problems of coordination, schedule and priority
Coordinates all client communication, including major correspondence between the maintains working relationships at all levels throughout the period of the project
Monitors and controls all contractual commitments to assure that all work is being performed in accordance with the specifications, drawings, terms of the contract and expectations
Develop a clear understanding of the context of the project, expectations, and its business case, to allow alignment of project decisions with the business outcome required
Develops a project execution plan detailing the strategies for delivering the various elements of the project
Develops a detailed schedule, scope of work, estimate and risk model, and "drives" the project with these tools
Develop and obtain sign-off of Project Execution Plan (PEP)
Develop and resource an appropriate organization structure and ensure that the entire project team has the required resources for the work
Direct and review all procurement functions including expediting and Quality Assurance Directs, controls and coordinates all planning, cost controls, estimating and administration functions
Preparing & reviewing mining budgets.
Evaluation of technical options and recommendations.
Manage contractual aspects of mining business (Bid analysis, Preparing Contract document comprising of BOQ)
Project Management & Monitoring.
Monitoring of process of permits and approvals for mining operations.
Implementing continuous improvement initiatives in order to ensure lower cost and better mining performance.
Coordination in corporate affairs to facilitate resolution of issues with local / other government agencies.
Setting Performance goals develop assessment methods and audit work procedure.
Good leadership to subordinates with good interpersonal and organizational skills.
Male, age 35-45 years old, min. Bachelor / Master Degree in Mining with clear understanding of different aspects of Mining like planning, exploration, geology, machinery etc.
Minimum 10 years Experience working as a Coal Manager at a coal mining site
Successful performance as a Coal Manager on larger sized projects.
Proven ability to analyze complex problems, interpret operational needs, and develop integrated, creative solutions.
Have a high ability to lead, synergize, and oversee the functions of the department under (Mining, Finance, Workshop, HSE, HR-GA, etc.).
Knowledgeable project management, cost analysis, planning & scheduling, and project administration.
Having good understanding of Mine Operations/ Planning.
Strong interpersonal skills and ability to deal effectively in a team environment.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Occasional travel to site may be required.
Fluent in English both oral and written
Possess excellent computer skill (Microsoft Office, Mine Plan Software, etc)
Please send your comprehensive CV with Application Letter as soon as after this advertisement to : and
Entry level position responsible for greets and directs visitors, answers and routes all incoming telephone calls performs clerical functions as assigned.
Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
Greets and assists all visitors to the facility in a courteous and professional manner.
Answers and routes incoming telephone calls. Locates employees and/or takes messages appropriate, and distributes messages in a timely manner.
Record all incoming visitor and purpose of the visit.
Handling all incoming letter/faxes and distribute in a timely manner.
To ensure that the locking system of the office is secured during non-working hours / lunch time to safeguard the assets of the company.
Coordinate with travel agent for ticket booking for employees.
Procuring stationeries; maintain stocks and order on time to prevent stock out situation.
Coordinates with couriers for receiving and dispatch to enable timely deliveries. Collections and distribution of postal mail.
Female, Age 23-27 years old.
Diploma III/Bachelor Degree in Secretarial, Economic, Management.
At least 2 years experiences as a receptionist.
Fluent in English, Good oral and written communication skill.
Nice Looking & Pleasant Personality.
Please send your CV/resume including photos (passport size) to
PT Exterran Indonesia,
Jl. Gandaria Tengah III No 25 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan or
Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
Greets and assists all visitors to the facility in a courteous and professional manner.
Answers and routes incoming telephone calls. Locates employees and/or takes messages appropriate, and distributes messages in a timely manner.
Record all incoming visitor and purpose of the visit.
Handling all incoming letter/faxes and distribute in a timely manner.
To ensure that the locking system of the office is secured during non-working hours / lunch time to safeguard the assets of the company.
Coordinate with travel agent for ticket booking for employees.
Procuring stationeries; maintain stocks and order on time to prevent stock out situation.
Coordinates with couriers for receiving and dispatch to enable timely deliveries. Collections and distribution of postal mail.
Female, Age 23-27 years old.
Diploma III/Bachelor Degree in Secretarial, Economic, Management.
At least 2 years experiences as a receptionist.
Fluent in English, Good oral and written communication skill.
Nice Looking & Pleasant Personality.
Please send your CV/resume including photos (passport size) to
PT Exterran Indonesia,
Jl. Gandaria Tengah III No 25 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan or
28 May 2012
Vacancy of Sales and Marketing Manager, PT McDermott Indonesia
P.T. McDermott Indonesia, a leader in the field of engineering and construction for offshore oil and gas industry, specializing in design, fabrication, installation and overall construction management of sophisticated marine engineering projects, would like to invite proficient, efficient, and highly motivated applicants to be assigned to its Jakarta Business Development Department for the position of :
- Report to Country Manager, Indonesia and functionally to Regional Sales & Marketing Director
- Supervise Sales Coordinator
- Liaise with various functional groups in the region and other teams within the area.
- To be the primary point of contact for existing and potential customers on business development/sales and marketing activities in the geographic area of responsibilities particularly for the assigned portfolio.
- Plan, execute and control sales & marketing activities for the assigned portfolio in accordance to the prevailing procedures including develop, maintain and improve strong business relationships with both existing and potential customers and actively develop and update the deliverables.
- Understand well BP MIGAS Procurement Guideline PTK-007 and things related to Indonesian content.
- Support other team(s) in the area on the development of business relationships with strategic institutions / corporations.
- Plan arrangements for participation in trade conventions, seminars, etc.
- Minimum 15 Years Oil and Gas related industry preferably upstream sector.
- Prior experience in offshore oil and gas related business development or project management / project engineering / fabrication / offshore construction.
- Good knowledge of business development, marketing and sales.
- Graduated engineer or higher.
Application letters detailing fully experience and education standard attained to :
E-mail :
- Report to Country Manager, Indonesia and functionally to Regional Sales & Marketing Director
- Supervise Sales Coordinator
- Liaise with various functional groups in the region and other teams within the area.
- To be the primary point of contact for existing and potential customers on business development/sales and marketing activities in the geographic area of responsibilities particularly for the assigned portfolio.
- Plan, execute and control sales & marketing activities for the assigned portfolio in accordance to the prevailing procedures including develop, maintain and improve strong business relationships with both existing and potential customers and actively develop and update the deliverables.
- Understand well BP MIGAS Procurement Guideline PTK-007 and things related to Indonesian content.
- Support other team(s) in the area on the development of business relationships with strategic institutions / corporations.
- Plan arrangements for participation in trade conventions, seminars, etc.
- Minimum 15 Years Oil and Gas related industry preferably upstream sector.
- Prior experience in offshore oil and gas related business development or project management / project engineering / fabrication / offshore construction.
- Good knowledge of business development, marketing and sales.
- Graduated engineer or higher.
Application letters detailing fully experience and education standard attained to :
E-mail :
Vacancy Receptionist and Admin Assistant
One of Big Multinational company in South Jakarta looking for :
Receptionist and Admin Assistant (1 Position)
- Handling incoming call and welcoming guest.
- Excellent command of English in written and spoken.
- Customer service oriented, pleasant personality and attractive,
- Have a good communication skill
- Able to work as a team and work under pressure
- Experience in similar position at least 2 years
- Has experience to handle the travel.
Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your full
resume and recent photograph :
Receptionist and Admin Assistant (1 Position)
- Handling incoming call and welcoming guest.
- Excellent command of English in written and spoken.
- Customer service oriented, pleasant personality and attractive,
- Have a good communication skill
- Able to work as a team and work under pressure
- Experience in similar position at least 2 years
- Has experience to handle the travel.
Should you meet all of the requirements above, please send your full
resume and recent photograph :
Open Vacancy ARCHITECT and CIVIL ENGINEER in Jakarta Based
Open Vacancy: ARCHITECT and CIVIL ENGINEER in Jakarta Based
We are the Engineering Consultant Company for various building facilities, currently seeking for the best candidate to fill in position as an Architect and Civil Engineer.
The qualification is as follows:
- Degree D3/S1 in Architecture and/or Civil Engineering from any university
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Good written and spoken in English language
- Able to work in a project team
If you interested, please send your complete CV to Only shortlist candidate will be interviewed.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
We are the Engineering Consultant Company for various building facilities, currently seeking for the best candidate to fill in position as an Architect and Civil Engineer.
The qualification is as follows:
- Degree D3/S1 in Architecture and/or Civil Engineering from any university
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
- Good written and spoken in English language
- Able to work in a project team
If you interested, please send your complete CV to Only shortlist candidate will be interviewed.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
27 May 2012
Laundry Operational Manager
URGENT VACANCY: Laundry Operational Manager
Candidates Requirements:
* Male / Female, with in depth knowledge of Laundry Industry, Sales &
Customer Service.
* Multitasking person that easily adapt in any working environment,
high initiatives, with strong desire to learn and passionate about
servicing others.
* Team player that has good leadership skills to lead and supervise
the team. Training capability would be an advantage.
* Capable of setting up the quality standard and SOPs, stock control,
plan a budget and marketing target.
* Great knowledge of chemicals and fabrics.
* Graduate min. from Diploma 3 of Reputable Hotel & Tourism
University or S1 graduates of any major (preferable).
* Min. 3 years experience as Laundry Manager or as an Operational
Manager of any hospitality industry.
* Good communication skill in Indonesia and English language.
* Computer literate and familiar in operating Ms. Office.
An attractive remuneration scheme commensurate with experience will be
offered to the right candidate. Please submit a comprehensive resume
with photograph to latest by 12 June 2012.
Further information of our company please visit to www.d elondrehous.c om.
Candidates Requirements:
* Male / Female, with in depth knowledge of Laundry Industry, Sales &
Customer Service.
* Multitasking person that easily adapt in any working environment,
high initiatives, with strong desire to learn and passionate about
servicing others.
* Team player that has good leadership skills to lead and supervise
the team. Training capability would be an advantage.
* Capable of setting up the quality standard and SOPs, stock control,
plan a budget and marketing target.
* Great knowledge of chemicals and fabrics.
* Graduate min. from Diploma 3 of Reputable Hotel & Tourism
University or S1 graduates of any major (preferable).
* Min. 3 years experience as Laundry Manager or as an Operational
Manager of any hospitality industry.
* Good communication skill in Indonesia and English language.
* Computer literate and familiar in operating Ms. Office.
An attractive remuneration scheme commensurate with experience will be
offered to the right candidate. Please submit a comprehensive resume
with photograph to latest by 12 June 2012.
Further information of our company please visit to www.d elondrehous.c om.
Lowongan PT Gagan Indonesia
PT Gagan Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan retail dan distributor untuk beberapa brand fashion internasional seperti Bebe, Adidas, Cache Cache, Quiksilver, Promod, Ted Baker, Roxy, Evita Peroni, Ipanema, Morgan, DC. Kami mengundang Anda yang ingin berkarir di dunia retail sebagai :
- Wanita/Pria
- Usia 18 - 28 th
- Pendidikan min SMU/SMK
- Tidak keberatan untuk bekerja dengan jam kerja ritel (shift), termasuk weekend dan hari libur nasional
- Lebih disukai yang sudah memiliki pengalaman di retail
- Untuk penempatan di showroom maupun di department store (Matahari/Sogo/Metro)
- Lokasi : Jakarta (Kelapa Gading, Grand Indonesia, Senayan City, Kota Kasablanca, PRJ Kemayoran), Serpong, Cibubur, Bandung, Surabaya, Bali
2. Store Manager (SM)
- Wanita
- Usia maks 30 th
- Pendidikan min S1 dengan jurusan Marketing, Ekonomi, Retail Management, Komunikasi
- Pengalaman min 2 th di level Supervisor atau Manajerial
- Tidak keberatan untuk bekerja dengan jam kerja retail (shift), weekend dan hari libur nasional
- Aktif berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
- Lokasi : Jakarta (Gading, Senayan City), Serpong, Surabaya
3. Assistant Brand Manager (ABM)
- Wanita
-Usia maks 30 th jurusan
- Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Marketing, Ekonomi, Retail Management, Komunikasi (lebih disukai lulusan luar negeri)
- Berpengalaman min 3-4 th (lebih disukai dari dunia retail)
- Aktif berbahasa Inggri lisan dan tulisan
- Memilki kemampuan komunikasi yg baik dan mampu membuat laporan finansial
- Lokasi : Bali
4. IT Supervisor (IT)
- Pria
- Usia maks 30 th
- Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Teknik Informatika
- Pengalaman kerja min 3 th sesuai dengan bidangnya
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai VB.Net, ASP.Net, My SQL
- Lokasi : Jakarta
5. Visual Merchandiser (VM)
- Pria
- Usia maks 32 th
- Pendidikan min Diploma (D3)
atau S1 jurusan Desain Grafis,Desain Interior, Arsitektur
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja min 1 - 2 th sebagai Visual Merchandiser, Design Grafis, Fit Out Officer
- Terbiasa menggunakan program MS Office, Design Graphic Software (Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, Acrobat), Autocad, Sketch Up, 3D Max; MAC
- Lokasi : Jakarta
6. Finance Staff (FS)
- Wanita
- Usia antara 20 - 25 th
- Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Akuntansi dengan IPK min 2.90
- Terbuka bagi fresh graduate
- Lokasi : Jakarta
7. Data Entry (DE)
- Wanita
- Usia antara 20 - 25 th
- Pendidikan min Diploma (D3) dengan IPK min 2.90
- Terbiasa menggunakan program Ms Office (terutama Excel)
- Lokasi : Jakarta
Bagi yg berminat dapat mengirimkan CV dan pas foto terbaru ke HRD PT Gagan di 200 kb)
- Wanita/Pria
- Usia 18 - 28 th
- Pendidikan min SMU/SMK
- Tidak keberatan untuk bekerja dengan jam kerja ritel (shift), termasuk weekend dan hari libur nasional
- Lebih disukai yang sudah memiliki pengalaman di retail
- Untuk penempatan di showroom maupun di department store (Matahari/Sogo/Metro)
- Lokasi : Jakarta (Kelapa Gading, Grand Indonesia, Senayan City, Kota Kasablanca, PRJ Kemayoran), Serpong, Cibubur, Bandung, Surabaya, Bali
2. Store Manager (SM)
- Wanita
- Usia maks 30 th
- Pendidikan min S1 dengan jurusan Marketing, Ekonomi, Retail Management, Komunikasi
- Pengalaman min 2 th di level Supervisor atau Manajerial
- Tidak keberatan untuk bekerja dengan jam kerja retail (shift), weekend dan hari libur nasional
- Aktif berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
- Lokasi : Jakarta (Gading, Senayan City), Serpong, Surabaya
3. Assistant Brand Manager (ABM)
- Wanita
-Usia maks 30 th jurusan
- Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Marketing, Ekonomi, Retail Management, Komunikasi (lebih disukai lulusan luar negeri)
- Berpengalaman min 3-4 th (lebih disukai dari dunia retail)
- Aktif berbahasa Inggri lisan dan tulisan
- Memilki kemampuan komunikasi yg baik dan mampu membuat laporan finansial
- Lokasi : Bali
4. IT Supervisor (IT)
- Pria
- Usia maks 30 th
- Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Teknik Informatika
- Pengalaman kerja min 3 th sesuai dengan bidangnya
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai VB.Net, ASP.Net, My SQL
- Lokasi : Jakarta
5. Visual Merchandiser (VM)
- Pria
- Usia maks 32 th
- Pendidikan min Diploma (D3)
atau S1 jurusan Desain Grafis,Desain Interior, Arsitektur
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja min 1 - 2 th sebagai Visual Merchandiser, Design Grafis, Fit Out Officer
- Terbiasa menggunakan program MS Office, Design Graphic Software (Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, Acrobat), Autocad, Sketch Up, 3D Max; MAC
- Lokasi : Jakarta
6. Finance Staff (FS)
- Wanita
- Usia antara 20 - 25 th
- Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Akuntansi dengan IPK min 2.90
- Terbuka bagi fresh graduate
- Lokasi : Jakarta
7. Data Entry (DE)
- Wanita
- Usia antara 20 - 25 th
- Pendidikan min Diploma (D3) dengan IPK min 2.90
- Terbiasa menggunakan program Ms Office (terutama Excel)
- Lokasi : Jakarta
Bagi yg berminat dapat mengirimkan CV dan pas foto terbaru ke HRD PT Gagan di 200 kb)
PT. DUTA SARANA PERKASA (DUSASPUN) merupakan sebuah Perusahaan industri terkemuka / terbesar dalam bidang
industri beton pracetak dan bahan bangunan lainnya di INDONESIA yang
terus berkembang secara pesat, kini membuka kesempatan berkarier bagi
anda yang berjiwa muda, sanggup bekerja keras, kreatif dan berinisiatif
tinggi untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria atau wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S-1 Teknik semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan Management Risk_K3 Safety
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan.
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian kegiatan Health, Safety& Environment.
• Berpengalaman pada bidang HSE minimal 3 tahun
• Tegas dan berwibawa
• Mengerti Bahasa Inggeris baik lisan maupun tertulis
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria atau wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S - 1 Teknik Sipil dengan spesialisasi Teknik Struktur
• Menguasai program CAD 2D/3D, SAP/ETABS
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word & Excel)
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian operasional lapangan
• Menguasai dan sangat peduli dengan efisiensi kerja, efektifitas kerja dan keselamatan kerja
• Berpengalaman sebagai technician lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S - 1 Teknik Elektro
• Menguasai program CAD 2D/3D
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word & Excel)
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian operasional lapangan
• Menguasai dan sangat peduli dengan efisiensi kerja, efektifitas kerja dan keselamatan kerja
• Berpengalaman sebagai technician lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S - 1 Teknik Mesin
• Menguasai program CAD 2D/3D
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word & Excel)
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian operasional lapangan
• Menguasai dan sangat peduli dengan efisiensi kerja, efektifitas kerja dan keselamatan kerja
• Berpengalaman sebagai technician lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
* Pria atau wanita maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S – 1 Manajemen/Pemasaran/Bisnis
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggeris baik lisan maupun tertulis
* Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, inovatif, memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, tajam
dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat mengambil keputusan
* Mempunyai relasi yang kuat dan luas
* Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran
* Tegas, berwibawa, dan berpenampilan menarik
* Berpengalaman dalam bidang marketing lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria atau wanita maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S– 1 / D-3Akuntansi
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word, Excel)
• Menguasai Program Pajak (E-SPT)
• Mempunyai sertifikat Brevet A dan Brevet B
• Pengalaman pada bidangnya lebih diutamakan
yang tertantang untuk mengembangkan diri, kirimkan lamaran lengkap
beserta pas foto terbaru (size 3x4) dengan mencantumkan Kode Posisi yang
dilamar pada pojok kiri atas amplop ke alamat :
Human Resources Department
Gedung Alia Lantai 5,Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No.10-18 Gambir
Jakarta Pusat
Atau melalui email ke :,
industri beton pracetak dan bahan bangunan lainnya di INDONESIA yang
terus berkembang secara pesat, kini membuka kesempatan berkarier bagi
anda yang berjiwa muda, sanggup bekerja keras, kreatif dan berinisiatif
tinggi untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria atau wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S-1 Teknik semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan Management Risk_K3 Safety
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan.
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian kegiatan Health, Safety& Environment.
• Berpengalaman pada bidang HSE minimal 3 tahun
• Tegas dan berwibawa
• Mengerti Bahasa Inggeris baik lisan maupun tertulis
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria atau wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S - 1 Teknik Sipil dengan spesialisasi Teknik Struktur
• Menguasai program CAD 2D/3D, SAP/ETABS
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word & Excel)
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian operasional lapangan
• Menguasai dan sangat peduli dengan efisiensi kerja, efektifitas kerja dan keselamatan kerja
• Berpengalaman sebagai technician lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S - 1 Teknik Elektro
• Menguasai program CAD 2D/3D
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word & Excel)
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian operasional lapangan
• Menguasai dan sangat peduli dengan efisiensi kerja, efektifitas kerja dan keselamatan kerja
• Berpengalaman sebagai technician lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S - 1 Teknik Mesin
• Menguasai program CAD 2D/3D
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word & Excel)
• Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, tajam dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat membuat keputusan
• Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian operasional lapangan
• Menguasai dan sangat peduli dengan efisiensi kerja, efektifitas kerja dan keselamatan kerja
• Berpengalaman sebagai technician lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
* Pria atau wanita maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S – 1 Manajemen/Pemasaran/Bisnis
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggeris baik lisan maupun tertulis
* Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, inovatif, memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, tajam
dalam menganalisa, mampu dan cepat mengambil keputusan
* Mempunyai relasi yang kuat dan luas
* Menguasai perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengendalian kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran
* Tegas, berwibawa, dan berpenampilan menarik
* Berpengalaman dalam bidang marketing lebih diutamakan
Syarat-syarat :
• Pria atau wanita maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal S– 1 / D-3Akuntansi
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Word, Excel)
• Menguasai Program Pajak (E-SPT)
• Mempunyai sertifikat Brevet A dan Brevet B
• Pengalaman pada bidangnya lebih diutamakan
yang tertantang untuk mengembangkan diri, kirimkan lamaran lengkap
beserta pas foto terbaru (size 3x4) dengan mencantumkan Kode Posisi yang
dilamar pada pojok kiri atas amplop ke alamat :
Human Resources Department
Gedung Alia Lantai 5,Jl. M.I. Ridwan Rais No.10-18 Gambir
Jakarta Pusat
Atau melalui email ke :,
26 May 2012
Lowongan Fitter Jakarta Utara (SMK / SLTA)
PT. GERBANG SARANABAJA (www. gsb. co. id) Fabrication & Construction Of Steel Structure, Pressure Vessel, Boilers & Heat Exchanger saat ini membutuhkan :
Dengan kualifikasi :
Diutamakan Pria dg usia maks 30 tahun
Pendidikan SMK / SLTA
Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai fitter
Memahami dan mengerti ttg Steel Structure, Pressure Vessel
Siap dan sanggup perjalanan dinas luar kota Jakarta
Persyaratan tambahan :
Bertempat tinggal di sekitar Jakarta Utara atau bersedia bekerja di Jakarta Utara
Cantumkan gaji yang diharapkan
Diutamakan bagi yang dapat segera bergabung
Bagi pencari kerja yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan persyaratan di atas dan tertarik untuk melamar, silahkan segera mengirimkan CV detilnya melalui email ke dan CC
Ditunggu sebelum tanggal 31 Mei 2012.
Demikian informasi disampaikan. Terima kasih.
HRD Departemen
www. gsb. co. id
Dengan kualifikasi :
Diutamakan Pria dg usia maks 30 tahun
Pendidikan SMK / SLTA
Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai fitter
Memahami dan mengerti ttg Steel Structure, Pressure Vessel
Siap dan sanggup perjalanan dinas luar kota Jakarta
Persyaratan tambahan :
Bertempat tinggal di sekitar Jakarta Utara atau bersedia bekerja di Jakarta Utara
Cantumkan gaji yang diharapkan
Diutamakan bagi yang dapat segera bergabung
Bagi pencari kerja yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan persyaratan di atas dan tertarik untuk melamar, silahkan segera mengirimkan CV detilnya melalui email ke dan CC
Ditunggu sebelum tanggal 31 Mei 2012.
Demikian informasi disampaikan. Terima kasih.
HRD Departemen
www. gsb. co. id
Vacancy Project Control Manager PT. INAMCO VARIA JASA
PT. INAMCO VARIA JASA specializes in the supply, management and development of workforces for the Indonesian mining, energy, and infrastructure development sectors.
We have more than two decades (35 Years) of experience supplying complete workforces or selected work groups to meet the short and long term employment requirements of Major Indonesian and International clients on projects and operations Throughout Indonesia.
Our International Client a Gold Mining Company urgently requires the following position:
Bachelor Degree (S1) Engineering degree Mining or trade qualification, S2 is preferred.
5 years minimum with both home office and site exposure
Knowledgeable of mine operations standards, policies, procedures and processes, short and long time schedule.
Budget planning & control skills and demonstrated analytical & reporting skills
Computer Literate: Experience in all aspects of Primavera software package, Microsoft Excel, Access and other project controls software. Microsoft Office, etc.
Scope of Work:
Support the Project Manager in informing the project control team of the overall project and management objectives.
Assist in co-ordinating with other departments task force members related to project planning objectives.
Participate in regular progress and co-ordination meetings with project control staff.
Ensure cost reports, control curves and forecasts are prepared and issued in accordance with project co-ordination procedures.
Ensure schedules and control curves are prepared and issued in accordance with the project co-ordination procedures.
Study and understand all relevant documents and conditions pertaining to the project.
Establish and define job orientated project control procedures.
Define primary job objectives clearly at project and departmental management levels by highlighting schedule and cost requirements.
Organise and direct the activities of the project control team.
Ensure the maintenance of both time and cost trend statistics.
Monitor and compare both time and cost reports and relating conclusions such that management control action is alerted at the right time.
Review overall job status with planning engineers and management and recommend corrective action if necessary.
Liaise with other departments at all meetings relative to project operations, to ensure that information affecting the project plan is continually updated.
Co-ordination of final job statistics and analyse the effectiveness of procedures for possible improvement on future projects.
Please send your CV : or or
Vacancy Walk in Interview Call Center and Telesales
JOB VACANCY at PT. Linknet
WALK IN INTERVIEW Wednesday, Mei 30th, 2012
(09.00 AM – Finish)
@ Innovation Room Linknet Building # 2088 Boulevard Gajah Mada, Lippo Cyber Park
We are looking for a
1. Call Center Officer
2. Telesales Officer
Male / Female, max 30 years old (1); max 35 years old (2)
Min Diploma 3 or S1 degree (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
Strong communication and interpersonal skill
Computer literate (MS Office and internet application)
Able to work in shift and/or during holidays, and willing to extend working hour (1)
Able to understand and speak English
Persuasive and target oriented
Able to manage emotional restrain & capable in handling complaint with empathy
A good team player but able to work independently
Willing to be place at Karawaci Office
That vacant available for internal and external candidates, Should you meet the requirement, bring your resume to venue or submit your comprehensive resume including recent photograph to:
Or bring your complete resume at the time of walk in interview
Lippo Cyber Park
Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada No.2088
Tangerang 15811
WALK IN INTERVIEW Wednesday, Mei 30th, 2012
(09.00 AM – Finish)
@ Innovation Room Linknet Building # 2088 Boulevard Gajah Mada, Lippo Cyber Park
We are looking for a
1. Call Center Officer
2. Telesales Officer
Male / Female, max 30 years old (1); max 35 years old (2)
Min Diploma 3 or S1 degree (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
Strong communication and interpersonal skill
Computer literate (MS Office and internet application)
Able to work in shift and/or during holidays, and willing to extend working hour (1)
Able to understand and speak English
Persuasive and target oriented
Able to manage emotional restrain & capable in handling complaint with empathy
A good team player but able to work independently
Willing to be place at Karawaci Office
That vacant available for internal and external candidates, Should you meet the requirement, bring your resume to venue or submit your comprehensive resume including recent photograph to:
Or bring your complete resume at the time of walk in interview
Lippo Cyber Park
Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada No.2088
Tangerang 15811
Technical Mining Supervisor (Metallurgy Engineer)
PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk. ("BRM") which is majority owned by PT Bumi Resources Tbk ("BUMI"). BRM is incorporated in Indonesia and holds various mineral operating, development and exploration properties in Indonesia and in West Africa. BRM has a diverse portfolio of minerals and holds security of tenure for its exploration and development properties. These properties give exploration and mining rights to various minerals including copper, gold, lead, zinc, iron ore, phosphate and diamonds. Given the strong commodity demand in the medium to long term, BRM provides a unique opportunity to be part of a diverse mineral company.
Technical Mining Supervisor
(Metallurgy Engineer)
Jakarta Raya
Minimum bachelor's degree in Mining Engineering with specialization in Metallurgy and mineral processing or other related background.
Having good understanding in mineral recovery process especially copper and gold; grinding and mining; mineral concentrate winning, smelting and refinery process.
Detail oriented and a self starter, strong ability to work independently and in a team work.
Strong analytical and data management skills, self confidence and good judgement.
Ability to communicate effectively, both writing and speaking (in Indonesia and English).
Computer skills; MS office (word, excel, project).
Please submit your application letter complete with CV in English, recent photograph and expected salary to email address below:
Human Resources Department
email :
www. bumiresourcesminerals. com
Technical Mining Supervisor
(Metallurgy Engineer)
Jakarta Raya
Minimum bachelor's degree in Mining Engineering with specialization in Metallurgy and mineral processing or other related background.
Having good understanding in mineral recovery process especially copper and gold; grinding and mining; mineral concentrate winning, smelting and refinery process.
Detail oriented and a self starter, strong ability to work independently and in a team work.
Strong analytical and data management skills, self confidence and good judgement.
Ability to communicate effectively, both writing and speaking (in Indonesia and English).
Computer skills; MS office (word, excel, project).
Please submit your application letter complete with CV in English, recent photograph and expected salary to email address below:
Human Resources Department
email :
www. bumiresourcesminerals. com
Urgently Needed Korean Translator (MNC GS Shop)
MNC GS Shop, a subsidiary of PT Media Nusantara Citra is looking professional to join its team as :
- Min. Diploma from Korean Literature
- Fluent in English & Korean
- Experience in working with Korean native speaker is preferred
Send your comprehensive resume and photograph to :
(Max. 31 May 2012)
www. jobsmnc.c o. id
25 May 2012
Vacancy at Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts May 2012
Greetings from Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts
Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts, the largest and most dynamic Indonesian chain, is looking for talents wishing to have a career path in hotel's revenue management and distribution:
1) Revenue Manager (1 person)
2) E-Commerce Officers (2 persons)
1) Excellent English and Microsoft Office skills (1 & 2)
2) Fresh graduates are welcome (2)
3) At least 12-month experience in revenue management with supervisory experience (1)
Please send your resume to Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
www. santika .com
Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts, the largest and most dynamic Indonesian chain, is looking for talents wishing to have a career path in hotel's revenue management and distribution:
1) Revenue Manager (1 person)
2) E-Commerce Officers (2 persons)
1) Excellent English and Microsoft Office skills (1 & 2)
2) Fresh graduates are welcome (2)
3) At least 12-month experience in revenue management with supervisory experience (1)
Please send your resume to Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
www. santika .com
PT Summa International Solution .Net Programmer
PT Summa International Solution adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak pada bidang pengembangan perangkat lunak dan menyediakan layanan berkualitas tinggi kepada pelanggan kami.
Kami ahli dalam pembangunan, kustomisasi dan integrasi. Kami menyediakan perpaduan solusi yang seimbang dari keterampilan teknologi, pengetahuan domain, pengalaman, metodologi efektif, dan semangat yang tinggi.
Untuk mendukung bisnis kami yang berkembang kami mencari orang-orang berbakat dan termotivasi untuk menjadi bagian dari tim kami.
Posisi: .NET Programmer
- Pria/Wanita, Max.30 tahun
- Sarjana IT, lulus dari bidang Ilmu komputer atau setara
- Memiliki pengalaman membangun aplikasi web menggunakan ASP.Net (C#/VB.NET)
- Memiliki Pengetahuan tekonologi web seperti Ajax, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, dll.
- Menguasai Database System (SQL Server)
- Mampu belajar dengan cepat, memiliki kemampuan analisa system dan kemampuan untuk memberikan solusi terhadap masalah yang dihadapi (problem solving)
- Fresh graduate yang memiliki kemampuan/pengetahuan programming yang baik dipersilahkan untuk melamar
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik, bekerja dengan memperhatikan detail dan target oriented.
- Dapat bekerja mandiri
Kirimkan resume anda dalam format MS Word, termasuk rincian pengalaman kerja, kualifikasi dan foto terbaru serta nomor telepon kontak ke alamat email:
Kami ahli dalam pembangunan, kustomisasi dan integrasi. Kami menyediakan perpaduan solusi yang seimbang dari keterampilan teknologi, pengetahuan domain, pengalaman, metodologi efektif, dan semangat yang tinggi.
Untuk mendukung bisnis kami yang berkembang kami mencari orang-orang berbakat dan termotivasi untuk menjadi bagian dari tim kami.
Posisi: .NET Programmer
- Pria/Wanita, Max.30 tahun
- Sarjana IT, lulus dari bidang Ilmu komputer atau setara
- Memiliki pengalaman membangun aplikasi web menggunakan ASP.Net (C#/VB.NET)
- Memiliki Pengetahuan tekonologi web seperti Ajax, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, dll.
- Menguasai Database System (SQL Server)
- Mampu belajar dengan cepat, memiliki kemampuan analisa system dan kemampuan untuk memberikan solusi terhadap masalah yang dihadapi (problem solving)
- Fresh graduate yang memiliki kemampuan/pengetahuan programming yang baik dipersilahkan untuk melamar
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik, bekerja dengan memperhatikan detail dan target oriented.
- Dapat bekerja mandiri
Kirimkan resume anda dalam format MS Word, termasuk rincian pengalaman kerja, kualifikasi dan foto terbaru serta nomor telepon kontak ke alamat email:
Dibutuhkan Guru PAUD/Day Care
RUMAH CERDAS membutuhkan GURU untuk sekolah bayi dan penitipan anak yang berlokasi di daerah
1. Depok,
2. Sunter,
3. Bekasi Timur,
4. Bekasi Barat,
5. Bandung
1. Pendidikan minimal D1 semua jurusan/PGTK,
2. Muslimah (berjilbab),
3. Sayang anak,jujur, telaten & mau belajar,
4. Memiliki visi membangun & memajukan Peradaban Islam.
Lamaran lengkap harap dikirim selambat-lambatnya tanggal 2 Juni 2012 ke:
Alamat e-mail Tim Rumah Cerdas :
dengan mencantumkan kode lokasi Rumah Cerdas dimana anda ingin ditempatkan pada judul e-mail yg anda kirim
Kode Lokasi Rumah Cerdas
1. Depok,
2. Sunter,
3. Bekasi Timur,
4. Bekasi Barat,
5. Bandung
mohon maaf, kami hanya akan mengkonfirmasi peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi, dan tidak dapat mengembalikan berkas lamaran bagi seluruh peserta yang tidak lolos
1. Depok,
2. Sunter,
3. Bekasi Timur,
4. Bekasi Barat,
5. Bandung
1. Pendidikan minimal D1 semua jurusan/PGTK,
2. Muslimah (berjilbab),
3. Sayang anak,jujur, telaten & mau belajar,
4. Memiliki visi membangun & memajukan Peradaban Islam.
Lamaran lengkap harap dikirim selambat-lambatnya tanggal 2 Juni 2012 ke:
Alamat e-mail Tim Rumah Cerdas :
dengan mencantumkan kode lokasi Rumah Cerdas dimana anda ingin ditempatkan pada judul e-mail yg anda kirim
Kode Lokasi Rumah Cerdas
1. Depok,
2. Sunter,
3. Bekasi Timur,
4. Bekasi Barat,
5. Bandung
mohon maaf, kami hanya akan mengkonfirmasi peserta yang lolos seleksi administrasi, dan tidak dapat mengembalikan berkas lamaran bagi seluruh peserta yang tidak lolos
Dibutuhkan BA - Beauty Advisor
Kami Perusahaan Retail Terkemuka membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk ditempatkan sebagai "Beauty Advisor"
- Perempuan, Usia maksimal 28 Tahun
- SMA/Sederajat
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Beauty Advisor / Beauty Consultant
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Mempunyai "Selling Skills" yang baik
- Bersedia bekerja dalam Shift
Kirim lamaran beserta CV, dan foto terbaru ke alamat berikut ;
Jakarta 10220A,Indonesia
- Perempuan, Usia maksimal 28 Tahun
- SMA/Sederajat
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Beauty Advisor / Beauty Consultant
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Mempunyai "Selling Skills" yang baik
- Bersedia bekerja dalam Shift
Kirim lamaran beserta CV, dan foto terbaru ke alamat berikut ;
Jakarta 10220A,Indonesia
24 May 2012
Lowongan HR & Receptionist, TESCO Oil Service company
We are an Oil Service company that operates in a variety of regions throughout Indonesia and Asia Pacific.
To support the growth of our company, we are urgently looking for a bright talented individuals to fill the following positions:
HRGA ADMINISTRATION – based in Balikpapan (HRGA)
Minimum Bachelor Graduate in relevant field;
Fresh graduate is welcome to apply;
Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel Spreadsheets, Power Point, etc.);
Proficient in English both spoken and written;
Possess strong communication, planning, analyzing and organizing skills;
The position will be based in Balikpapan.
Diploma or Bachelor degree in relevant field of study;
Fresh graduate is welcome to apply;
Proficient in English is a MUST, both spoken and written;
Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office;
Possess strong communication and administration skills;
Professional outlook and good looking appearance is an added value.
Should you be interested to apply for the above positions, please send your application and resume with the position code as the email subject to:
(File sizes not over than 150 KB)
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence
To support the growth of our company, we are urgently looking for a bright talented individuals to fill the following positions:
HRGA ADMINISTRATION – based in Balikpapan (HRGA)
Minimum Bachelor Graduate in relevant field;
Fresh graduate is welcome to apply;
Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel Spreadsheets, Power Point, etc.);
Proficient in English both spoken and written;
Possess strong communication, planning, analyzing and organizing skills;
The position will be based in Balikpapan.
Diploma or Bachelor degree in relevant field of study;
Fresh graduate is welcome to apply;
Proficient in English is a MUST, both spoken and written;
Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office;
Possess strong communication and administration skills;
Professional outlook and good looking appearance is an added value.
Should you be interested to apply for the above positions, please send your application and resume with the position code as the email subject to:
(File sizes not over than 150 KB)
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence
- Male
- Min. STM
- Deep knowledge about AC & Electrical
- Have Experience min. 1 years
- Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
Please send your CV(Word 2003) with recent photo to:
Jl. Bulevar Sentra Kelapa Gading, Sentra Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Website : http: // www. thesummit-kelapagading. com
23 May 2012
Dibutuhkan segera untuk PT. Linknet (PT. First Media, Tbk.)
Jago Excel dan Suka Tantangan? Join dengan PT. First Media, Tbk.
Dibutuhkan segera untuk PT. Linknet (PT. First Media, tbk.):
Staff Strategic Development
Dengan brief job description sebagai berikut:
1. Memahami proses kerja di internal Divisi
2. Mengusulkan rencana perbaikan proses dan/atau policy dengan menganalisa data-data pendukung
3. Mengawasi progress of project yang sedang berlangsung
4. Membuat rencana dan melaksanakan internal audit untuk internal Divisi
1. Min. S-1 dari jurusan teknik/informatik dan non-teknik
2. Min. 2 tahun berpengalaman dalam bidang operation, dan memiliki kemampuan dalam hal administrasi dan berkoordinasi dengan banyak pihak
3. Pernah melakukan perubahan proses atau policy di tempat bekerja sebelumnya
4. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris aktif dan pasif
5. Memiliki kemampuan Ms. Excel yang baik
6. Usia maks. 30 tahun
7. Penempatan di Karawaci
1. Mampu berpikir logis, analitis & menyeluruh
2. Memiliki inisiatif & keinginan berkembang
3. Mampu berpikir secara detil dan general
4. Mampu bekerja secara individual & tim
5. Bersedia untuk melakukan perjalanan antar office
Bagi yang berminat, silahkan mengirimkan CV dan Application Letter ke alamat email: riyan.kusumah[at] (ganti "[at]" dengan "@") paling lambat hari Senin, 28 May 2012.
Dibutuhkan segera untuk PT. Linknet (PT. First Media, tbk.):
Staff Strategic Development
Dengan brief job description sebagai berikut:
1. Memahami proses kerja di internal Divisi
2. Mengusulkan rencana perbaikan proses dan/atau policy dengan menganalisa data-data pendukung
3. Mengawasi progress of project yang sedang berlangsung
4. Membuat rencana dan melaksanakan internal audit untuk internal Divisi
1. Min. S-1 dari jurusan teknik/informatik dan non-teknik
2. Min. 2 tahun berpengalaman dalam bidang operation, dan memiliki kemampuan dalam hal administrasi dan berkoordinasi dengan banyak pihak
3. Pernah melakukan perubahan proses atau policy di tempat bekerja sebelumnya
4. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris aktif dan pasif
5. Memiliki kemampuan Ms. Excel yang baik
6. Usia maks. 30 tahun
7. Penempatan di Karawaci
1. Mampu berpikir logis, analitis & menyeluruh
2. Memiliki inisiatif & keinginan berkembang
3. Mampu berpikir secara detil dan general
4. Mampu bekerja secara individual & tim
5. Bersedia untuk melakukan perjalanan antar office
Bagi yang berminat, silahkan mengirimkan CV dan Application Letter ke alamat email: riyan.kusumah[at] (ganti "[at]" dengan "@") paling lambat hari Senin, 28 May 2012.
Lowongan Security - Satpam, PT. Sekurindo Duta Utama Perkasa
PT. Sekurindo Duta Utama Perkasa, perusahaan jasa pengamanan Outsourcing (satpam/security) yang berdiri sejak tahun 2000 dan tersertifikasi ISO9001:2008 membutuhkan kandidat pekerja potensial, disiplin dan serius untuk berkarir sebagai :
Dengan kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita
2. Usia minimal 20 tahun
3. Pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat
4. Tinggi Badan min 168 cm untuk pria dan min 160 cm untuk wanita
5. Lulus tes kesehatan dan kesamaptaan (Mau mengikuti)
6. Lulus Psikotes (Mau mengikuti)
7. Bebas narkoba
8. Menyertakan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
Datang membawa lamaran, CV dan pas photo (Walk-in Interview)
Hari kerja Senin – Jumat, tanggal 15 Mei - 24 Mei 2012 pukul 09.00 - 17.00 WIB
PT. Sekurindo Duta Utama Perkasa
Kantor Taman A9 Unit C7 Lantai 5 Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot 8-9. Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta 12950
Tel : 021-5764437, 5764438, 5762870
Up : Ibu. handayani
HP : 0878 8087 9250
Email :
CALL CENTER 24-HOUR : 021 - 70 70 70 60
www. sekurindo. co. i d
Dengan kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita
2. Usia minimal 20 tahun
3. Pendidikan minimal SMA atau sederajat
4. Tinggi Badan min 168 cm untuk pria dan min 160 cm untuk wanita
5. Lulus tes kesehatan dan kesamaptaan (Mau mengikuti)
6. Lulus Psikotes (Mau mengikuti)
7. Bebas narkoba
8. Menyertakan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
Datang membawa lamaran, CV dan pas photo (Walk-in Interview)
Hari kerja Senin – Jumat, tanggal 15 Mei - 24 Mei 2012 pukul 09.00 - 17.00 WIB
PT. Sekurindo Duta Utama Perkasa
Kantor Taman A9 Unit C7 Lantai 5 Jl. Mega Kuningan Lot 8-9. Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta 12950
Tel : 021-5764437, 5764438, 5762870
Up : Ibu. handayani
HP : 0878 8087 9250
Email :
CALL CENTER 24-HOUR : 021 - 70 70 70 60
www. sekurindo. co. i d
Lowongan Kerja Sales Executive
PT. Way Indonesia merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang distribusi Textile, membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi berikut :
Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
1. Energik, memiliki wawasan yang luas serta memiliki orientasi pada target.
2. Antusias dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk mencapai target
3. Diutamakan pendidikan minimal D3 (SMU/SMK diperkenankan melamar).
4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
5. Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan sendiri.
Lamaran dapat di email ke
Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
1. Energik, memiliki wawasan yang luas serta memiliki orientasi pada target.
2. Antusias dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk mencapai target
3. Diutamakan pendidikan minimal D3 (SMU/SMK diperkenankan melamar).
4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
5. Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan sendiri.
Lamaran dapat di email ke
DuPont Vacancy, Temporary CSR & HR Admin
DuPont is a science-based products and services company. Founded in
1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions
essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere.
Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of
innovative products and services for markets including agriculture and
food; building and construction; communications; and transportation.
In line with the company's rapid business expansion in Indonesia, we
invite enthusiastic and motivated professionals to apply for the
position of:
Major Responsibilities:
-Follow up on product inquiries, arrangement for marketing seminar/events.
-Work with partner to develop new market and communicate with
customers/partners/distributors on preparing and monitoring the
-Maintain relationship with end-users by customer visits (whenever required)
-Follow-up the project development status with the distributor/agency
and coaters.
-Assist in monitoring shipments, payments and complaints.
-Arrange appointments, telephone calls, travel arrangements and hotel
-Maintain marketing staff files in good order to ensure rapid location
of the contents when needed.
-Assist Manager in daily activities.
Minimum Requirements:
-Minimum Diploma degree holder in related discipline
-Good computer skills.
-Proficient in English
-Minimum 3 years experience in respected positions
Minimum Requirements:
-Minimum Diploma degree holder (secretary, business administration)
-Good computer skills.
-Proficient in English
-Detail oriented and able to handle multi task
-Minimum 3 years experience in respected positions
Please send the application letter together with complete resume and
recent photograph to the address below no later than 2(two) weeks from
the date of this advertisement: /
1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions
essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere.
Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of
innovative products and services for markets including agriculture and
food; building and construction; communications; and transportation.
In line with the company's rapid business expansion in Indonesia, we
invite enthusiastic and motivated professionals to apply for the
position of:
Major Responsibilities:
-Follow up on product inquiries, arrangement for marketing seminar/events.
-Work with partner to develop new market and communicate with
customers/partners/distributors on preparing and monitoring the
-Maintain relationship with end-users by customer visits (whenever required)
-Follow-up the project development status with the distributor/agency
and coaters.
-Assist in monitoring shipments, payments and complaints.
-Arrange appointments, telephone calls, travel arrangements and hotel
-Maintain marketing staff files in good order to ensure rapid location
of the contents when needed.
-Assist Manager in daily activities.
Minimum Requirements:
-Minimum Diploma degree holder in related discipline
-Good computer skills.
-Proficient in English
-Minimum 3 years experience in respected positions
Minimum Requirements:
-Minimum Diploma degree holder (secretary, business administration)
-Good computer skills.
-Proficient in English
-Detail oriented and able to handle multi task
-Minimum 3 years experience in respected positions
Please send the application letter together with complete resume and
recent photograph to the address below no later than 2(two) weeks from
the date of this advertisement: /
PASTRY COOK for Two Stars Hotel Urgent, Min SMK
1. Experience in pastry / bakery industry min 1 year
2. Min SMK, Diploma is preferable
3. Willing to work hard
4. Good in pastry cake is a must, have knowledge in Indonesian cake is preferable
5. Can join to work ASAP
Send your complete Resume to:
HRD Hotel Gren Alia Cikini Jakarta
Jl. CIkini Raya No 46 Menteng Jakarta Pusat
NB : CV Harap kirim ke HRD Manager ( )
1. Experience in pastry / bakery industry min 1 year
2. Min SMK, Diploma is preferable
3. Willing to work hard
4. Good in pastry cake is a must, have knowledge in Indonesian cake is preferable
5. Can join to work ASAP
Send your complete Resume to:
HRD Hotel Gren Alia Cikini Jakarta
Jl. CIkini Raya No 46 Menteng Jakarta Pusat
NB : CV Harap kirim ke HRD Manager ( )
Lowongan kerja di Nissan Motor Indonesia Before June 20, 2012
Lowongan kerja di Nissan Motor Indonesia
Nissan Motor Indonesia as a fast growing company, we invites talented people who are not only excited with the roar of cars but also passionate about customer needs and has drive for excellent performance.Accounting Staff (Code: Acc Staff)
Follow up issued PO Import related to costing
Process, Preparing & Checking AP – Import / Local
Monitoring Clearing Account Import / Local
Monitoring Receiving Inventory Import on Quantity and Amount on Inventory Sub System and GL
Process and Monitoring Up Date Purchase Costing
Monitoring Inventory WIP, Finished Good on Q and Amount
Monitoring Actual Cost Unit Production
Reconcile Data GL and Subsystem Inventory
Reconcile Outstanding SA/AR/SP Balance - Sub Ledger & Aging with GL Social Ability
Bachelor degree from reputable university major in Accounting with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00 (Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply)
Male, single, age maximum 25 years old
Have good numerical ability, analytical thinking, and logic of verbal
Have good interpersonal relationship & able to work as team.
Fast learner, hard working, can work under pressure, available work overtime.
Have interest in automotive.
Fluent in English (both oral and written).
Engineer Staff (Code: Engineer Staff)
Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Engineering with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00.
Preferably maximal have1 year experience in manufacturing (fresh graduate are welcome to apply).
Single, 22-25 years old.
Willing to be placed in Purwakarta.
Understand automotive parts and can read technical drawing.
Fluent in English is a must, both oral and written.
Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure.
Please submit your complete application letter
Before June 20, 2012 to:
HRD PT Nissan Motor Indonesia
Please use the job code as email subject
Only short listed candidates who meet requirement and sent application by email will be notified.
22 May 2012
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang percetakan dan sedang berkembang yang terletak di kawasan MM2100. Saat ini perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi sebagai berikut :
Supervisor PPIC
Syaratnya :
- Pria/Wanita, Usia min 35 tahun
- Pendidikan min. D3 (segala jurusan)
- Pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun dibidangnya
- Mampu melakukan kontrol dan pembuatan SPK
- Memiliki leadership yang baik
- Mahir menggunakan program aplikasi komputer (min. Ms. Office)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di cibitung
Admin PPIC
Syaratnya :
- Wanita, Usia max. 30 tahun
- Belum menikah
- Pendidikan min. D3 (segala jurusan)
- Pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun dibidangnya
- Mampu melakukan kontrol dan pemeriksaan SPK berdasarkan mesin
- Mahir menggunakan program aplikasi komputer (min. Ms. Office)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di cibitung
Staff Gudang
Syaratnya :
- Pria, Usia max. 25 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMU sederajat
- Pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun dibidangnya (fresh graduates dipersilakan melamar)
- teliti, jujur, pekerja keras dan bertanggung jawab.
- Mengetahui tentang data laporan stock barang jadi dan mecatat keluar masuk dan pemakaian barang jadi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di cibitung
Bagi yang berminat, bisa mengirim surat lamaran, CV dan data pendukung lainnya ke :
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang percetakan dan sedang berkembang yang terletak di kawasan MM2100. Saat ini perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi sebagai berikut :
Supervisor PPIC
Syaratnya :
- Pria/Wanita, Usia min 35 tahun
- Pendidikan min. D3 (segala jurusan)
- Pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun dibidangnya
- Mampu melakukan kontrol dan pembuatan SPK
- Memiliki leadership yang baik
- Mahir menggunakan program aplikasi komputer (min. Ms. Office)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di cibitung
Admin PPIC
Syaratnya :
- Wanita, Usia max. 30 tahun
- Belum menikah
- Pendidikan min. D3 (segala jurusan)
- Pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun dibidangnya
- Mampu melakukan kontrol dan pemeriksaan SPK berdasarkan mesin
- Mahir menggunakan program aplikasi komputer (min. Ms. Office)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di cibitung
Staff Gudang
Syaratnya :
- Pria, Usia max. 25 tahun
- Pendidikan min. SMU sederajat
- Pengalaman kerja min. 1 tahun dibidangnya (fresh graduates dipersilakan melamar)
- teliti, jujur, pekerja keras dan bertanggung jawab.
- Mengetahui tentang data laporan stock barang jadi dan mecatat keluar masuk dan pemakaian barang jadi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di cibitung
Bagi yang berminat, bisa mengirim surat lamaran, CV dan data pendukung lainnya ke :
Sales Engineer
Perusahaan Distributor Oli Industri & Kimia Industri bergerak dibidang Service untuk perusahaan oil and gas, Petrochemical, mining
kami membutuhkan profesional sebagai : SALES ENGINEER
Persyaratan :
1. Pria/ Wanita
2. Usia Maksimal 35 Tahun
3. Pendidikan min D3 Teknik Mesin
4. Pengalaman min 1 Th di bidang Sales peralatan mekanikal
5. Mampu Berbahasa Inggris dengan baik
6. Familiar dengan Industri Pertambangan
7. Domisili Balikpapan
Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya......
CV dapat diemail ke alamat :;
Subject: Sales Engineer (dokumen versi Microsoft Word)
kami membutuhkan profesional sebagai : SALES ENGINEER
Persyaratan :
1. Pria/ Wanita
2. Usia Maksimal 35 Tahun
3. Pendidikan min D3 Teknik Mesin
4. Pengalaman min 1 Th di bidang Sales peralatan mekanikal
5. Mampu Berbahasa Inggris dengan baik
6. Familiar dengan Industri Pertambangan
7. Domisili Balikpapan
Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya......
CV dapat diemail ke alamat :;
Subject: Sales Engineer (dokumen versi Microsoft Word)
21 May 2012
Lowongan Kerja Untuk SMA, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and manufacturer of basic and specialty chemicals. In addition to its Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, two in China and is building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has also set up a Support & Services business segment made of four subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments - laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add services to customers.
In PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and external training for both professional and personal development to ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the following opportunities:
1. Security
Safeguard and safety monitoring in the office
Requirements :
- Graduate of High School ( SMA )
- Minimum of a 1-2years experience as security; fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
- Able to work independently as well as in a team
2. Maintenance Staff
Responsible in maintaining mechanical and electrical equipments (including installation, repairing, and preventive maintenance)
· Graduate of High School (SMK/STM) in Electrical
· Minimum of 1 year experience as Maintenance staff
· Wide knowledge of building maintenance system (mechanical and electrical)
· Able to work independently as well as in a team
· Strong communication and interpersonal skills
· Must be domiciled in Jakarta area and to be posted in Jakarta (DKI Jakarta)
3. Technical Support - IT
Responsible for networks, PC's installation, and troubleshooting.
· Graduate of Computer Engineering / Information Technology / Electrical Engineer
· Preferably having a minimum of 1-2 years experience as Technical Support Hardware with experiences in windows and internet setting
· Good interpersonal and communication
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send your resume at:
http :/ /career.lautan-luas. com/
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our website at:
www.lautan-luas. com
In PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and external training for both professional and personal development to ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the following opportunities:
1. Security
Safeguard and safety monitoring in the office
Requirements :
- Graduate of High School ( SMA )
- Minimum of a 1-2years experience as security; fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
- Able to work independently as well as in a team
2. Maintenance Staff
Responsible in maintaining mechanical and electrical equipments (including installation, repairing, and preventive maintenance)
· Graduate of High School (SMK/STM) in Electrical
· Minimum of 1 year experience as Maintenance staff
· Wide knowledge of building maintenance system (mechanical and electrical)
· Able to work independently as well as in a team
· Strong communication and interpersonal skills
· Must be domiciled in Jakarta area and to be posted in Jakarta (DKI Jakarta)
3. Technical Support - IT
Responsible for networks, PC's installation, and troubleshooting.
· Graduate of Computer Engineering / Information Technology / Electrical Engineer
· Preferably having a minimum of 1-2 years experience as Technical Support Hardware with experiences in windows and internet setting
· Good interpersonal and communication
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send your resume at:
http :/ /career.lautan-luas. com/
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our website at:
www.lautan-luas. com
JOB HR MANAGER in Multinational Company
One of our client needs high caliber of HR with qualifications are as the followings:
Human Resources Manager
MM2100 Industrial Estate, Bekasi, Indonesia
Founded more than 100 years ago, our client is a large multinational, operating in more than 80 countries and employing more than 40,000 people. They are urgently looking for an experienced Human Resources Manager to engage in a promising career.
Main responsibilities will include:
· Manage the activities of Human Resources to support achieving company's objectives
· Ensure manpower planning meets and supports the subsidiary's objectives
· Conduct program for recruitment, performance management, learning & development, succession plan, retention, promotion, compensation & benefit, labor relations
Job Requirements
· Graduate or equivalent professional degree
· 12 years' experience in managing HR, preferably in a multinational company
· Fully conversant in HR and can work independently in the related area of responsibility such as:
o Performance Management, Talent management- Recruitment, Retention, Succession Plan, Learning & Developmen, Remuneration (compensation & benefit) concept
· Labor Law
· Salary & Benefit Survey (Mercer/Hay)
· Highly proficient in English and Bahasa Indonesia
· Strong leader with excellent interpersonal skill
All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence. If you are a suitable match for this position please send your application ASAP to
Human Resources Manager
MM2100 Industrial Estate, Bekasi, Indonesia
Founded more than 100 years ago, our client is a large multinational, operating in more than 80 countries and employing more than 40,000 people. They are urgently looking for an experienced Human Resources Manager to engage in a promising career.
Main responsibilities will include:
· Manage the activities of Human Resources to support achieving company's objectives
· Ensure manpower planning meets and supports the subsidiary's objectives
· Conduct program for recruitment, performance management, learning & development, succession plan, retention, promotion, compensation & benefit, labor relations
Job Requirements
· Graduate or equivalent professional degree
· 12 years' experience in managing HR, preferably in a multinational company
· Fully conversant in HR and can work independently in the related area of responsibility such as:
o Performance Management, Talent management- Recruitment, Retention, Succession Plan, Learning & Developmen, Remuneration (compensation & benefit) concept
· Labor Law
· Salary & Benefit Survey (Mercer/Hay)
· Highly proficient in English and Bahasa Indonesia
· Strong leader with excellent interpersonal skill
All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence. If you are a suitable match for this position please send your application ASAP to
Vacancies at PT Prima Sarana Gemilang
PT Prima Sarana Gemilang (PRIMA) is a subsidiary of Indomobil Group that concentrates its activities in coal and mineral mining and now are seeking highly motivated and ambitious individuals that willing to work at remote area to support the company operation expansion program:
• Male, 35-45 years
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineer from reputable University, min GPA 3.0
• Preferably held a "POU" Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Experience at least 5 years as Mine Manager
• Have capabilities to write reported, management crisis, time critical, schedule project, strong critical analysis, and cost budget
• Expert in mine planning, production operations, coal processing, and coal quality control
• Certified at chief mining are preferable
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 45 years old.
• Min. Senior high school or equivalent.
• 8 years experience in open pit coal mining area .
• Capable on Fleet Management & having knowledge of operational Heavy equipment.
• Have a second class blasting & min. POP certificate.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for Supervisor, and male max 30 years old for Group Leader.
• Min. Senior high school or equivalent.
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Supervisor, 3 years experience for Group Leader.
• Capable on Fleet Management & having knowledge of operational Heavy equipment.
• Have a second class blasting & POP certificate is preferable.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 45 years old
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Mine Engineering
• 3 years experience at the same level, 7 years experience in open pit coal mining area, mine design, scheduling and operation
• Have a second class blasting & min. POP certificate
• Good competence at leadership, analyzing, strategic planning and problem solving
• Able to operate mining software (Minescape/ SURPAC)
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for Engineering/Blasting Engineer, male max.30 Years old for Junior Engineering/Jr. Blasting Engineer.
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Mine Engineering for Engineering/ Jr. Engineering.
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Engineering/Blasting Engineer, 3 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Jr. Engineering/Jr. Blasting Engineer.
• Knowledge of best practice in Project Management for Engineering and Jr. Engineering.
• Preferably holding KIM (Kartu Ijin Meledakkan) for Blasting Engineer and Jr. Blasting Engineer.
• Design experience utilizing Minescape software for Engineering and Jr. Engineering.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for surveyor, max 30 years old for Jr. Surveyor
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Geodetic Engineering
• Familiar in operating survey equipment such as Compass, Theodolite, Digital Total Station, GPS , EDM, Total Station Topcon, Sokkia, etc.
• 3 years experience at the same level in survey especially for mining operation
• Capable and fast in performing calculation for survey purpose in the field.
• Good leadeship skill and good team player.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 45 years old & Min. Diploma Degree
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area at the same level
• Good competencies on Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management.
• Comprehend in maintenance and service technical and planning management.
• Computer literacy is a must.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for Plant Supervisor/Maintenance Planner & male max. 30 years old for Plant Foreman/Jr. Maintenance Planner.
• Min. Bachelor Degree for Maintenance Planner/Jr. Maintenance Planner & min. Diploma Degree for Plant Supervisor/Plant Foreman.
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Plant Supervisor/Maintenance Planner & 3 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Plant Foreman/Jr. Maintenance Planner.
• Good competencies on Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management.
• Comprehend in maintenance and service management.
• Familiar with planning maintenance for Maintenance Planner.
• Computer literacy is must for Maintenance Planner.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old and must possess at least a Diploma.
• 2 years experience in mining area.
• Familiar on handling Application System, especially on Mining Industry.
• Familiar with Data Base Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2003 & Oracle.
• High motivation and able to work under pressure, able to work independently and in team work.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 35 years old.
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma
• 2 years experience at same level in mining area.
• Good relationship with Community, Government Institution and Non-Government Organization (LSM).
• Possess good concepts on Community Development, Community Empowerment and Local Business Development Program.
• Good communication skill, ability to effectively communicate with both community and company management.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team and good interpersonal skill.
• Values integrity and posses strong orientation to detail.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old.
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma
• 2 years experience in mining area.
• Good communication skill, ability to effectively communicate with both community and company management.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team and good interpersonal skill.
• Values integrity and posses strong orientation to detail.
• Able to work under pressure
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male, 30-35 years
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering or Geology or equivalent from reputable University, min GPA 3.0
• Understands relevant Indonesian as well as international SHE standards
• Experience at least 5 years in HSE related position
• Ready to work at Site West Kutai, East Kalimantan
• Have a minimum POP License
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old & 2 years experience in mining area at the same level
• Hold bachelor degree in Any Major (Public Health are Preferable)
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma.
• Must have a K3 & POP Certification.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old & 2 years experience in mining area
• Hold bachelor degree in Any Major (Public Health are Preferable)
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• HRD & GA Superintendent
• Male / Female Max 35 years
• Bachelor degree or S1 from reputable university. preferable majoring in Law. Psychology and management
• Min. 3 years, experience in same position (5 years senior supervisor level) preferred in mining industries
• Know well and understanding of HR function area, Recruitment, Training, Development, Industrial Relation and Employee Relation, Admin Personnel, Compensation & benefit, developing HR policy and procedures (SOP's) and able to make HR SOP's
• Understanding Labor Law and Manpower regulation or others related government regulation
• Strong leadership skills, good analytical and strategic thinking
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male / Female Max 35 years
• Min. Bachelor Degree on Law or Psychology or Human resources management or related discipline area from reputable university
• Having at least 3 years experience in HR Management. Preferable experienced from coal mining company business.
• Know well and understanding of HR function area, Recruitment, Training, Development, Industrial Relation and Employee Relation, Admin Personnel, Compensation & benefit, developing HR policy and procedures (SOP's) and able to make HR SOP's.
• Good Interpersonal Skills, time management and organizational skills.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team and good interpersonal skill.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old.
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Psychology, Management, Law, Industrial Engineering with GPA min 2.75 out of 4.
• 2 years experience in mining area.
• Having good understanding in human resources system.
• Demonstrate administration skill and time management skill.
• Have pleasant personality and strong interpersonal skills, can work under pressure to meet deadline.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill.
• Excellent in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point.
• Male max. 35 years old.
• Min. 5 years experiences in heavy equipment instructor or chief mechanic especially in mining companies.
• Having TOT Certificate is a must.
• Base in East Kalimantan.
• Ability to teach (in-class & field practical).
• Male max. 35 years old.
• Min. 6 years experiences as Heavy Equipment Mechanic.
• Base in East Kalimantan.
• Able to work in a team.
• Unit will be handled: Komatsu HD 465/PC 1250/GD 825/Volvo EC 460/210/Renault Kerax 440/380.
• Male, 40 years. Minimum Bachelor Degree
• Experience at least 5 years in the same position in mining companies
• Good and strong in analyze, administration & negotiation skill
• Has knowledge in heavy equipment spare part
• Base in Melak, Kalimantan Timur
• Male, 27-35 years. Minimum Bachelor Degree
• Experience at least 2 years in the same position in mining companies
• Good and strong in administration & negotiation skill
• Has knowledge in heavy equipment spare part
• Base in Melak, Kalimantan Timur
Please submit your application letter complete with CV, recent photograph and expected salary, to PT PRIMA SARANA GEMILANG, Jl. Purworejo (d/h TelukBetung) No. 22 Jakarta 10310, or send to our email address:
website: www. pt-psg. co. id
• Male, 35-45 years
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineer from reputable University, min GPA 3.0
• Preferably held a "POU" Mining Indonesia competency certificate
• Experience at least 5 years as Mine Manager
• Have capabilities to write reported, management crisis, time critical, schedule project, strong critical analysis, and cost budget
• Expert in mine planning, production operations, coal processing, and coal quality control
• Certified at chief mining are preferable
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 45 years old.
• Min. Senior high school or equivalent.
• 8 years experience in open pit coal mining area .
• Capable on Fleet Management & having knowledge of operational Heavy equipment.
• Have a second class blasting & min. POP certificate.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for Supervisor, and male max 30 years old for Group Leader.
• Min. Senior high school or equivalent.
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Supervisor, 3 years experience for Group Leader.
• Capable on Fleet Management & having knowledge of operational Heavy equipment.
• Have a second class blasting & POP certificate is preferable.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 45 years old
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Mine Engineering
• 3 years experience at the same level, 7 years experience in open pit coal mining area, mine design, scheduling and operation
• Have a second class blasting & min. POP certificate
• Good competence at leadership, analyzing, strategic planning and problem solving
• Able to operate mining software (Minescape/ SURPAC)
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for Engineering/Blasting Engineer, male max.30 Years old for Junior Engineering/Jr. Blasting Engineer.
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Mine Engineering for Engineering/ Jr. Engineering.
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Engineering/Blasting Engineer, 3 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Jr. Engineering/Jr. Blasting Engineer.
• Knowledge of best practice in Project Management for Engineering and Jr. Engineering.
• Preferably holding KIM (Kartu Ijin Meledakkan) for Blasting Engineer and Jr. Blasting Engineer.
• Design experience utilizing Minescape software for Engineering and Jr. Engineering.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for surveyor, max 30 years old for Jr. Surveyor
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Geodetic Engineering
• Familiar in operating survey equipment such as Compass, Theodolite, Digital Total Station, GPS , EDM, Total Station Topcon, Sokkia, etc.
• 3 years experience at the same level in survey especially for mining operation
• Capable and fast in performing calculation for survey purpose in the field.
• Good leadeship skill and good team player.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 45 years old & Min. Diploma Degree
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area at the same level
• Good competencies on Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management.
• Comprehend in maintenance and service technical and planning management.
• Computer literacy is a must.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male max. 40 years old for Plant Supervisor/Maintenance Planner & male max. 30 years old for Plant Foreman/Jr. Maintenance Planner.
• Min. Bachelor Degree for Maintenance Planner/Jr. Maintenance Planner & min. Diploma Degree for Plant Supervisor/Plant Foreman.
• 5 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Plant Supervisor/Maintenance Planner & 3 years experience in open pit coal mining area for Plant Foreman/Jr. Maintenance Planner.
• Good competencies on Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management.
• Comprehend in maintenance and service management.
• Familiar with planning maintenance for Maintenance Planner.
• Computer literacy is must for Maintenance Planner.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old and must possess at least a Diploma.
• 2 years experience in mining area.
• Familiar on handling Application System, especially on Mining Industry.
• Familiar with Data Base Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2003 & Oracle.
• High motivation and able to work under pressure, able to work independently and in team work.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 35 years old.
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma
• 2 years experience at same level in mining area.
• Good relationship with Community, Government Institution and Non-Government Organization (LSM).
• Possess good concepts on Community Development, Community Empowerment and Local Business Development Program.
• Good communication skill, ability to effectively communicate with both community and company management.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team and good interpersonal skill.
• Values integrity and posses strong orientation to detail.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old.
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma
• 2 years experience in mining area.
• Good communication skill, ability to effectively communicate with both community and company management.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team and good interpersonal skill.
• Values integrity and posses strong orientation to detail.
• Able to work under pressure
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male, 30-35 years
• Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering or Geology or equivalent from reputable University, min GPA 3.0
• Understands relevant Indonesian as well as international SHE standards
• Experience at least 5 years in HSE related position
• Ready to work at Site West Kutai, East Kalimantan
• Have a minimum POP License
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old & 2 years experience in mining area at the same level
• Hold bachelor degree in Any Major (Public Health are Preferable)
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma.
• Must have a K3 & POP Certification.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old & 2 years experience in mining area
• Hold bachelor degree in Any Major (Public Health are Preferable)
• Candidate must possess at least a Diploma.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• HRD & GA Superintendent
• Male / Female Max 35 years
• Bachelor degree or S1 from reputable university. preferable majoring in Law. Psychology and management
• Min. 3 years, experience in same position (5 years senior supervisor level) preferred in mining industries
• Know well and understanding of HR function area, Recruitment, Training, Development, Industrial Relation and Employee Relation, Admin Personnel, Compensation & benefit, developing HR policy and procedures (SOP's) and able to make HR SOP's
• Understanding Labor Law and Manpower regulation or others related government regulation
• Strong leadership skills, good analytical and strategic thinking
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Male / Female Max 35 years
• Min. Bachelor Degree on Law or Psychology or Human resources management or related discipline area from reputable university
• Having at least 3 years experience in HR Management. Preferable experienced from coal mining company business.
• Know well and understanding of HR function area, Recruitment, Training, Development, Industrial Relation and Employee Relation, Admin Personnel, Compensation & benefit, developing HR policy and procedures (SOP's) and able to make HR SOP's.
• Good Interpersonal Skills, time management and organizational skills.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team and good interpersonal skill.
• Willing to be located at Melak Kalimantan Timur
• Max. 30 years old.
• Min. Bachelor Degree in Psychology, Management, Law, Industrial Engineering with GPA min 2.75 out of 4.
• 2 years experience in mining area.
• Having good understanding in human resources system.
• Demonstrate administration skill and time management skill.
• Have pleasant personality and strong interpersonal skills, can work under pressure to meet deadline.
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill.
• Excellent in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point.
• Male max. 35 years old.
• Min. 5 years experiences in heavy equipment instructor or chief mechanic especially in mining companies.
• Having TOT Certificate is a must.
• Base in East Kalimantan.
• Ability to teach (in-class & field practical).
• Male max. 35 years old.
• Min. 6 years experiences as Heavy Equipment Mechanic.
• Base in East Kalimantan.
• Able to work in a team.
• Unit will be handled: Komatsu HD 465/PC 1250/GD 825/Volvo EC 460/210/Renault Kerax 440/380.
• Male, 40 years. Minimum Bachelor Degree
• Experience at least 5 years in the same position in mining companies
• Good and strong in analyze, administration & negotiation skill
• Has knowledge in heavy equipment spare part
• Base in Melak, Kalimantan Timur
• Male, 27-35 years. Minimum Bachelor Degree
• Experience at least 2 years in the same position in mining companies
• Good and strong in administration & negotiation skill
• Has knowledge in heavy equipment spare part
• Base in Melak, Kalimantan Timur
Please submit your application letter complete with CV, recent photograph and expected salary, to PT PRIMA SARANA GEMILANG, Jl. Purworejo (d/h TelukBetung) No. 22 Jakarta 10310, or send to our email address:
website: www. pt-psg. co. id
19 May 2012
Lowongan Project Manager BAS & ME, Site Engineer ME, Drafter ME, Sales Engineer
PT. JAGA CITRA INTI (KONTRAKTOR MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & BAS) membutuhkan tenaga untuk proyek baru :
1. Project Manager BAS & ME
- Min. D3 Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Pengalaman sebagai PM di kontraktor ME/BAS, pernah menangani proyek High Rise Building (Apartement, Hotel, Office, etc)
- Menguasai system ME (Mechanical, Electrical), dan BAS (Building Automation System)
- Menguasai management proyek
- Mengerti prosedur ISO
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
- Memiliki kemampuan dalam memimpin tim
2. Site Engineer ME
- Min D3 Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Engineer Proyek ME
- Menguasai system ME gedung
- Mampu membuat BQ dan memahami spek dan gambar ME
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
- Mengerti prosedur ISO
3. Drafter ME
- Min. STM, Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Pengalaman sebagai drafter ME
- Menguasai program AUTO CAD/BrisCad
- Memahami system ME
4. Sales Engineer
- Min. D3 Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Pengalaman 1 th sebagai Sales Engineer
- Menguasai dan pengalaman dalam penjualan produk-produk Intelligent Building System (CCTV, Fire Alarm, Access Card, Smoke Detector, Sound System, etc)
- Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi dan presentasi
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
5. Logistik Staff
- Min. D3 Teknik Mesin/Elektro
- Min. pengalaman 2 th di logistik
- Pengalaman menangani subcon pekerjaan ME
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
- Mengerti dan paham material ME untuk proyek
6. Quality Surveyor
- Min. D3 Teknik Mesin/Elektro
- Mampu membuat BQ (Bill of Quantity)
- Menguasai system ME
- Paham material ME dan spesifikasinya
- Menguasai management project
Kirim CV ke atau
1. Project Manager BAS & ME
- Min. D3 Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Pengalaman sebagai PM di kontraktor ME/BAS, pernah menangani proyek High Rise Building (Apartement, Hotel, Office, etc)
- Menguasai system ME (Mechanical, Electrical), dan BAS (Building Automation System)
- Menguasai management proyek
- Mengerti prosedur ISO
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
- Memiliki kemampuan dalam memimpin tim
2. Site Engineer ME
- Min D3 Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Engineer Proyek ME
- Menguasai system ME gedung
- Mampu membuat BQ dan memahami spek dan gambar ME
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
- Mengerti prosedur ISO
3. Drafter ME
- Min. STM, Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Pengalaman sebagai drafter ME
- Menguasai program AUTO CAD/BrisCad
- Memahami system ME
4. Sales Engineer
- Min. D3 Teknik Elektro/Mesin
- Pengalaman 1 th sebagai Sales Engineer
- Menguasai dan pengalaman dalam penjualan produk-produk Intelligent Building System (CCTV, Fire Alarm, Access Card, Smoke Detector, Sound System, etc)
- Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi dan presentasi
- Mampu bekerja dengan target
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
5. Logistik Staff
- Min. D3 Teknik Mesin/Elektro
- Min. pengalaman 2 th di logistik
- Pengalaman menangani subcon pekerjaan ME
- Menguasai komputer MS Office
- Mengerti dan paham material ME untuk proyek
6. Quality Surveyor
- Min. D3 Teknik Mesin/Elektro
- Mampu membuat BQ (Bill of Quantity)
- Menguasai system ME
- Paham material ME dan spesifikasinya
- Menguasai management project
Kirim CV ke atau
DRIVER Penempatan Jakarta Utara
PT. Trans Ice adalah pemegang franchise premium ice cream Baskin Robbins di Indonesia yang berada di bawah payung TRANS CORP(PARAGROUP). Sejalan dengan perkembangan perusahaan, kami membuka peluang karir untuk profesional muda, untuk posisi sbb :
a. Laki-laki, usia max.35 thn
b. Memiliki Sim B1 yang masih berlaku
c. Bisa dan Biasa membawa truck & mobil box
d. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
e. Mengetahui jalan Jabodetabek
Kirimkan CV beserta photo terbaru anda kealamat :
Alamat Pusat :
Gdg. Graha Trans Coffee Jl. Raya Duren Tiga Kav.53-55 Mampang Jakarta Selatan. (Patokan disebelah RS.Asri)
Atau kirim Via email :
email :
Cc :
Dengan menuliskan subject posisi yang dilamar.
PT. Trans Ice adalah pemegang franchise premium ice cream Baskin Robbins di Indonesia yang berada di bawah payung TRANS CORP(PARAGROUP). Sejalan dengan perkembangan perusahaan, kami membuka peluang karir untuk profesional muda, untuk posisi sbb :
a. Laki-laki, usia max.35 thn
b. Memiliki Sim B1 yang masih berlaku
c. Bisa dan Biasa membawa truck & mobil box
d. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
e. Mengetahui jalan Jabodetabek
Kirimkan CV beserta photo terbaru anda kealamat :
Alamat Pusat :
Gdg. Graha Trans Coffee Jl. Raya Duren Tiga Kav.53-55 Mampang Jakarta Selatan. (Patokan disebelah RS.Asri)
Atau kirim Via email :
email :
Cc :
Dengan menuliskan subject posisi yang dilamar.
Perusahan yang bergerak dibidang Engineering, Fabrikasi, Contruction dan Trading, yang bertempat di Kosambi, Karawang, saat ini sedang menangani project Steel Contraction for Painting Area Perusahaan Toyota di Kawasan KIIC (Karawang) dan Kawasan M2100 (Cikarang), membutuhkan segera;
1. Engineering/Drafter
~ Pria, Max 30 tahun
~ Pendidikan min STM/ D3 Teknik
~ pengalaman Min 1 tahun dibidang Drafter
~ Menguasai software Auto CAD 2D&3D
~ Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
2. QA/QC Construction
~ Pria. Max 30 Tahun
~ Pendidikan min STM Mesin/ D3 teknik
~ Pengalaman dibidang QA/QC Fabrikasi & Konstruksi min 2 tahun
~ Menguasai Gambar Teknik dan Software Auto CAD
Informasi Lamaran dan pengiriman CV bisa langsung ke dan dengan menyertakan posisi pada subject/judul email:
Perusahan yang bergerak dibidang Engineering, Fabrikasi, Contruction dan Trading, yang bertempat di Kosambi, Karawang, saat ini sedang menangani project Steel Contraction for Painting Area Perusahaan Toyota di Kawasan KIIC (Karawang) dan Kawasan M2100 (Cikarang), membutuhkan segera;
1. Engineering/Drafter
~ Pria, Max 30 tahun
~ Pendidikan min STM/ D3 Teknik
~ pengalaman Min 1 tahun dibidang Drafter
~ Menguasai software Auto CAD 2D&3D
~ Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
2. QA/QC Construction
~ Pria. Max 30 Tahun
~ Pendidikan min STM Mesin/ D3 teknik
~ Pengalaman dibidang QA/QC Fabrikasi & Konstruksi min 2 tahun
~ Menguasai Gambar Teknik dan Software Auto CAD
Informasi Lamaran dan pengiriman CV bisa langsung ke dan dengan menyertakan posisi pada subject/judul email:
LOWONGAN KERJA PT. Sinar Sosro Indonesia,
PT. Sinar Sosro Indonesia, adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang minumah beraroma teh. Sinar Sosro adalah perusahaan pertama yang mengemas teh siap saji ke dalam botol. Produk kami telah didistribusikan ke seluruh nusantara, terutama kota - kota besar di Indonesia.
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta
* Pria / Wanita usia min 21 thn
* Fresh graduate atau yang memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya min 1 tahun
* Pendidikan min D3
* Teliti dan cekatan dalam bekerja
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Basic Salary Rp. 3.500.000 ke atas
* Pria / Wanita, Maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan
* Pengalaman dengan Posisi yang sama di bidang yang sama minimal 2 tahun
* Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi ke atas
* Aktif Bahasa Inggris & Mengoperasikan Komputer
* Basic salary Rp. 5.000.000 ke atas
Kirim lamaran lengkap, CV dan photo terbaru ke alamat:
Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta
* Pria / Wanita usia min 21 thn
* Fresh graduate atau yang memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya min 1 tahun
* Pendidikan min D3
* Teliti dan cekatan dalam bekerja
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik
* Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Basic Salary Rp. 3.500.000 ke atas
* Pria / Wanita, Maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan
* Pengalaman dengan Posisi yang sama di bidang yang sama minimal 2 tahun
* Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi ke atas
* Aktif Bahasa Inggris & Mengoperasikan Komputer
* Basic salary Rp. 5.000.000 ke atas
Kirim lamaran lengkap, CV dan photo terbaru ke alamat:
Vacancy HRD staff bandung
Sushi tei bandung membutuhkan HRD Staff untuk penempatan kantor pusat bandung :
- Wanita, Single, max 23 tahun
- Min D3
- Teliti, rapi, menyukai pekerjaan administrasi
- Cekatan, Inisiatif baik
- Menguasai MS Office (words, excel)
Kirim lamaran ke, sebelum 25 Mei 2012.
- Wanita, Single, max 23 tahun
- Min D3
- Teliti, rapi, menyukai pekerjaan administrasi
- Cekatan, Inisiatif baik
- Menguasai MS Office (words, excel)
Kirim lamaran ke, sebelum 25 Mei 2012.
17 May 2012
Lowongan Community Participation Officer
Community Participation Officer
Burung Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba yang telah bergiat sejak 15 Juli 2002, bertujuan melestarikan seluruh jenis burung dan habitatnya di Indonesia, serta bekerjasama dengan masyarakat untuk mencapai pembangunan yang lestari. Pada saat ini Burung Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang kreatif, dinamis dan enerjik untuk menangani bidang pekerjaan terkait dengan media dan publikasi.
Lokasi kerja
Mbeliling - Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Gambaran umum pekerjaan
Memastikan pemberdayaan dan partisipasi yang maksimal dari masyarakat desa dalam upaya pembangunan Mbeliling secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan, juga untuk membangun kesepakatan dengan masyarakat desa dan para pihak lainnya tentang pengelolaan kawasan secara kolaboratif berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip hak asasi.
1. Latar belakang pendidikan minimum S1 jurusan ilmu sosial, ekonomi, komunikasi atau yang relevan;
2. Berpengalaman kerja dalam bidangnya minimum 3 tahun;
3. Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan;
4. Mampu mengelola dan bekerjasama dalam tim;
5. Kreatif, inovatif, dan mandiri.
Surat lamaran dan CV dikirim ke alamat email: atau alamat surat: PO. Box.310/BOO, Bogor 16003, INDONESIA dan harus sudah diterima sebelum tanggal 25 Mei 2012. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk wawancara.
Burung Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba yang telah bergiat sejak 15 Juli 2002, bertujuan melestarikan seluruh jenis burung dan habitatnya di Indonesia, serta bekerjasama dengan masyarakat untuk mencapai pembangunan yang lestari. Pada saat ini Burung Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang kreatif, dinamis dan enerjik untuk menangani bidang pekerjaan terkait dengan media dan publikasi.
Lokasi kerja
Mbeliling - Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Gambaran umum pekerjaan
Memastikan pemberdayaan dan partisipasi yang maksimal dari masyarakat desa dalam upaya pembangunan Mbeliling secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan, juga untuk membangun kesepakatan dengan masyarakat desa dan para pihak lainnya tentang pengelolaan kawasan secara kolaboratif berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip hak asasi.
1. Latar belakang pendidikan minimum S1 jurusan ilmu sosial, ekonomi, komunikasi atau yang relevan;
2. Berpengalaman kerja dalam bidangnya minimum 3 tahun;
3. Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan;
4. Mampu mengelola dan bekerjasama dalam tim;
5. Kreatif, inovatif, dan mandiri.
Surat lamaran dan CV dikirim ke alamat email: atau alamat surat: PO. Box.310/BOO, Bogor 16003, INDONESIA dan harus sudah diterima sebelum tanggal 25 Mei 2012. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk wawancara.
Lowongan_Migas Oil & Gas Receptionist, Jakarta
Entry level position responsible for greets and directs visitors, answers and routes all incoming telephone calls performs clerical functions as assigned.
Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
· Greets and assists all visitors to the facility in a courteous and professional manner.
· Answers and routes incoming telephone calls. Locates employees and/or takes messages appropriate, and distributes messages in a timely manner.
· Record all incoming visitor and purpose of the visit.
· Handling all incoming letter/faxes and distribute in a timely manner.
· To ensure that the locking system of the office is secured during non-working hours / lunch time to safeguard the assets of the company.
· Coordinate with travel agent for ticket booking for employees.
· Procuring stationeries; maintain stocks and order on time to prevent stock out situation.
· Coordinates with couriers for receiving and dispatch to enable timely deliveries. Collections and distribution of postal mail.
· Female, Age 23-27 years old.
· Diploma III/Bachelor Degree in Secretarial, Economic, Management.
· At least 2 years experiences as a receptionist.
· Fluent in English, Good oral and written communication skill.
· Nice Looking & Pleasant Personality.
Deadline on May 25, 2012 is Closed.
Please send your CV/resume including photos (passport size) to PT Exterran Indonesia, Jl. Gandaria Tengah III No 25 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan or
Entry level position responsible for greets and directs visitors, answers and routes all incoming telephone calls performs clerical functions as assigned.
Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
· Greets and assists all visitors to the facility in a courteous and professional manner.
· Answers and routes incoming telephone calls. Locates employees and/or takes messages appropriate, and distributes messages in a timely manner.
· Record all incoming visitor and purpose of the visit.
· Handling all incoming letter/faxes and distribute in a timely manner.
· To ensure that the locking system of the office is secured during non-working hours / lunch time to safeguard the assets of the company.
· Coordinate with travel agent for ticket booking for employees.
· Procuring stationeries; maintain stocks and order on time to prevent stock out situation.
· Coordinates with couriers for receiving and dispatch to enable timely deliveries. Collections and distribution of postal mail.
· Female, Age 23-27 years old.
· Diploma III/Bachelor Degree in Secretarial, Economic, Management.
· At least 2 years experiences as a receptionist.
· Fluent in English, Good oral and written communication skill.
· Nice Looking & Pleasant Personality.
Deadline on May 25, 2012 is Closed.
Please send your CV/resume including photos (passport size) to PT Exterran Indonesia, Jl. Gandaria Tengah III No 25 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan or
16 May 2012
Vacancies in Research Consultant
DEKA Marketing Research, sebuah konsultan riset pemasaran anggota ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research), yang menangani proyek riset dari klien-klien multinasional, membuka lowongan untuk beberapa posisi berikut:
1. Phone Interviewer (kode: PI-05)
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan wawancara terhadap responden melalui telepon untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam riset yang dilakukan.
- Pria/Wanita, max. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum SMU/SMK
- Memiliki suara yang jelas, ramah serta tidak berlogat daerah
- Dapat berkomunikasi melalui telpon dengan etika yang baik
- Berpengalaman sebagai Call Center, Customer Service, Telemarketing, Sales, Marketing, Administrasi, Resepsionis, akan menjadi nilai tambah
- Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan mengetik.
2. Field Interviewer(FI-05)
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan wawancara tatap muka terhadap responden untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam riset.
- Pria/Wanita, max. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum SMU/SMK
- Senang berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi
- Menyukai pekerjaan yang mobile
- Dapat bekerja dengan target
- Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan mengetik.
3. Executive Interviewer (XI-05)
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Membina hubungan baik dengan kalangan eksekutif dan mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan dalam riset.
- Pria/Wanita, max. 50 tahun.
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan senang besosialisasi
- Memiliki pergaulan yang luas terutama di kalangan eksekutif
- Dapat bekerja secara mobile
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer merupakan nilai tambah
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan segera surat lamaran lengkap serta pasfoto terbaru paling lambat tanggal 28 Mei 2012 ke:
Bagian Rekrutmen & Training (R&T)
Deka Marketing Research
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No. 62, Cipete, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 021 739 3761 (Vitri/Diana)
Atau melalui email ke:
Cantumkan kode posisi (PI, FI atau XI) pada surat lamaran atau pada subyek email anda.
DEKA Marketing Research, sebuah konsultan riset pemasaran anggota ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research), yang menangani proyek riset dari klien-klien multinasional, membuka lowongan untuk beberapa posisi berikut:
1. Phone Interviewer (kode: PI-05)
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan wawancara terhadap responden melalui telepon untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam riset yang dilakukan.
- Pria/Wanita, max. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum SMU/SMK
- Memiliki suara yang jelas, ramah serta tidak berlogat daerah
- Dapat berkomunikasi melalui telpon dengan etika yang baik
- Berpengalaman sebagai Call Center, Customer Service, Telemarketing, Sales, Marketing, Administrasi, Resepsionis, akan menjadi nilai tambah
- Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan mengetik.
2. Field Interviewer(FI-05)
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan wawancara tatap muka terhadap responden untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam riset.
- Pria/Wanita, max. 35 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum SMU/SMK
- Senang berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi
- Menyukai pekerjaan yang mobile
- Dapat bekerja dengan target
- Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan mengetik.
3. Executive Interviewer (XI-05)
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Membina hubungan baik dengan kalangan eksekutif dan mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan dalam riset.
- Pria/Wanita, max. 50 tahun.
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan senang besosialisasi
- Memiliki pergaulan yang luas terutama di kalangan eksekutif
- Dapat bekerja secara mobile
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer merupakan nilai tambah
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan segera surat lamaran lengkap serta pasfoto terbaru paling lambat tanggal 28 Mei 2012 ke:
Bagian Rekrutmen & Training (R&T)
Deka Marketing Research
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No. 62, Cipete, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 021 739 3761 (Vitri/Diana)
Atau melalui email ke:
Cantumkan kode posisi (PI, FI atau XI) pada surat lamaran atau pada subyek email anda.
Teknisi Gedung (AC & Listrik), SMK / SMA sederajat
Teknisi Gedung (AC & Listrik)
Kualifikasi :
Laki laki, usia maks. 30 tahun
Pendidikan min. SMK / SMA sederajat
Memiliki pengalaman min. 3 tahun pada posisi yang sama
Bertanggungjawab dalam pemeliharaan AC & Listrik
Mampu mengindentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah (AC & Lictrik)
Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam kelompok
Harap kirim lamaran anda ke:
Jl. Bulevar Sentra Kelapa Gading, Sentra Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Website : http :// www. thesummit-kelapagading. com
Kualifikasi :
Laki laki, usia maks. 30 tahun
Pendidikan min. SMK / SMA sederajat
Memiliki pengalaman min. 3 tahun pada posisi yang sama
Bertanggungjawab dalam pemeliharaan AC & Listrik
Mampu mengindentifikasi dan menyelesaikan masalah (AC & Lictrik)
Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam kelompok
Harap kirim lamaran anda ke:
Jl. Bulevar Sentra Kelapa Gading, Sentra Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Website : http :// www. thesummit-kelapagading. com
Instrument engineer for Energy project
We are EPC company for mechanical, Electrical and instrumentation system, to meet our customer requirement in Oil and Gas projects, have following vacant to strenghten our project team:
IE - Instrument Engineer:
- Male/ Female
- Minimum hold diploma in related Enginering dicipline
- Maximum 30 years old
- Good speaking
- Good leadership and personality
- has experience with site installation and engineering
- Willing to travel within country
- Fluent in english writing and speaking
- Minimum 3 years experience in major project
1. The working base location will be in our East Jakarta office and our facilites in Bekasi
2. The competitive remuneration package will be offered to successfull candidate
3. Long term employment
4. Proffessional development
Please send your detailed CV, and recent photograph NOT LATER than 30th May 2012 to:
all document submitted will treat under strictly confidential and belong to the company
IE - Instrument Engineer:
- Male/ Female
- Minimum hold diploma in related Enginering dicipline
- Maximum 30 years old
- Good speaking
- Good leadership and personality
- has experience with site installation and engineering
- Willing to travel within country
- Fluent in english writing and speaking
- Minimum 3 years experience in major project
1. The working base location will be in our East Jakarta office and our facilites in Bekasi
2. The competitive remuneration package will be offered to successfull candidate
3. Long term employment
4. Proffessional development
Please send your detailed CV, and recent photograph NOT LATER than 30th May 2012 to:
all document submitted will treat under strictly confidential and belong to the company
Lowongan kerja di RS Bersalin Duren Tiga
Dibutuhkan segera :
1. Penanggung Jawab Rekam Medis
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal DIII Rekam Medis
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun bekerja di RS
c. Menguasai semua bentuk pelaporan rekam medis dan Barber Johnson.
d. Menguasai manajemen pengelolaan rekam medis di RS
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
2. Perawat
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal DIII Keperawatan
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman
c. Menguasai Asuhan Keperawatan
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 28 tahun
3. Staf SDM/Diklat
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal S1 Manajemen tentang SDM Kesehatan
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman bekerja di SDM RS
c. Menguasai pengelolaan Manajemen SDM dan Diklat
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
4. Tenaga Gizi
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal DIII Gizi
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman bekerja di Gizi RS
c. Menguasai pengelolaan makanan dengan standar gizi di RS
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
5. Kasir Rawat Inap dan Rawat Jalan
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal SMK
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman menjadi kasir
c. Menguasai pengelolaan penerimaan uang dengan baik
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
f. Menguasai penggoperasian komputer
g. Mampu melayani pelanggan/pasien dengan baik
CV harap dikirimkan langsung ke alamat :
RS Bersalin Duren Tiga
Jl. Duren Tiga Raya No. 5, Pancoran, Jaksel, 12780
1. Penanggung Jawab Rekam Medis
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal DIII Rekam Medis
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun bekerja di RS
c. Menguasai semua bentuk pelaporan rekam medis dan Barber Johnson.
d. Menguasai manajemen pengelolaan rekam medis di RS
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
2. Perawat
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal DIII Keperawatan
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman
c. Menguasai Asuhan Keperawatan
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 28 tahun
3. Staf SDM/Diklat
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal S1 Manajemen tentang SDM Kesehatan
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman bekerja di SDM RS
c. Menguasai pengelolaan Manajemen SDM dan Diklat
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
4. Tenaga Gizi
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal DIII Gizi
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman bekerja di Gizi RS
c. Menguasai pengelolaan makanan dengan standar gizi di RS
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
5. Kasir Rawat Inap dan Rawat Jalan
Syarat kualifikasi :
a. Minimal SMK
b. Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman menjadi kasir
c. Menguasai pengelolaan penerimaan uang dengan baik
d. Wanita
e. Usia max. 30 tahun
f. Menguasai penggoperasian komputer
g. Mampu melayani pelanggan/pasien dengan baik
CV harap dikirimkan langsung ke alamat :
RS Bersalin Duren Tiga
Jl. Duren Tiga Raya No. 5, Pancoran, Jaksel, 12780
PT.Teknologi Energi Terpadu, Mechanical/Structural Design (MDS)
PT Teknologi Energi Terpadu is a growing company in Coal Gasifier Industry and expanding to a Coal Gassifier Power Plant, domicile in Tangerang, will
require some personnel that ready to accept challenges to join us.
We're seeking for strong analytical, highly motivated for self improvement, proactive, cooperative and good team work candidates for the
following positions:
Mechanical/Structural Design (code - MSD):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with Manufacturing process.
3. Good understanding with Loading process and direction and also material strength.
4. Good understanding with welding process and the analysis of the weld strength.
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Please email your application letter, detailed CV, and recent photograph (Ms. Word format, Max 200Kb) to or
Prefered in JABODETABEK area.
Reference code of position must be written on the email subject.
For example (yourname - MDS)
Please look at webiste : www. tet. co. id to see company profile
require some personnel that ready to accept challenges to join us.
We're seeking for strong analytical, highly motivated for self improvement, proactive, cooperative and good team work candidates for the
following positions:
Mechanical/Structural Design (code - MSD):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with Manufacturing process.
3. Good understanding with Loading process and direction and also material strength.
4. Good understanding with welding process and the analysis of the weld strength.
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Please email your application letter, detailed CV, and recent photograph (Ms. Word format, Max 200Kb) to or
Prefered in JABODETABEK area.
Reference code of position must be written on the email subject.
For example (yourname - MDS)
Please look at webiste : www. tet. co. id to see company profile
15 May 2012
Male / Female
Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Geology Engineering
3 years experience, Fresh graduate are welcome
Willing to business trip in all location
Maximum 35 years old
Male / Female
Minimum High School in geology or mining
1 - 2 years experience
Willing to business trip in all location
Maximum 30 years old
Male / Female
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Law
1 – 3 years experience, Fresh graduate are welcome
Able in English (min passive)
Maximum 30 years old
Male / Female
Minimum Diploma Degree from related discipline
1 – 2 years experience (from mining company)
Maximum 27 years old
All position will be placement in Kabupaten Bulungan, East Kalimantan. If you are qualified for above position and interested joint with us, please submit your application letter and detail CV with position applied as email subject to :
Male / Female
Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Geology Engineering
3 years experience, Fresh graduate are welcome
Willing to business trip in all location
Maximum 35 years old
Male / Female
Minimum High School in geology or mining
1 - 2 years experience
Willing to business trip in all location
Maximum 30 years old
Male / Female
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Law
1 – 3 years experience, Fresh graduate are welcome
Able in English (min passive)
Maximum 30 years old
Male / Female
Minimum Diploma Degree from related discipline
1 – 2 years experience (from mining company)
Maximum 27 years old
All position will be placement in Kabupaten Bulungan, East Kalimantan. If you are qualified for above position and interested joint with us, please submit your application letter and detail CV with position applied as email subject to :
Dengan persyaratan sbb :
- Sudah terbiasa mengemudikan mobil Alpard
- Usia max. 45 tahun
- Memiliki SIM B lebih diutamakan
- Sopan dan rapi
- Memahami jalan – jalan di Jakarta
- Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki kendaraan pribadi (motor)
Bagi yang memenuhi kriteria diatas, harap kirimkan lamaran lengkap atau diantar langsung ke PT. Nusa Cipta Media, Gedung Nucira – Jl. Letjen Haryono MT Kav. 27 – Jakarta Selatan
Atau via e-mail ke
Dengan persyaratan sbb :
- Sudah terbiasa mengemudikan mobil Alpard
- Usia max. 45 tahun
- Memiliki SIM B lebih diutamakan
- Sopan dan rapi
- Memahami jalan – jalan di Jakarta
- Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki kendaraan pribadi (motor)
Bagi yang memenuhi kriteria diatas, harap kirimkan lamaran lengkap atau diantar langsung ke PT. Nusa Cipta Media, Gedung Nucira – Jl. Letjen Haryono MT Kav. 27 – Jakarta Selatan
Atau via e-mail ke
Lowongan Kerja PT Agromania Mitra Artha (AMA)
PT Agromania Mitra Artha (AMA) adalah perusahaan agrobisnis yang sedang berkembang pesat dan bergerak di bidang trading, event, jasa, pelatihan, informasi yang mencakup bidang pertanian, peternakan, perikanan, perkebunan, pertamanan, kehutanan, dan agroindustri. Saat ini membuka lowongan untuk posisi2 di bawah ini.
1. EVENT STAFF (kode: ES)
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Wanita maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Mempunyai kemampuan & kemauan berkomunikasi via telepon
* Mempunyai kemampuan marketing/tele marketing
* Mampu berkomunikasi langsung dengan baik dan lancar
* Menguasai sistem operasi windows, ms office dan internet
* Mampu menangani WEB keanggotaan
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris (min. pasif)
* Berpenampilan menarik, energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Mau berkembang bersama kami
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Wanita berusia 20 - 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Mempunyai skill verbal approach / marketing
* Komunikatif dan memiliki kemampuan negosisasi
* Lebih disukai yang pengalaman min 1 tahun sebagai Telemarketing
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Bersedia bekerja dengan target mingguan
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Pria/Wanita maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Menguasai dengan sangat baik sistem operasi windows, ms Office dan internet
* Mampu melakukan online marketing
* Mengenal, aktif, dan gaul di milis, forum, facebook, twitter dan berbagai sosial media lainnya.
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris (minimal pasif)
* Mampu menangani troubleshooting komputer & internet
* Mempu menangani dan mengelola web dan jaringan kecil
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Wanita maksimal 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Menguasai dengan baik sistem operasi windows, ms office dan internet
* Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan lancar baik via telepon maupun langsung
* Berpenampilan menarik, energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Ramah, sopan dan santun dan memahami etika
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris (aktif)
* Mau berkembang bersama kami
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Pria maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA/ SMK Perikanan
* Berpengalaman dalam mengelola budidaya ikan
* Energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Mau berkembang bersama kami
Atau kirim ke:
PT Agromania Mitra Artha
Jl. Kamboja No.48, Pejaten Barat 2
Jakarta Selatan 12510
PT Agromania Mitra Artha
Estubizi Business Center
Gedung Setiabudi 2 Lantai 1
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.62, Jakarta 12920
Lamaran lengkap kirim secepatnya. Makin cepat makin baik. Jangan lupa, lampirkan foto berwarna, copy ijasah atau transkrip nilai terakhir, copy KTP atau (Identitas Diri), dan surat2 pendukung lainnya. Cantumkan juga kode posisi yang Anda inginkan.
Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi yang kami butuhkan, anda akan kami hubungi untuk mengikuti tahap selanjutnya yaitu Tes dan Interview.
1. EVENT STAFF (kode: ES)
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Wanita maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Mempunyai kemampuan & kemauan berkomunikasi via telepon
* Mempunyai kemampuan marketing/tele marketing
* Mampu berkomunikasi langsung dengan baik dan lancar
* Menguasai sistem operasi windows, ms office dan internet
* Mampu menangani WEB keanggotaan
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris (min. pasif)
* Berpenampilan menarik, energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Mau berkembang bersama kami
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Wanita berusia 20 - 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Mempunyai skill verbal approach / marketing
* Komunikatif dan memiliki kemampuan negosisasi
* Lebih disukai yang pengalaman min 1 tahun sebagai Telemarketing
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Bersedia bekerja dengan target mingguan
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Pria/Wanita maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Menguasai dengan sangat baik sistem operasi windows, ms Office dan internet
* Mampu melakukan online marketing
* Mengenal, aktif, dan gaul di milis, forum, facebook, twitter dan berbagai sosial media lainnya.
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris (minimal pasif)
* Mampu menangani troubleshooting komputer & internet
* Mempu menangani dan mengelola web dan jaringan kecil
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Wanita maksimal 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA dan sederajat
* Menguasai dengan baik sistem operasi windows, ms office dan internet
* Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan lancar baik via telepon maupun langsung
* Berpenampilan menarik, energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Ramah, sopan dan santun dan memahami etika
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris (aktif)
* Mau berkembang bersama kami
* Sehat jasmani dan rohani
* Pria maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA/ SMK Perikanan
* Berpengalaman dalam mengelola budidaya ikan
* Energik, cekatan, dan mandiri
* Jujur & bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
* Pekerja keras, teliti, ulet, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
* Ramah, sopan santun dan memahami etika
* Mau berkembang bersama kami
Atau kirim ke:
PT Agromania Mitra Artha
Jl. Kamboja No.48, Pejaten Barat 2
Jakarta Selatan 12510
PT Agromania Mitra Artha
Estubizi Business Center
Gedung Setiabudi 2 Lantai 1
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.62, Jakarta 12920
Lamaran lengkap kirim secepatnya. Makin cepat makin baik. Jangan lupa, lampirkan foto berwarna, copy ijasah atau transkrip nilai terakhir, copy KTP atau (Identitas Diri), dan surat2 pendukung lainnya. Cantumkan juga kode posisi yang Anda inginkan.
Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi yang kami butuhkan, anda akan kami hubungi untuk mengikuti tahap selanjutnya yaitu Tes dan Interview.
14 May 2012
Lowongan Programmer ASP.NET/C#
LOWONGAN PROGRAMMER PT. Mitra Infotek Totalsolusi
Sebuah perusahaan IT yang berdiri sejak tahun 2002 dalam bidang teknologi informasi untuk pengembangan sistem asuransi membutuhan 3 orang Programmer.
Dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :
- menguasai minimal satu bahasa pemrograman
- menguasai ASP. NET/C#, PHP atau POWERBUILDER sebagai nilai tambah
- mengerti sintax-sintax SQL SERVER
- mampu bekerjasama dalam sebuah team, disiplin dan memiliki integritas
- tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi fresh graduate
- bersedia di kontrak min 1 tahun
kirim Surat Lamaran, CV dan transkip nilai beserta dokumen-dokumen ke : tidak lebih dari 31 Mei 2012.
Sebuah perusahaan IT yang berdiri sejak tahun 2002 dalam bidang teknologi informasi untuk pengembangan sistem asuransi membutuhan 3 orang Programmer.
Dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :
- menguasai minimal satu bahasa pemrograman
- menguasai ASP. NET/C#, PHP atau POWERBUILDER sebagai nilai tambah
- mengerti sintax-sintax SQL SERVER
- mampu bekerjasama dalam sebuah team, disiplin dan memiliki integritas
- tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi fresh graduate
- bersedia di kontrak min 1 tahun
kirim Surat Lamaran, CV dan transkip nilai beserta dokumen-dokumen ke : tidak lebih dari 31 Mei 2012.
Lowongan SEKRETARIS PT. Probesco
PT. Probesco membuka lowongan kerja dengan informasi sbb :
Kualifikasi :
- Wanita, berpenampilan menarik, umur tidak lebih dari 25 tahun
- Berpengalaman kerja minimum 1 tahun sebagai Sekretaris (Fresh graduate
dapat dipertimbangkan)
- Harus mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
- Dapat bekerjasama dengan team secara baik
Bagi yang berminat diharapkan untuk segera mengirimkan surat lamaran dan cv
ke :
Kualifikasi :
- Wanita, berpenampilan menarik, umur tidak lebih dari 25 tahun
- Berpengalaman kerja minimum 1 tahun sebagai Sekretaris (Fresh graduate
dapat dipertimbangkan)
- Harus mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif
- Dapat bekerjasama dengan team secara baik
Bagi yang berminat diharapkan untuk segera mengirimkan surat lamaran dan cv
ke :
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